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Earthquake is still the unpredictable natural disaster for man until now. Especiallywhen the earthquake take place in the city where population, buildings and life system aredense, the damage is numberless. Our country is frequently subject to earthquake. In orderto reduce the damage from disaster, we should learn from the foreign countries andintroduce the concept of “Disaster-proof Park”in the process of city planning. We couldchange the present parks and newly-built disaster-proof park to enhance the city’s functionof disaster-proof.
    It is known that the disaster-proof parks have played a key role of scattering people inearthquake in and out of country and the parks reduce the death of people, it is necessarythat the disaster-proof parks, say, parks with the function of earthquake-proof and people-scattering be built.
    The disaster-proof parks are different common parks. Its main function is to shelterthe residents for a long time and provide a place for relief. According to the presentsituation of our cities, this paper gives the basic needs and reasons to realize the functionsof disaster-proof parks. They are: 1. the principle of disaster-proof parks planning, 2. thepatterns of disaster-proof parks, 3. the basic needs of disaster-proof parks, 4. the bestchoice of place for disaster-proof parks, 5. the scale of disaster-proof parks, 6. the servicedimension of disaster-proof parks, 7. the average effective surface for sheltering people, 8.the effective surface for sheltering people, 9. the lanes for sheltering, 10. the disaster-prooffacilities distribution, 11. management operation, 12. relevant units’cooperation. Disaster-proof facilities and common park facilities are arranged orderly which will not affect thenormal use daily.
    “A park in day, a shelter in disaster”. Disaster-proof parks could not only make thecity beautiful but also reduce the damage of disaster which perfect the service function ofcity and provide the security for people. It is also the symbol of social civilization, the signof city management science and humanities.
    All this makes the disaster-proof parks have necessary entrance and exit, aroundsituation, park lanes, fire-proof trees, water resources, temporary toilets and parkmanagement unit and so on.
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