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尽管通讯社的存在已有 170 年的历史,然而,与报纸、书刊、广播、电视等大众传播媒介相比,学术界关于通讯社(包括其在线网站)的研究相对薄弱;尽管通讯社作为“信息的总汇”、“媒介的媒介”,传播着全球 85%的信息,然而,它总在幕后服务,我们的目光常常把它忽视。互联网时代,包括通讯社在内的传统媒体纷纷上网,通讯社第一次有了全面展示自己的窗口和舞台,并且其传统的优势、采编发机制的运作和各项功能的发挥受到了来自互联网技术的巨大挑战,因此,将网络时代的通讯社作为论文的选题,具有一定的学术和现实意义。本文以正在走向世界的新华通讯社的在线媒体——新华网作为研究对象,借鉴市场营销学中“核心竞争力”的概念,通过实际的调查和深入的分析,采用对比、案例分析和定量的研究方法,系统研讨在网络媒体国际化竞争态势日趋激烈的大背景下,新华网如何充分整合新华社的各种资源优势变成自身的竞争强势,打造核心竞争力,在网络世界里代表中国的主流媒体参与国际竞争。
    第一部分:新华网建立的背景 网络技术的发展对新华社影响巨大,一方面它解构了通讯社实效快、信息量大、采集网络广的传统优势,使新华社的发展面临来自国际、国内的严峻形势与挑战;另一方面它的诸多优势又为新华社事业发展带来契机。1997 年 11 月 7 日,新华社信息全面进入互联网,新华网成为全面展示新华社信息的载体和平台。
    第二部分:新华网竞争要素分析 通过网络世界里新华网三类竞争对手的态势分析,结合新华社的优势特征,笔者对新华网的竞争要素进行了系统的分析和总结,认为政治优势、资源优势(包括专业的新闻从业人员、遍布全球的新闻采集网络、丰富独家的多媒体资料库信息等)、品牌优势构成了新华网的核心优势。另外,通过对网络发展态势的预测和对新华网网民特征的分析认为,伴随
News agency has been existing for 170 years, but compared with newspaper,issue,broadcast,television,etc, study about news agency in academic field is weaker;As news agency is “center of information”and “media of media”,broadcasting 85% information in the world, we always overlook it,for news agency serves indirectly. During the time of internet, most traditional media including news agency being online, it is the first time that news agency shows itself completely and its traditional advantages and the run of adopting editing and sending meet challenge of internet technique.Consequently choosing news agency at internet time as the essay topic is meaningful.This essay studies Xinhua Net learning from the concept of core competence in marketing.Through deeply analyzing, adopting comparison, case analyzing, quantity studying measures,this essay systematically researches that how Xinhua Net concentrates a variety of its advantages and turn them into its superiority in the trend that media internet compete furiously in the world, and thus succeeds in the keen competition.
    Accordingly, this work falls into four parts:
    Part Ⅰ Xinhua Net’s establishing background
    The development of internet technique influences Xinhua Net greatly.On the one hand, it disintegrates the traditional advantages of swiftness ,enormous information and rich resource in news agency.On the other hand, it brings opportunity to the development of Xinhua Net.In November 7th 1997,the information of Xinhua Agency emerge onto internet entirely,and consequently Xinhua Internet turns into carrier and platform for displaying its information. Part Ⅱ The analysis of Xinhua Net’s competing elements By analyzing its three types of rivals on internet and combining its advantageous features,the author concludes that Xinhua Net’s core ascendancy is abtained by joining its political advantage,resource advantage—which includes professionals,worldwide nets for collecting information,abundant and dominant multi-media information data,and brand advantage.Additinally, according to the prediction of tendency of net development and the analysis of the features of its web surfers,Xinhua Net has the potential to reach a rapid development in the coming decades of years. Part Ⅲ Taking the reports of Athens Olympic games,etc. as examples to illustrate the applicant of Xinhua Net’s competing elements. Taking the successful reports of Athens Olympic games,the NPC and
    NPNC and the success of Focal Talk online as examples,in pratice the article studies how Xinhua Net concentrates a variety of its advantages and turn them into its superiority.At the same time,let the readers know the advantages are all double-edged sword,that is ,misapplying will result in its opposite side. Part Ⅳ Forging Xinhua Net’s core competence By use of the definition of “core competence” in marketing,the author put forward the suggestions of forging Xinhua Net’s core competence. 1. strengthen its position to show an international feature; 2.focusing on content; 3.enlarge the scope of advertisment to enhance the popularity; 4.strengthen marketing pratices to promote profits; 5.draw experience of the Project NIE of American press to cultivate more professional staff and attract more readers.
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