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Either as one developed modern city or as a prosperous old mark of history , Shanghai itself has been a existence that cannot be avoided. As we all know, Shanghai has made the long-term surging position in China's modernization drive. This is not only because of the economic miracle it has made and its important geographical position, but also because of the reason that cannot be ignored that the popularization and the development lor Shanghai made by the words-narrating has given an indelible impression to the people outside Shanghai. Shanghai, which is called as "Paris in the East", has the special cultural meaning to the Chinese who are dreaming of leading to modernized city life. In the successful "Shanghai-writing" of women literature in the 20th century , there are three females who are the most important representative figures : Zhang Ailing ,Wang Anyi, Wei Hui. In the novels written by these three women, the backgrounds of creation are mostly Shanghai, the personages in these works are mostly from Sh
    anghai, and the stories happening are almost stories of Shanghai too. In a certain meaning, the novels written by these three females has successfully developed into the history about Shanghai development in the 20th century. If we can put "The biography of golden lock", "The love of the whole city", "The song of the everlasting sorrow" and "Shanghai baby" together, we will see a very long section of historical changes of Shanghai. Ahotugh these novels all take the great turbulence of era as the background, the things that they pay close attention to are the essence of the daily life. And we can say that what they have displayed are existence history , soul history of all living things in
    Shanghai. Although This series of "Shanghai-writing" has made some changes with the changes of times, their inherent spiritual connection and logic developing which are obvious, and it has marked the orbit of its own tradition It is determined that their Shanghai demonstrated writings is not self-same because of theirs difference of their era surviving background and Individual character , and this essay attempts to carry on preliminary discussion about this.
    This essay is divided into three parts: First is about "Shanghai-writing"of three females and three eras. Shanghai is the window and even epitome of China in modernization drive, and its changes and destiny are called to be closely relevant with Chinese literature of the 20th century. In the "Shanghai-writing" about Chinese literature wrote in the 20th century, Zhang Ailin has emphatically displayed the capital/colonial Shanghai in the 30's of 20th century. Wang Anyi has mainly displayed Shanghai in the transition of one century and one era. Wei Hui has mainly displayed Shanghai,which is in consumption /globalization linguistic contexts in the 90's of 20th century. Shanghai in the works of Zhang Ailing , Wang Anyi, Wei Hui is more close to " the fuse of history ", folk , negative , urban petty bourgeois Shanghai and Shanghai that consumes but is far away from Shanghai of the revolution and ideology like the storm. And this forms a pedigree of "Shanghai-writing", which is about female, negative, detailed and psychological Shanghai.
    Second is about the three dimensions of the intension of "Shanghai-writing". This will be discussed from Shanghai which is in time(history) , Shanghai which in folk daily life, Shanghai which is in the course of changing and not changing. The historical changes of Shanghai in the 20th century, which is written by Zhang Ailing, Wang Anyi and Wei Hui, demonstrate different forms. Zhang Ailing is the person who can catch the delight of life of Shanghai in the 30's of 20th century. Wang Anyi has
    "vicissitudes senses" to the understanding of Shanghai. Wei Hui has created unprecedented image of "New Human Being " in our literature. They have depicted out the portrait and the constant common customs of Shanghai accurately and individually by the entanglement between women and time. The way of daily life always proceeds by its own inherent operatin
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