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     针对酸雨的管理项目包括二氧化硫管理项目、氮氧化物管理项目。在二氧化硫管理项目中《清洁空气法》赋予了联邦环境保护总署向有关企业分配“排放配额”(Allowances)的权力,每一个“排放配额”准许排放一吨的二氧化硫。“排放配额”可以交易。联邦环境保护总署还采用了奖励“排放配额”的方法,鼓励发电厂使用符合要求的能源节约手段和可再生能源。氮氧化物管理项目的内容是指:联邦环境保护总署通过要求燃煤发电厂采用“低氮氧化物燃烧技术”(Low NO burner technology)和清洁燃煤的使用,使氮氧化物的排放总量应当在1980年水平的基础上削减二百万吨。
Two of the eight most critical environment damaging events took place in the United States, one is Los Angeles Smog Event in 1943,.the other is Donora Event in 1948. Both of these two events severely damaged the air quality. The United States govenment and domestic society intended to form the national air quality protection program, which aiming to improve the air condition. The Clean Air Act legislated by the United States congress sets an example for all the countries in the world including China. At present, China is facing urgent air quality improvement demand. The research on the Clean Air Act, in terms of the rationality and operability, should be constructive for China to improve the environmental protection regulative system.
     In 1955, United States built the first national air quality regulation, but form 1881,air qulity improvement programs had been already implemented in Chicago and Cincinnati. The air improvement legislation evolution phased from 1955 to 1963, when Clean Air Act was enected, and several amendments were made in the year 1970,1977,1990. The Air qulity protection system was fianlly formed in the United States.
     A fter years of improvement, the Clean Air Act was enacted. The Clean Air Act aims to advance the air quality; protect the public health and welfare; enhance the productivity. The major principles are National Ambient Air Quality Standards Principle, State Implementation Principle, New Source Review Principle, Visibility Protection Principle. National Ambient Air Quality Standards are devided into Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards, the financial and scientific limitation should not be considered while setting the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The State govenments are rendered tremendous power to implement all those standards according to the State Implementation Principle. The newly established pollution sources are strictly regulated by the New Source Review Principle, only after accquiring the admit of prevention of significant deterioration, then the production can be commenced. Obviously prevention before the pollution is the main purpose of the Clean Air Act, after years of practices, the promising outcome also can prove the sufficient effect of the legal system setted by the Clean Air Act.
     Regulation of Mobile Sources is one of the major portion of the Clean Air Act. Because of unbeleivable number of motor vehicles in the United States, the emission is strictly critical. According to the different types of emission partical, the Clean Air Act sets light-duty vehicle, heavy-duty vehicle, non-road vehicle engines control programs. Strict inspection and maintenance programs and vehicles control measures are setted. Certification and selective enforcement audit and recal program are aslo required in the Clean Air Act. According to common conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel fuel contain hundreds of chemical pollutants, the substantially similar regulation was stipulated in the Clean Air Act. Manufacturers of new fuels and addictives have the burden of showing that their products will not harm emission control equipment and perfprmance before they can be introduced into commerce. This requirement effectively prevents the pollutants to be emited from the beginning.
     In order to control the acid rain, the Clean Air Act adopted sulfur dioxide regulation and nitrogen oxides regulation. the Clean Air Act imposes limits on sulfur dioxide emmissions through a system of marketable allowances. The Environmental Protection Agency is to issue allowances to the designated representative of each existing affected unit. The number of allowances are determined by the quantity and valocity emited by each unit. The allowances may be freely transfered among units, and the transfers become effective upon the Environmental Protection Agency' s receipt and recordation of a written certification of the transfer. The Environmental Protection Agency is able to hold direct sales and auctions of allowances to ensure tha availability of allowances to the market. In the nitrogen oxides regulation, low nitrogen oxides burner technology is the most useful promulgation, which means on the degree of reduction achievable through the retrofit application of the best system of continuous emission reduction, taking into account available technology, costs and energy and environmental impacts. Compared between sulfur dioxide regulation and nitrogen oxides regulation, obviously the allowances transfer system is more practical, through the allowances can be move from unit to another unit, the overall quantity will not be exceeded.
