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Steel reinforced high-strength concrete structure not only has the advantages of steel reinforced concrete structure such as high load-bearing capacity, high rigidity, good seismic behavior, good ductility and high fire-proof performance, but also can reduce the section of the members effectively, enlarge the available space, lighten the weight of the structure, increase the height and span of the building, and improve the unit load-bearing capacity and economic interest. These merits make the application of high-strength good-performance concrete more popular in steel reinforced concrete structure. It’s illustrated from many earthquake disasters that frame joint is the pivot of load transfer in frames, the important position to ensure the load-bearing capacity and rigidity in structures, and the key spot in seismic buildings. The failure of the joint usually is the main reason that causes the damage of the whole frame. Therefore, widespread attention has been caught on the research of joint both at home and abroad. With the development and application of steel reinforced concrete structure, research on the performance of the joint becomes more and more popular. Due to the complicated load-bearing and constructional detail of the joint and the brittleness of high-strength concrete, the theoretical research of steel reinforced high-strength concrete frame joint falls behind the practical application, and there are still few researches on its seismic behavior at home and abroad in the present.
     Failure patterns, hysteretic curves, skeleton curves, ductile coefficients, energy dissipation, strength degeneration, and bonding stress degradation of steel reinforced high-strength concrete joint are obtained by conducting tests of 2 steel reinforced high-strength concrete beam-to-column interior joint designed by the principle of strong-members and weak-joint with concrete strength being 76.0MPa and 77.1MPa under low cyclic reversed loading. Also the load-bearing characteristic of steel reinforced high-strength concrete frame joint is analyzed. Based on these, this paper discusses the effect of axial compression ratio on the seismic performance of the joint. In the end, suggestion on the seismic research of the steel reinforced high-strength concrete joint is provided from the result of the tests.
     The research findings provide premise conditions for the elastic-plastic earthquake response analysis of steel reinforced high-strength concrete structure, and give theoretical evidence to properly establish the computing theory and design method of steel reinforced high-strength concrete joint, which is about to promote the popularization and application of the super seismic structure system.
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