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随着深反射地震技术从解决构造问题转向解决深部的岩性问题,深反射地震的AVO(Amplitude versus Offset)技术已经成为深部地球物理的重要发展方向。因此,在我的研究中,基于Hudson和Thomsen裂隙介质理论,将中、下地壳岩体等效为裂隙介质,考虑裂隙介质各向异性的特点,采用R(u|¨)ger(1998)的HTI(包括VTI)介质中的AVO公式,考虑裂缝密度、裂缝方位、孔隙度、流体充填物、饱和状态,甚至地层压力、温度等因素分析中、下地壳介质的AVO响应,并采用实际的WLR(Wollaston Lake Reflector)反射剖面数据进行验证。通过我们的研究,希望能够利用反射振幅的AVO属性,来建立中下地壳岩石物性的识别方法与准则,从而进一步深化对中下地壳岩石物性、形成机制及其动力学过程的认识。
With the deep seismic reflection techniques changing from solving structural problems to lithology problems, Amplitude versus offset (AVO) technique has become an important research direction in deep seismic sounding. In my research, based on Hudson and Thomsen's fracture media theory, I made fracture media rock physics model in middle and lower crust. Considering the anisotropic characterization of fracture media and the factor of cracks density, cracks directions, porosity, filled fluid, pressure and temperature, I used Ruger's AVO formula for HTI (include VTI) media, and applied it to the real WLR (Wollaston Lake Reflector) seismic reflection profile. I hope to establish the identification method and rule for discriminating lithology in middle or lower crust by using the AVO attributes . Furthermore, my study will improve our understanding of the petrophysics, form-mechanism and the dynamics process in middle or lower crust.
     My study shows that, the whole trend of AVO for WLR1 is increasing. The AVO gradient is small. We calculated four anisotropic models to fit WLR1 data, and found model one is the best fit model. Model three is the worst which was considered the best fittest model by using isotropic theory. So I think that in the present the four candidates of WLR reflection bright, the Model one is the best candidate. With the decreasing of Possion's ratio, the misfit error is gradually decreasing in Model one. Therefore, I can infer that the high amplitude of WLR may be caused by the lower Possion's ratio formation. By using the anisotropic AVO theory, I found that Possion's ratio and the P-wave velocity is the best factor to discriminate lithlogy for middle and lower crust metamorphic rock. Reflection coefficient crossplot, AVO gradient and intercept crossplot can also be used to discriminate lithology. AVO gradient and intercept crossplot of WLR reflection had prove this. It means that our anisotropic AVO theory are correctly to be used here as well.
     By analyzing the sensitivity of fracture-pore media, I found that with the increasing of effective pressure, the fracture in media is closed, the anisotropic phenomena is gradually disappeared, the velocity and reflection coefficient also increased. However, the increment of velocity and reflection coefficient is gradually decreasing. Comparsion of no-equant variation modle with the same elastic parameters shows that reflectivity or velocity difference is increasing and reach to 30MPa, and continue decreases and finally tend to constant with the increasing of effecive pressure. The reason is that variation of crack- porosity andpore-porosity is the largest from 0-30Mpa, and gradually tend to constant with the increasingof pressure.
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