     Ozone protection is another main aim of the Clean Air Act. Warning labels must be placed on products containing hazadous pollutants. The Environment Protection Agency's lableing regulations provide that a manufacturer must label its product as manufactured with a controlled substance only if that manufacturer itself used a controlled substance in making the product. This limitation is intended to simplify compliance for manufacturers who purchase components from any venders. No doubt Ozone protection regulations form the Clean Air Act influence greatly, even in the international society.
     Enforcement is the only path leading to the fully implementation of the law.The civil enforcement and criminal enforement are deeply researched in this thesis. Citizen Suits are the major concern in this discussion. The Citizen Suits, which is typical commonwealth civil suits, tromendously changes the traditional judicial system. The analysis of Citizen Suits should be precious reference to China, and brings significant influence.
    ① The Clean Air Act divides mobile sources into three categories:on-highway motor vehicles, like cars, trucks, and buses; aircraft, and nonroad vehicles and engines, which is a catch-all category for vechiles and equipment that are not generally used on the highways but are self-propelled or portable or transportable. Robert J. Martineau, Jr. The Clean Air Act Handbook,2004:page 323
    ①查尔斯.E.迪.里瓦(Charles E.Di Leva)著:《通过法律的和市场的手段保护自然环境与自然资源》,载王曦主编《国际环境法与比较环境法评论》,上海交通大学出版社2008年3月版,第31页
    ② The EPA administrator has a duty to list a substance if he or she determines that:(1) the substance is an air pollutant as defined by Scetion 302(g);(2) the pollutant is emitted by numerous or diverse sources; and (3) the pollutant's presence in the atmosphere may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.《清洁空气法》第108条(a)(1)款
    ③ S. Rep. No.91-1196, at 18 (1970)
    ④ Id. At 9,18
    ② Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards is defined as ambient air quality standards that will protect the public health with and adequate margin of safety, Clean Air Act, Section 109 (b) (1)
    ③ See, e.g.,52 Feb. Reg.24634,24641 (1987)
    ④ Sen. Comm. On Oublic Works Rep., National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970, at 10
    ①647 F.2d 1130 (D.C Cir), cert. denied,449 U.S.1042 (1980)
    ② 59 F.2d 62 (D.C. Cir.1978)
    ③The Court held that the statue and its legislative history make clear that economic considerations play no part in the promulgation of ambient air quality standards under Sction 109.59 F.2d 62 (D.C. Cir.1978). At 1149
    ① Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards are defined by Section 109(b)(2) as ambient air quality standards that will protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects associated with the presence of such air pollutant in the ambient air
    ② ATA I, supra
    ①68 Feb.Reg.614(Jan 6,2003)
    ②Id at 464
    ③40 Feb.Reg.8.202(1979)
    ① 61 Feb. Reg.65,730-31 legislation.
    ② The Clinton memo was published at Fed. Reg.38,421 (July 18,1997). It was later codified in federal highway
    ③李虎军:《直面细尘埃》, 《财经》2009/07/20总第242期,第81页
    ①Id.At 38.656
    ②38 Fed.Reg.25.679(1973)
    ③61 Fed.Reg.25,566(1996)
    ④36 Fed.Reg.8186(1971)
    ① 中国新闻网2007年04月12日讯
    ② EPA "National Air Quality and Emission Trends Report,1993 Executive Summary and Selected Graphics" (released Oct.19,1994)
    ③ 49 Fed. Reg.6,866,6,872 (1984)
    ①Lead Industries,647 F.2d at 1130
    ②45 Fed.Reg.55,066(1980)
    ③64 Fed.Reg.43,255-59(1999)
    ④Id.At 43,255(1999)
    ⑤Id.At 43,256
    ① Id
