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The mid-19~(th) century was a period of US expansion in East Asia.The establishment and recall of the US consuls in Macao reflected US political expansion and its commercial colonization of East Asia as well as trends in Sino-US relations.The placement of US consuls in Macao originated in the US strategic need for commercial development in East Asia and in the regional political and economic situation,and also conformed to Macao's particular geographical advantages.Similarly,their recall was a result of the evolution of the political and economic situation in East Asia and of Macao's declining economy,as well as of changes in Sino-US relations.The consuls' placement in Macao and their recall reflects not only US expansion in Asia as it adjusted its strategic dispositions in East Asia,but also the impact on Macao of the forced opening of China's hinterland and the rise of Hong Kong.
①“Spent in the China Trade,a Sketch of the Life of the Late Gideon Nye,”New York Times,March 4,1888.
    ②Harold D.Langley,“Gideon Nye and the Formosa Annexation Scheme,”Pacific Historical Review,vol.34,no.4(November 1965),pp.397-420;李强:《十九世纪中叶美国力主侵台的三个代表人物——佩里、哈里斯、帕克》,《台湾研究集刊》1984年第4期;陈才俊:《〈天津条约〉前美国人关于台湾的几种主张》,《中山大学学报》2009年第5期。
    ③“Biography[of William Patterson Jones],William Jones(1831-1886)Papers,1857-1932,”http://www.library.northwestern.edu/archives/finingaids/jones_papers,pdf,Series 36/1,Boxes 1-3,Northwestern University Archives Evanston,Illinois.
    ①Vincent Wai-kit Ho,“Duties and Limitations:The Role of United States Consuls in Macao,1849-1869,”in Paul A.Van Dyke,ed.,Americans and Macao:Trade,Smuggling,and Diplomacy on the South China Coast,Hong Kong:Hong Kong University Press,2012,pp.143-152.
    ②Tyler Dennett,Americans in Eastern Asia:A Critical Study of the Policy of the United States with Reference to China,Japan and Korea in the 19~(th)Century,New York:Barnes&Noble,1922;Kenneth S.Latourette,The History of Early Relations Between the United States and China,1784-1844,New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1917;Joseph Ming-Shun Chiao,The Beginning of AmericanChinese Diplomatic Relations:The Cushing Mission and the Treaty of Wanghia of 1844,University of Notre Dame,Indiana,US,1954.
    ③Eldon Griffin,Clippers and Consuls:American Consular and Commercial Relations with Eastern Asia,1845-1860,Ann Arbor,MI:Edwards Brothers Malloy,1938;Reprint,Wilmington,DE:Scholarly Resources Inc.,1972.
    ④Jose Maria Braga,“The Americans in Macao and South China,”The Macao View,vol.1,no.4,1930;Manuel Teixeira,“Samuel Shaw:The First American Consul in Macao,”Review of Culture,vol.27-28,1997;文德泉(Manuel Teixeira):《三个美国佬在澳门》,《文化杂志》1996年第27-28期;《一八五四年美国海军准将佩里看到的澳门》,《文化杂志》1989年第7-8期;吴义雄:《基督教传教士在澳门的早期文化活动略论》,《学术研究》2002年第6期;汤开建、颜小华:《美国长老会传教士早期澳门活动述略》,《中南民族大学学报》2006年第1期。
    ⑤Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869(File microcopies),v.1-v.2,Washington,D.C.:National Archives,1947.
    ②Foster Rhea Dulles,The Old China Trade,Boston:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,1930,p.210;Jacques M.Downs,The Golden Ghetto:The American Commercial Community at Canton and the Shaping of American China Policy,1784-1844,Bethlehem,Pa:Lehigh University Press,1997,p.354.
    ②19世纪40年代,美国对华贸易的迅速增长引起英国驻华官员的关注。英国驻上海领事阿礼国(Sir Rutherford Alcock)称,美国是对华贸易诸国中“唯一值得注意的国家”(姚贤镐编:《中国近代对外贸易史资料(1840-1895)》第1册,北京:中华书局,1962年,第157、660页)。
    ③R.W.Van Alstyne,The Rising American Empire,Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1960,p.125.
    ④Frederick Merk,Manifest Destiny&Mission in American History:A Reinterpretation,New York:Knopf,1963,p.24.
    ⑤Tyler Dennett,“Seward's Far Eastern Policy,”American Historical Review,vol.28,no.1(October1922),p.47.
    ⑥George E.Baker,ed.,The Works of William H.Seward,vol.1-3,Boston:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,1884;Thomas Andrew Bailey,A Diplomatic History of the American People,5~(th)ed.,New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts,1955,p.263.
    ⑦George E.Baker,ed.,The Works of William H.Seward,vol.1-3;Tyler Dennett,“Seward's Far Eastern Policy,”pp.47-49;Thornas Andrew Bailey,A Diplomatic History of the American People,p.263.
    ⑧Ernest N.Paolino,The Foundations of the American Empire:William H.Seward and U.S.Foreign Policy,New York:Cornell University Press,1973.
    ②Frederic Bancroft,The Life of William H.Seward,vol.2,New York and London:Harper&Brothers Publishers,1900;Tyler Dennett,“Seward's Far Eastern Policy,”pp.45-62.
