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    在收集大量资料的基础上,对唐山地区主要断裂的分布情况、活动性做了系统地研究,初步确定唐山地区主要断裂有10 条。同时,对唐山地区的地壳深部结构、新构造活动及现今构造活动、地壳表层结构及岩土力学性质、地震活动及其危险性做了初步探讨。
    评价结果表明:唐山地区总面积13472 km~2,其中市区面积为3874 ㎞~2 。相对不稳定区占16.6﹪,相对较不稳定区占37.9﹪,两者之和占54.5﹪;相对较稳定区占27.3﹪,相对稳定区占18.2﹪,二者之和占45.5%。因此,从总体上说,唐山地区地壳相对不稳定区所占比例较相对稳定区多,说明唐山地区区域地壳稳定性情况较差。此外,175 个相对不稳定单元,其分布位置基本与各条断裂带相一致,而这些相对不稳定断裂带区又基本上属于深部断裂和活动断裂,这说明深部断裂和活动断裂对地壳稳定性起着关键性作用。另外,通过对比评价结果图与唐山地区地震烈度区划图,发现评价图中大部分相对不稳定区及相对较不稳定区均在高地震烈度范围内,说明强震活动也是影响唐山地区区域地壳稳定性的一个非常重要的因素。
With looking after other factors and following the principle that the tectonic stabilityresearch is the focus of the assessment and research of regional crustal stability, this thesishas quantitatively evaluated the crustal stability of Tangshan applying the fuzzymathematics comprehensive assessment method.
    Through collecting many datas, the faults of the Tangshan researched and exploredsystemically, and initially defines that there are 10 main faults in Tangshan. Based on this,the thesis also researches systemically about the deep crustal structure, Cenozoic andrecent tectonic activity, the crustal surface structure and rock-soil mechanical property, andseismic activity and risk.
    After having scientifically analyzed the main factors that influence the crustal stability,taking the main faults that control the framework of Tangshan as the key and adopting4km×4km as a unit. So, there are 6 main genes in this paper applying the fuzzymathematics comprehensive assessment method.
    The area of Tangshan is 13472km~2. The result of evaluation shows that the area ofrelatively instable, less instable belts, and the sum of the two respectively is 16.6, 37.9, andthe area of the relatively less stable, stable of the two respectively is 27.3, 18.2 .So,generally speaking, The percentage of relatively less stable is a little more than that ofrelatively stable of Tangshan. Furthermore, there are 175 relatively instable belts inTangshan, and their position is corresponding to the faults. All these relatively instablefault belts are deep or active fault, so, this shows that deep fault and active fault plays a keyrole in influencing the crustal stability of Tangshan. Moreover, the result of comparing thefigure of assessment with the seismic risk zone figure of the Tangshan shows that the mostof the relatively instable and less instable belts are within the risk areas of earthquake inTangshan forecasted by Hebei Earthquake Department. This shows that strong seismicactivity and seimic risk area is a very important factor to the crustal stability of Tangshan.
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