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Through referring to the practical in the construction of teaching resource network in China,my thesis illustrates the basis process of research and development of internet teaching resource,resource management,and the combination mode of internet teaching resource and usual courses,offers some consultation in teaching practices.
     Internet teaching resources is an important part of education informatization,is the guarantee and premise for the combination of info-tech and course,and is also the basis of internet teaching.The "internet teaching resource" discussed in this thesis mainly refers to internet-based teaching informatization resources, including all kind of internet media,internet courseware,internet courses,test question database,test papers,teaching cases,resolutions for common problems, internet virtual teaching instrument terrace,etc.
     The development for internet teaching resource database mainly includes the idea for the resource database,design and R&D.The design idea is raised by referring to modern teaching theories and practical application.Program design is composed of the design for teaching system and design for software system.The teaching design for internet teaching resource is based on system approach in accordance with the associated teaching and learning theories,arranges knowledge system and structure by referring to teaching demand and by analyzing learners.R&D means with the application of computer technology and internet teaching,we can develop the internet resource database that is fit for modern teaching need.With the improvement and enrichment of internet teaching and internet teaching resource database,the organization for internet teaching resources will be more and more important and will directly influence the performance of internet teaching resource.
     Internet teaching resource application can be mostly seen in internet teaching and school education.Course integration application should be based on internet teaching resource,draw up teaching methods and strategies according and apply in teaching practice,so that we can achieve teaching goals,optimize teaching environment and improve teaching results,and finally,achieve the real integration of internet resource and course.
     The design and application for internet teaching resource database should be constantly explored and developed,no matter in terms of resource form or teaching mode.The construction of internet teaching resource is the basis of education informatization,should follow the principle of standardization, normalization and systematization and make every effort to combine the construction of resource database and education reform and boost the development of our modern education technology.
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