    ①Jose Maria Braga,Hong Kong and Macao:A Tribute to the Memory of Prince Henry“The Navigator”,on the Occasion of the Festivities in His Honor,Hong Korig:Graphic Press,pp.68-69.
    ④A.Marques Pereira,As Alfandegas Chinesas de Macau:analyse do parecer da Junta Consultiva do Ultramar sobre este objecto,Macau:Typographia de J.da Silva,1870,p.63;施白蒂:《澳门编年史(十九世纪)》,姚京明译,澳门:澳门基金会,1998年,第98-99页;郭卫东:《论亚吗勒案件与澳门危机》,《文化杂志》2002年第45期。
    ①Despaches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vo1.1,August 21,1849;萨安东(Antonio Vasconcelos de Saldanha):《葡萄牙在华外交政策(一八四一-一八五四)》,金国平译,澳门:葡中关系研究中心、澳门基金会,1997年,第165页。而《中国丛报》(The Chinese Repository)则曾就中葡双方对此事件进行通信交涉时,做过如下报道:“当这些通信往来进行时,事件就集中到了两广总督在面对来自驻澳门的外国外交官员们的联合抗议书的反应了。在这些文件中表达正义与义愤的强烈语言,毫无疑问地震惊了两广总督徐[广缙]。……美国军舰‘普利茅斯'号与双桅船‘达尔芬'号、法国护卫舰‘贝庸酱'(Bayonnaise)号及它们在澳门登陆的海军陆战队,已经足够平息澳门中葡居民的恐惧了,因为驻扎在前山的中国军队有进攻澳门的可能。”(“Assassination of Governor Amaral,”The Chinese Repository,vol.18,no.10(October 1849),p.539)可见,美国外交官积极参加了多国对华恫吓活动。
    ⑤在澳门开设番摊赌馆的华人张亚海控告其生意伙伴詹姆斯·麦克科密克(James McCormick)欠其债务,可能即是发生于赌博业的一个案件。(Dispatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,Novembeer 13,1858;December 31,1858,Documents for the Case of“Emma”)
    ①他认为澳门作为港口有相当优越的条件:“如果打算建立一条从三藩市至中国的蒸汽船邮路航线,我推荐澳门港作为处理本港及中国五个通商口岸邮件的港口。澳门的内港,是世界上最安全的港口之一,拥有不受台风影响的、良好的港口用地,船只能够更加靠近登陆地上装卸货物与煤炭的良好政府仓库,正式的海关仓库能够以合理的价格出租,吃水超过15英尺的船只不能进入内港,但能在澳门街水域停泊,邮件受到我的监管,并转寄到许多地方。任何数量的、来自台湾的优质煤炭,可以以每吨7-8元的价格交付。”(Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,July 16,1851)
    ②Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,June 18,1849;August 21,1849.
    ③Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,June 18,1849;August 21,1849.
    ①Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,September 3,1858;also in Lindsay Ride and May Ride,An East India Company Cemetery:Protestant Burials in Macao,Hong Kong:Hong Kong University Press,1996,p.217.
    ②Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,September 22,1857.
    ③“Merchants,”The China Directory,for 1863,Hongkong:A Shortrede&Co.,1863,p.30;“Merchants and Commission Agents&.c.,”The China Directory,for 1867,Hong kong:A Shortrede&Co.,1868,p.3D.
    ④Barbara B.Kehoe,“William Patterson Jones,American Consul in China,1862-1868,”p.45.
    ⑤The China Directory,for 1867,pp.3D,4D;for 1873,p.5B.
    ⑥Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,March 27,1863.
    ①Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,November 12,1863.
    ②Vincent Wai-kit Ho(何伟杰)曾述及驻澳门领事的职责与任务,参见“Duties and Limitations:The Role of United States Consuls in Macao,1849-1869”.
    ③Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,July 1,1850.
    ④Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,December 29,1858.
    ⑤Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.2,December 31,1863.
    ⑥Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,November 13,1858;December 31,1858.
    ①Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1,March 28-29,1859;September 24,1859.
    ②Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.2,December 6,1869.
    ③“Consulates,Macao Directory,”The Chronicle&Directory for China,Japan&The Philippines,for1872&1873,pp.233-234,4B-5B.
    ①The China Directory,for 1861,pp.5,24;for 1863,pp.4,30;for 1867,pp.8a-9a,4d;for 1872,pp.166,233-234;for 1873,pp.10a-11a,4b-5b.
    ②The China Directory,for 1861,pp.5,24;for 1863,pp.4,30;for 1867,pp.8a-9a,4d;for 1872,pp.166,233-234;for 1873,pp.10a-11a,4b-5b.
    ③Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.2,July 9,1864.
    ⑥Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.1-2.
    ①Jules Davids,American Diplomatic and Public Papers:The United States and China,Series 1:The Treaty System and the Taiping Rebellion,1842-1860,Wilmington,DE:Scholarly Resources,1973,pp.16-17,61-62,67-68,113.
    ⑦Despatches from United States Consuls in Macao 1849-1869,vol.2,April 20,1866;October 9,1869.

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