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The energy industry is one of cornerstone industry in Liupanshui. The sustainable development of energy industry will affect the economic strength and develop potential of Liupanshui directly. Studying the sustainable development of energy industry will be provides the important decision-making basis to working out countermeasure that to promote sustainable development of energy industry in Liupanshui.
     This paper carried out the concept on energy industry, the sustainable development of energy industry from the industrial economics angle. And analyzed the effect to the development of energy industry and the consumed of energy because of different area economic development stage. Built the index system about the sustained development of the energy industry in Liupanshui then gave the weight of the index by using hierarchical approach and Anaytic Hierachy Process method. Judge the economic development stage of Liupanshui by using personal GDP, the industrial structure, the employment structure and urbanization level etc. index. Analyzed our country energy consumption structure and develop trend, I considered that Liupanshui is between the early industrialize stage and middle industrialize stage. The structure that regard coal as principle of the energy consume will keep a long time. The energy industry in Liupanshui is face a very period to develop now. Evaluate the sustainable development ability of the energy industry in Liupanshui by using of the index system about the sustained development of the energy industry in Liupanshui. The evaluate value difference for 13.675, 41.661, 48.724, 73.195 and 85.201 from 2000 to 2004. The sustainable development ability is increasing from year to year.
     Finally, this paper analyzed the opportunity, challenge, advantage and disadvantage about the sustainable development of energy industry in Liupanshui by using SWOT method. I think the countermeasure of promoting the further development of energy industry in Liupanshu is that prolonging the downstream industry of the energy industry chain to improve energy product structure and raise the additional value of energy resources; extension the upper stream industry chain - developing the mineral mountain machine industry around the energy industry; Establishing uniform management organization and decision policy mechanism; training talented person strengthen, importing elitist on energy industry actively; Enhance our sense of urgency, to encourage diversification of the coal enterprises.
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