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     2. 92.8%的震区异地复学青少年感到有学习压力;女性被试比男性被试体验到更多的分离症状; 167人(94.4%)使用积极应对方式;10人(5.7%)采取消极应对方式。
     4.不同年龄、不同性别的被试PTSS总分及因子得分上有差异。13~14岁年龄组比15、16~17岁年龄组在PTSS总分[F(2,177)=4.048, p<0.05]及重现/回避症状[F(2,177)=3.361, p<0.05]、心理障碍/功能受损[F(2,177)=3.420, p<0.05]、情感麻木/紧张敏感[F(2,177)=3.419, p<0.05]等三个因子的得分低,差异显著;女性在PTSS总分及三个因子的得分比男性高,差异显著(p<0.05)。
     The aim of the study is to investigate the relevance ratio of PTSD, evaluate the psychologic status and the defense mechanism as well as the coping style in teenagers survived in the earthquake who had returned to school in different places and a psychological service had been provided for them. We analyzed the psychologic influence and risk factor to the adolescents suffered from the demographic factors,, the earthquake exposure levels, coping styles and had been back to school in different places. We hope this study can provide a guidance for the psychological intervention and treatment for future.
     By using the cluster sampling method, The psychological measurements were made in 190 junior middle school students of Qiang Nationality, who were from disaster area, Mao county, Sichuan, and had returned to school in Changchun. One hundred ninety questionnaires were sent out and there were 180 valid questionnaires, availability is 94.74% , The students screened included 85 boys, 95 , age range, 13–17 years; mean age, 15.08±0.967 years. The measuring scales used were as follows: self-designed basic questionnaire for earthquake traumatic exposure, post-traumatic stress disorder self-rating scale(PTSD-SS), symptom checklist 90(SCL-90), simplified coping style questionnaire, etc. All data were logged in Excel 2000 and a database was established. All analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, version 14.0. Statistical methods included as follows: statistical description, t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and Spearman correlation analysis.
     1. The detection rate of post -traumatic stress symptoms(PTSS)is 65.6%. including 16.7% with mildly abnormal PTSS and 48.9% with moderate to severe.
     2. Teenagers felt progressive study pressures; Women who had experience separation symptoms gain more feeling than that of men in this test. 167 people (94.4%) use positive coping styles; 10 people (5.7%) take negative coping styles.
     3. Whether trapped experience in the quake, whether have the experience of fear and terror, Whether or not witnessed or contacted corpse have significantly effect(p<0.001)(reappear/avoidance symptoms, psychological barrier/dysfunction score, emotional numbing/nervous sensitive symptoms). One who has the experience of been trapped and fear, witnessed or contacted corpse gets a higher score in total score and three factors of PTSD-SS than who has no these experiences, and have a significantly differences(p<0.05).
     4. People of different ages have different scores in PTSS and the three factors. 13 to 14 age group get lower score than 15 and 16 ~ 17 years old age group in PTSS total cent [F(2,177)=4.048, p<0.05]and recreate/withdrawal symptoms[F(2,177)=3.361, p<0.05], psychological obstacles/function is impaired[F(2,177)=3.420, p<0.05], emotional numbing/nervous sensitive[F(2,177)=3.419, p<0.05] and have significant differences; Girls get higher score ,significant differences, than boys in total cent and three factors of PTSS(p<0.05).
     5. 61.1% of teens who had returned to school in different places have lots of different psychological problems, including somzatization , force, interpersonal sensitive, depression, anxiety, hostile, terror, paranoid, psychoticism and so on , various factors score significantly higher level of the norm of Chinese teenagers (p < 0.001); Trapped experience, horror and see/contact corpses was trying to get higher score than others who has no experience and exist statistical differences in SCL - 90 (p < 0.05). Except in hostile factor on males gets higher than men; In force, depression, terror that three factors, there was a significant difference between women and men, women were trying to get higher score than men.
     6. Teenagers who had returned to school in different places, their mental health and PTSS total score and factors of correlation analysis: result points total score of SCL - 90, and somzatization, sensitive interpersonal relation, depression, anxiety, hostile, terror, paranoid, psychoticism factor score respectively with total score of PTSD - SS/ar symptoms, and reproduce psychological barrier/function damaged and emotional numbing/nervous sensitive these three factors points are positively correlated (p<0.05).
     7. 28.3% of teenagers who had returned to school in different places felt medium or heavy pain after the earthquake, 65 percent of people felt mild pain; Pain degree of degree and total cent of PTSD - SS and factor points is a significant positive correlation.
     1. Teenagers who had returned to school in different places to study from the heavy earthquake area after two years ago, still existing the higher post-traumatic stress and psychological problems . The detection rate of post -traumatic stress symptoms(PTSS)is 65.6%; 61.1% of them have lots of different psychological problems. Back to school mental health of young people in different places lower than the average level of the China Youth. Women are more vulnerable than men to post-traumatic stress symptoms and psychological problems, The main symptoms of psychological problems of women is compulsion, depression, terror. The heavier psychological problem , the more obvious PTSS will be.
     2.Trapped in the earthquake, had experience with the horrors, witnessed/contact bodies and the degree of seismic suffering post-traumatic stress symptoms and psychological problems are important factors.
     3. All of these teenagers’mental health must pay attention; It is necessary to effectively this group psychological intervention; Provide social and family support to help them to alleviate post-traumatic stress symptoms and solve the psychological problems.
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