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Information accomplishment is a characteristic of talent in information age. One's learning ability and ability of work, in modern enterprise's production, scientific research, trade and business and social communication, reflect on grasping and using ability of the information resources and information tool actually, still involving of question such as information consciousness, information ethics etc.
     The information accomplishment of training students is to make students obtain some useful information for yourself by modern information technology and various information resources and creative application information. And make students appraise the information and resist rubbish information consciously by themselves.
     It is focal points herein to study about middle school student's information accomplishment cultivation tactics in chemical teaching of new course and have mainly carried on the discussion from several following respects: Launch the education of the library, carry on the training activity of the resources of the library to students, making students to use various information resources fully skilled, Obtain useful information to themselves, make effective use of various resource in the library ; Develop course resources, combine resources classroom and after class effectively together, to bring out one's strengths to make up for one's weaknesses and stimulate student's interest to study , train students to teach oneself the forming of ability, enable students to realize the course of study; Strengthen the information technology and chemical teaching to combine effectively in information age, and adopt the modernized network and multimedia technology to carry on the chemical teaching , enable students to fully use various educational resources, thus make student form the learning ability of all one's life; The chemical teaching course wants the informationization , set up a large amount of " consult ", " discuss and exchange " in the chemistry new course ,so chemical teaching requires student's consciousness of using modernized information resources to solve the problem of study and life; While training student's information accomplishment, the teacher wants to possess higher information consciousness, the ability of use different information resources, thus establishes the solid foundation to cultivate he information accomplishment of students.
     The innovation of this thesis lies in demanding to set out from the new course standard of chemistry, fully utilize the information accomplishment education material in new course, regard training students' information accomplishment as one of the important goals, regard student's good information accomplishment as chemistry of new course and the important component of the study goals, and put forward the corresponding teaching measures.
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