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With the development of global economy and the intensification of enterprise's competition day by day, management of enterprise already vary gradually from original popular marketing stage with little variety and mass production to discrepant marketing stage which take with much variety and small quantity production as characteristic. The ones that manage to subdivide consumer colony and guided in time and feedback to enterprises management from market became main management strategy. The development and flow of the products are the activitives that build on the consumer's demand duly. The idea that " while offering satisfying service to the customer , lowering waste to minimum extent " began to be noticed by people, it turns to be the goal of lean logistics as well, consequently, the study on lean logistics management has already become inevitable.The lean logistics is a kind of management thought of originating from Japanese Toyota Company , pursuing to eliminate all waste including stock is the core which is around by developing a series of concrete methods . The theory of lean logistics management developed from the theory of lean production and lean thinking, logistists apply lean thinking to logistics management, and go on a large amount of work to use for reference in terms of logistics management, and merge with the thought of supplying chain management, put forward the new concept of the lean logistics.This paper sets about from argumentation of logistics and lean thinking at first, and discusses procreant foundation and connotation of the lean logistics;Then advances the control methods and strategy which the lean logistics can adopt in terms of technology;Subsequently the author regarded helping the glasses centre of Tianjin ophthalmology hospital to implement alteration of the lean logistics as the instance, and used the tool of value flow chart to analyze unreasonable links and steps existing in logistics flow in the business procedure of the glasses centre, and applied the idea of management based on the lean logistics to assist to achieve the collection and integrating and feedbacking of information going with objects flow , accordingly carried out lean logistics, and proved the validity and necessity of implementing the lean logistics;At last, after summarizing practical experience of lean alteration in the center and investigating the status that the domestic enterprises implement the lean logistics, regarding lean thinking as guidelines, the author posed his own suggests on Chinese enterprise how to achieve the lean logistics with Chinese characteristics nowadays in terms of strategic thought.
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