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By the summary and analysis of the reasons and mechanism of mine roadway roof accidents,we find that the lack of geological information,the corresponding early warning mechanism and reasonable solutions are the main reasons for roof accidents during coal roadway drilling and supporting.Additionally,it has been proved that applying the advanced geological forecasting technology to prevent roof accidents is feasible.After summarizing several roof fall accidents of coal roadway in Juye mine area,it indicates that it is necessary to establish reasonable early warning mechanism of roof fall accident and design the corresponding prearranged support scheme.Thus,the prearranged support scheme and control method of roof accident are proposed based on advanced geological forecasting.The guidelines of the method in regular sequence are prior geological analysis,following geophysical prospecting,drilling to check,matched supporting plan designing and monitoring to feed back.Meanwhile,the repeated deduction and mutual correction between different prediction parts are quite important for the method.This method has been successfully applied to prevent several roof fall accidents,and one of the cases is analyzed in depth,which shows that the method has an ideal forecasting effect.The supporting plan with anchor beam can control roadway deformation in fault zone effectively,prevent roof collapse accidents,and get great economical benefits to feed back.And repeated deduction and mutual correction between prediction parts were important for the method.This method was successfully applied to prevent some roof fall accidents,and one of the cases was analyzed in depth.The case analysis showed that the method had an ideal forecasting effect.The supporting plan with anchor beam was good for controlling roadway deformation and preventing roof collapse accidents in fault zone,and it was economical.
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