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Curriculum resource is a crucial point of the new curriculum reform in Chinese elementary education. The chemistry curriculum resource is the prerequisite and immediate cause of the essential factor source and curriculum implement, and contains the manpower, material resources and natural resources that can be used in curriculum system. The study of curriculum resource is still in its introducing stage, mature fruits are rare. In this essay the author discusses the concept, characteristics, classification of the curriculum resources based on the existent surveys, and design questionnaire in view of the reality that the chemistry curriculum resources in middle school of Taian, Shandong is deficient, analyzes the difficulties and promotes the principles and strategies of the development and utilization of the chemistry curriculum.
     The dissertation has four parts. Part One, according the education theories and practice, fixing the study content, selecting the proper research methods and elaborating the course of the research in the end. Part Two, organizing all theories of curriculum resources, analyzing mainly the concept, categories and characteristics of curriculum resources, accesses of curriculum resources. Part Three, elaborating the design of questionnaire, result of statistics, and detecting problems that existed in senior high school chemistry course development and utilization from the angle of the teacher and the student. Part Four, aiming at the problems and the difficulties manifested in the questionnaire, the author considered the development and utilization of the curriculum resources for senior school chemistry must be open, purposive, economical and suited to local conditions, and promoted strategies: investigating, filtrating, propping up the background of the chemistry curriculum resources; summarizing the experience of the development and utilization in The chemistry teaching practices; Paying attention to the fusion and integration of various resources; regarding chemistry experiment resources; generalizing the result of the development and utilization of the curriculum resources, widening the channel of communication. The author also selected some knowledge points of senior high school chemistry, attempted to develop and utilize the chemistry curriculum resources. Finally,adopting action research, combining local conditions, the author tried to develop and utilize local chemistry curriculum resources.
     With the development of curriculum reforming of basic education, the importance of resource becomes to emerge. More resource can be exploited and used rationally and effectively, and then they can play a positive role on the chemistry education.
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