    ③ The old Clean Air Act set the ambient baseline for ozone for 0.12ppm over a one- hour period, the revised standard measures ozone exposure over an eight-hours time period at a level of 0.08ppm.62 Fed. Reg.38,856-75 (1997)
    ④ Id at 38,858
    ① Ultimately the EPA announced that the old standard of 0.12ppm in one hour would not be revoked in a given area until that area had met the standard for three consecutive years.513 U.S.457,486 (2001)
    ① 62 Fed. Reg.38,428
    ② General Preamble-PM Supp.,at Fed. Reg.41,998, Addendum (1994)
    ①39 Fed.Reg.42,510(1974)
    ① 68 Fed. Reg.61,248 at 61,252
    ② To achieve and maintain desired air quality goals, the NSR focuses on controlling and limiting the emissions of criteria pollutants from certain major stationary sources regulated under the CAA.40 C.F.R.52.21 (b) (1) (i), (b) (23)
    ①40 C.F.R.pt.51,app.S(offset ruling)
    ③40 C.F.R.52.21 (p)(2)
    ④40 C.F.R.52.21 (p)(4)
    ①40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(5)
    ②40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(6)
    ③40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(1)(Ⅲ);NSRWM at A.9-A.16
    ④40 C.F.R.51.165 (a)(1)
    ⑥40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(2)(Ⅲ)
    ①40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(23)(Ⅰ)
    ②40 C.F.R.52.21 (b)(1)
    ③NSRWM at A.45
    ④NSRWM at A.35
    ⑤NSRWM at A.36;see In re Hibbing Taconite Co.,PSD App.No.87-3,1989 WL266359
    ⑥See e.g.,Murphy Oil,143 F.Supp.2d 1054,1080(W.D.Wis.2001)
    ⑦28 U.S.C.2462 (2000)
    ⑧3M Co.v.Browner,17 F.3D 1453,1462(d.c.cir.1994)
    ①NPCA V.TVA I,502 F.3d 1316.1318(11th Cir.2007)
    ②NPCA V.TVA I,502 F.3d 1318
    ③NPCA V.TVA I,480 F.3d 1322
    ④Duke Energy, 278 F.Supp.2d 619(M.D.N.C.2003)
    ② 144 F.Supp.2d 441 (D.Md.2001).
    ③ 144 F. Supp.2d 439 (D. Md.2001).
    ④ The court saw these references to operation simply as steps that must be taken prior to construction rather than ongoing obligations.144 F. Supp.2d 445 (D. Md.2001).
    ⑤ 263 F. Supp.2d 666 (W.D.N.Y.2003).
    ⑦ 263 F. Supp.2d 657 (W.D.N.Y.2003).
    The court reasoned that the operating permit program is the right program to cite for ongoing violations of PSD 263 F. Supp.2d 661 (W.D.N.Y.2003).
    ① 263 F. Supp.2d 665 (W.D.N.Y.2003).
    ② 278 F. Supp.2d 619 (M.D.N.C.2003)
    ③ 278 F. Supp.2d 623-624 (M.D.N.C.2003)
    ④ 81 F.3d 1329 (5th Cir.1996).
    The court pointed out that Title V does not provide a permit shield against provisions not included in a Title V permit, such as avoided PSD requirements, and in fact Title V explicitly calls out construction and modification requirements as provisions from which a source does not receive automatic protection.278 F. Supp. 2d 652 (M.D.N.C.2003)
    ①Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976,42 U.S.C.§§6901-6992k(2000)
    ②Marine Shale Processom,81 F.3d at 1352
    ③Marine Shale Processom,81 F.3d at 1357
    ④137 F.Supp.2d 1060(S.D.Ohio 2001)
    ⑤137 F.Supp.2d 1062(S.D.Ohio 2001)
    ⑥137 F.Supp.2d 1067(S.D.Ohio 2001)
    ⑦137 F.Supp.2d 1063(S.D.Ohio 2001)
    ① 137 F. Supp.2d 1066 (S.D. Ohio 2001)
    ② 137 F. Supp.2d 1066 (S.D. Ohio 2001)
    ③ No.2:99-CV-1181,2003 WL 23415140, at*1 (S.D. Ohio Jan.17,2003)
    the court found it illogical to conclude that the CAA only contemplated violations for construction and not operation of a source in violation of PSD, and thus ruled that the violations were continuing in nature No. 2:99-CV-1181,2003 WL 23415140, at*1 (S.D. Ohio Jan.17,2003)
    ①42 U.S.C.§7470(2000)
    ②42 U.S.C.§7470(1)-(2)(2000)
    ③42 U.S.C.§7475(a)(1)(2000)
    ④Best available control technology aiming to reduce the air pollutants 42 U.S.C.§7479(a)(1)(2000)
    ②United States v Shimer,367 U. S.,at383.
