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The Memorial Landscape history throughout the architecture art history. MemorialLandscape creation involves social, political, ethnic, historical, cultural, and the impact ofnatural higher than ordinary buildings. Therefore, the study of the Landscape Design Elementsof Memorial Landscape have important practical significance.
     Some people comparing Memorial Landscape as Architecture poem, because of its highartistic appeal. This based on the rich artistic influence sexual performance of MemorialLandscape. Today, with the social's diversification, Memorial Landscape also has a wide rangeand a colorful new look. Its essence and design are significantly different from the MemorialBuilding. This paper focus on four aspects: First, the types of elements; Second, the charactersof elements; Third, the method of design of all elements; Fourth Memorial landscape designskills. In each case, the article cited a number of examples respectively. In order to reflect morefully performance of the colorful Memorial Landscape. Finally, general classified multipleelements of the Memorial Landscape; give some basic design practices laws, and summarizethe inspiration of designing and practice to us.
     The paper combines the knowledge of relevant social disciplines as theory guidance andintroduces the concept of landscape design disciplines. The paper analyzes the laws of designon the commemorative landscape from the aspect of readers and works. It emphasizes that thecreation of the commemorative landscape are biased on the communion ways of watchers andcreators, sums up he significance of the landscape elements and the common features ofperformance on commemorative landscape. Because the span of the commemorative landscapeis quite special, this increases difficulty to this paper in a certain degree. Through analyzing thelandscape design elements of the commemorative landscape, I hope that it have a referencevalue and meaning to the design practice of the commemorative landscape.
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