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    随着我国经济实力的增强和人民生活水平的提高,城市综合防灾规划越来越得到政府和人民的重视。本课题综合工程抗震设防区划分析、建筑物抗震易损性分析、城市基础设施系统抗震易损性分析和地震次生灾害分析的研究结果,以沿海某城市为例重点研究城市建成区的建筑物和人员密集区域,详细调查该区域内所有疏散场所,进行避震疏散的研究分析,指出避震疏散场所的薄弱问题,并给出规划建议,给出了一套比较系统的避震疏散的规划方案;目前各国各大城市都很重视城市绿化,避震疏散场所的规划也陆续走上了日程,但是前人都是把二者分开来研究,本课题把二者结合起来,以尹之潜和李荷的震害预测方法为基础,分别对城市建成区、发展建设区和规划新城区避震疏散公园绿地指标进行了研究;震后不仅有大量的无家可归人员需要安置,还会有很多伤员需要救治,所以本课题对医疗机构中床位数、主治医师和注册护士等相关指标从抗震救灾角度进行了研究。本课题的目的是通过本规划的实施,指导和加强城市规划区今后10 年~20 年的城市建设和防灾管理,增强城市可持续发展的能力,保障城市总体抗震防灾水平和救灾能力。
Earthquake hazard usually takes a heavy toll of lives and property losses, especially todeveloping countries, A same magnitude of earthquake will cause heavier damages todeveloping countries than developed countries, mainly because that the developedcountries adopt some earthquake-resistant design, and secondly because evacuation andfist medical aid also play a great role to mitigate the toll of lives and avoid fire hazard andepidemic disease etc.
    With our economy stronger and people’s life better, the government and people paymore attention to the city-integrated pre-disaster-planning. As a coastal city for example,this paper concentrates on the research of buildings in the city built-up area and denselypopulated metropolitan area, scans all the evacuation place in the area to analyze theevacuation during earthquake, points out the weakness of evacuation place and then bringsforward the planning suggestions and a set of relatively systemic planning scheme forevacuation during earthquake. At present, people pay more attention to the city greening inevery city all over the world and the planning of evacuation place during earthquake iscoming to agenda day by day. At the basis of yinzhiqian and lihe’s the prediction methodsof earthquake disaster, this paper unprecedentedly integrates both the above-city greeningand the planning of evacuation place during earthquake, studies respectively the guide lineof park green area for evacuation during earthquake in city build-up area, developingbuilding area and planning new city area. There are not only a large of homeless peopleneed to be arranged after earthquake, but also many casualties need to be cured. So fromthe view of seismic resistance and medical aid, this paper studies some relative guidelinesabout the bed number, doctor-in-charge and registered nurse, est. The purpose of this paperis, as the result of implementing the planning, to direct and strengthen the city planningareas’city management on construction and disaster prevention in ten or twenty years, toreinforce the city ability of sustainable development, and to ensure the whole city have theability of earthquake resistance, disaster prevention and medical aid during earthquake.
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