    ①Envtl. Def. v. Duke Energy Corp.,127 S. Ct.1423,1430 (2007)
    ③ United States v. Duke Energy Corp.,278 F. Supp.2d 619,625 (M.D.V.C.2003)
    ④ United States v. Duke Energy Corp.,278 F. Supp.2d 625 (M.D.V.C.2003)
    ⑤ United States v. Duke Energy Corp.,278 F. Supp.2d 626 (M.D.V.C.2003)
    ① Mills, supra note 24, at 264
    ② 40 C.F.R.51.166 (b) (2) (i)
    ③ Justice Souter declared that nothing suggests that Congress had details of regulatory implementation in mind when it imposed PSD requirements on modified source; the cross-reference alone is certainly no unambiguous congressional cade for eliminationg the customary agency discretion. Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1430
    ④ Robertson, supra note 36, at 160-161
    ① Mathew D. Zinn, Policing Environmental Regulation Enforcement:Cooperation, Capture, and Citizen Suits,21 STAN. ENVTL. L. J.81,107-111 (2002)
    ② Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1432
    ③ Justice Souter opined that absent any iron rule to ignore the reason for regulating PSD and NSPS modifications differently, tnr EPA's constrction need do no nore that fall within the limits of what is reasonable, as set by the Act's common definition.Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1433
    ④ Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1432
    ⑤ Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1436
    ②Envtl.Def.v.Duke Energy Corp.,127 S.Ct.1432,1436(2007)
    ③Envtl.Def.v.Duke Energy Corp.,127 S.Ct.1438(2007)
    ①Pub. L. No.95-95,91 Sat.685,742-45 (1977)
    ②H.R. Rep. No.95-294, at 203-04 (1977)
    ③EPA, Air Quality Criteria for Particulation Matter, vol.1 at 3-99 (April 1996)
    ④National Park Service, Air Quality in The National Parks,2d. ed. (Sept.2002)
    ④45 Fed.Reg.at 80,084
    ① (1)smoke, dust, colored gas fumes, or layered haze emitted from stacks that obscure the sky or horizon and are relatable to a single source or small group of sources; (2) widespread, reginally homogeneous haze from a multitude of sources that impairs visibility in every direction over a large area.45 Fed. Reg. at 80.085
    ② 51 Fed. Reg. at 43,389 (1986)
    ③ Vermont,850 F.2d at 102
    ④ Vermont,850 F.2d at 103
    ②40 C.F.R.51.300(b)(3)
    ③40 C.F.R.51.308(d)(1)
    ④40 C.F.R.51.308(d)(1)(Ⅰ)
    ⑤40 C.F.R.51.308(d)(1)(Ⅱ)
    ① 40 C.F.R.51.308 (e)
    ④ H.R. Rep. No.294, at 206
    ⑤ Any fossil fuel-fired power plant with a total generating capacity of 750 megawatts or greater must demonstrate that it is located at such a distance from all mandatory Class Ⅰ areas that it similarly could not cause to significant impairment40 C.F.R.51.303 (b)
    ① 40 C.F.R.51.308 (e)
    ② 40 C.F.R.51.308 (e) (2)
    ③ States must therefore, consider the full suite of anthropogenic sources of visibility impairment in designing a long-term strategy including major and minor stationary sources, mobile sources and area sources.40 C.F.R. 51.308 (d) (3)
    ④ 40 C.F.R.51.308 (d) (4) (v)
    ②U.S. EPA, Heaith Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust:SAB Review Draft, EPA/600/8-90/057E(2000)
    ②31 Fed.Reg.5170(1966)
    ① The Actprovided that HEW could waive the preemption for any state that had adopted standards for the control emission on new vehicles before March 30,1966,(the only state meeting the condition for the preemption waiver was California)Pub. L. No.89-272
    ② Congressional Research Service, History and Future of Spark Ignition Engines, Report for The Senate COMM. On Public Works
    ①Pub. L. No.91-604
    ① 478 F.2d 615 (D.C.Cir.1973)
    ② The court found out in particular that the EPA had not supported its decision that the technology would be available in time and that there would be enough catalytic converters available to the model-year automotive fleet. International Harvester v. Ruckleshaus
    ③ Husqvarna v. EPA,254 F.3d 195,201
    ①40 C.F.R.86.1803.01
    ① EPA 420.R.98.800
    ②65 Fed.Reg.6608(2000)
    ③65 Fed.Reg.6071(2000)
    ④65 Fed.Reg.6698(2000)
    ①62 Fed.Reg.31-192(1997)
    ① 63 Fed.Reg.11,374(1998)
    ③ 61 Fed.Reg.54,851(1996)
    ④ 65 Fed.Reg.6790-91(2000)
    ① 57 Fed. Reg.13,220(1992)
    ② 467 U.S.837(1984)
    ③ The court rejected the EPA's position that it could substitute Stage Ⅱ controls for onboard controls, set aside the EPA decision, and ordered the agency to adopt onboard control regulations.59 Fed. Reg.16,262 (1994)
    ①65 Fed.Reg.6790-91(2000)
    ②57 Fed.Reg.31,888(1992)
    ③55 Fed.Reg.30,620(1990)
    ①62 Fed.Reg.54,694(1997)
    ②66 Fed.Reg.5002(2001)
    ③National Petrochemical & Rediners Ass'n,et al.v.EPA,287 F.3d 1130(D.C.Cir. 2002)
    ④The EPA estimated that there would be excess emissions totaling 15 million excess tons of NO over the life of the engines.65 Fed.Reg.59,899(2000)
    ⑤63 Fed.Reg.59,330(1998)
    ① Internional Truck, el al. v. EPA, No.00-1510 (D.C.Cir)
    ② 58 Fed. Reg.21,359(1993)
    ① U.S. E.P.A. EPA-21A-2001 (1991)
    ② 59 Fed. Reg.31,306 (1994)
    ③ The court found among other things, EPA did not act arbitrarily by classifying engines in large mining equipment with other large CI in making the finding that such engine' cause or contribute'to ozone or CO pollution. Engine Manufacturers Ass'n v. EPA,88 F.3d 1075 (D.C.Cir.1996)
    ① 68 Fed. Reg.9745 (2003)
    ② 64 Fed. Reg.'15,208 (1999)
    ③ The court found out that the statute required standards that achieve the greastest degree of emission reduction achievable through available technology, taking into account factors such as cost, thus putting air quality as a overriding goal of Sction 213, with cost being an important but subordinate secondary factor. Husqvarna v. EPA, 254 F.3d 195 (D.C.Cir.2001)
    ①40 C.F.R.86.610
    ① With respect to a substantial number of failing vehicles, the courts have required any number large enough to show that a systematic or pervasive problem in a particular class or category of vehicles exsits. Chrysler Corp. v. EPA,631 F.2d 865 (D.C.Cir 1980)
    ② Chrysler Corp. v. EPA,631 F.2d 888 (D.C.Cir 1980)
    ③ Chrysler Corp. v. EPA,631 F.2d 889 (D.C.Cir 1980)
    ① CAL. Exec. Order No. S-3-05(June 1,2005)
    ② California v. U.S. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No.08-70011 (9th Cir. Field Jan.3,2008)
    ① CAL. Health & Safety Code 38500-38560 (2006)
    ② http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate_action_team/reporys/2007-04-20_ARB_early_action_report.pdf.
    ② Pub. L. No.90-148,2,81 Stat.502
    ③ 40 C.F.R. pt 80
    ④ The initial panel of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit invalidated the EPA's action on the grounds that the EPA had known, under the 1970 version of Section 211 (c), that lead emissions will endanger the public health or welfare.Ethyl Corp. v. EPA,7 Env't Rep. Cas.1353(D.C.Cir.1976)
    ① The court, en banc, reversed the original panel, holding that the will endanger language authorized the EPA to take precationary o preventive action. Ethyl,541 F.2d at 13
    ② 1977 Legislative History at 759
    ③ 1977 Legislative History at 2775
    ④ This provision shifts the burden to manufacturers to show that a fuel or additive will not have a harmful impact on emissions control equipment 1977 Legislative History at 362
    ①55 Fed.Reg.34,138(1990)
    ① The dominant oxygenant in use were ethanol and MTBE. Ethanol is an alcohol derived from grain and primarily corn. MTBE is an ether made by combining isobutylene, a refinery component that canbe made from natural gas or other hydrocarbons,and methanol derived from natual gas.1990 Legislative History at 1073
    ② 1990 Legislative History at 851
    ① The court of appeals made clear that there is no requirement under Section 21 (f) that the new fuels or additives will not endanger public health and welfare through emissions that are not the subject of vehicle or engine certification standards.51 F.3d 2053 (D.C.Cir.1995)
    ①59 Fed. Reg.42,227(1994)
    ①43 Fed.Reg.11,258(1978)
    ②56 Fed.Reg.5352(1991)
    ③56 Fed.Reg.24,362(1991)
    ① 46 Fed. Reg.38,584(1981)
    ② The EPA finally determined that Ethyl Corpration had demonstrated that MMT would not cause or contribute to vehicle or engine failure to vomply with certification emissionsstandards.58 Fed. Reg.64,761 (1993)
    ③ Ethyl Corp. v. Browner, No.94-1516,1995 WL 612905 (D.C.Cir. Oct.20,1995)
    ④ 60 Fed. Reg.36,414(1995)
    ①989 F.2d at 524
    ②Ethyl Corp.v.Browner, No.94-1516,1995 WL 612905(D.C.Cir. Oct.20,1995)
    ①749 F.2d at 837
    ②749 F.2d at 836
    ③749 F.2d at 840
    ④768 F.2d at 385(D.C.Cir 1985)
    ⑤768 F.2d at 390
    ⑥768 F.2d at 392
    ①60 Fed.Reg.47,907(1995)
    ②55 Fed.Reg.12,154(1990)
    ③57 Fed.Reg.47,849(1992)
    ① 58 Fed. Reg.32,531(1993)
    ② 57 Fed. Reg.47,769(1992)
    ③ The EPA also satisfied its obligations to promulgate guidelines for an oxgen credit-trading system so that those using more oxgyen than required could offset those using less, within the same area.57 Fed. Reg.47,849 (1992)
    ① The EPA concluded in its initial assessment that, based on animal studies, MTBE is a low-potency possible human carcinogen U.S.EPA Report No. EPA/600/R-93-206 (Nov.1993)
    ① Richard 0. Faulk et. Al, Salem Revisited:Updating the MTBE Controversy, SF97 ALI-ABA 949-950 (2001)
    ② 65 Fed. Reg.16,903(2000)
    ③ Faulk, supra, at 949,966 (2001)
    ④ Faulk, supra, at 969-970 (2001)
    ⑤ 163 F. Supp.2d 1182 (E.D. Cal.2001)
    ⑥ The court relied primarily on another CAA provision allowing California to prescribe its own fuel regulations, the court also ruled that the ban did not violate the dormant commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution.158 F. Supp. 2d 248 (N.D.N.Y.2001)
    ②薛志钢、郝吉明等:《国外大气污染控制经验》, 载《重庆环境科学》2003年11期,第159页
    ① The S02 and Norequirements established by Title IV and by EPA administrator through regulations are enforced through a permit program. In phase Ⅰ, the permit program was run by the administrator but, beginning in Phase Ⅱ, is being administrated by the states. Acid rain permits are subject to the requirementsof Title V, the operating permits program.《清洁空气法》第411条
    ④ The number o allowances that each Phase Ⅰ affected unit received during Phase Ⅰ is listed in Scetion 404, the number of allowances that each affected unit receives in Phase Ⅱ was not specified in a list; instead, Section 405 contains numerous formulas for determing the number of allowances that each unit receives.《清洁空气法》第403条(g)款
    ① The EPA administrator was required to ensure that, by Phase Ⅱ, no more than 8.9 million allowances could beallocated per year, with the exception of allowences allocated pursuant to Section 405,bonus allowances, extra allowance for certain big high-emitting units, allowances for units that opt into the SO2 program. The administrator was required to reduce the basic Phase Ⅱ allowance allocations pro rota to ensure that this limit was not exceeded《清洁空气法》第403条(a)款
    ② 63 Fed. Reg.51,706(1998)
    ② Qualified renewable energy isdefined as energy derived from biomass, solar, geothermal, or wind as identifiedby the administrator in consultation with the Secretary of Energy.《清洁空气法》第404条(f)(1)(B)款
    ①Units that submitted satisfactory documentation for repowering, pursuant to Section 409(a), received a for-yearextension from the Phase Ⅱ compliance date. In the interim they were allocted allowances based on the emission rate in the applicable SIP. These allowances may not be transferred.《清洁空气法》第409条(c)款
    ③ 56 Fed. Reg.65,592(1991)
    ① Industrial sources also are the subject of an emissions inventory that was conducted by the administrator pursuant to Scetion 406 of the CAA Amendments. Under this provision, if the inventory indicated that CO2 emissions from industrial sources were likely to exceed 5.6 million tons per year, the administrator was required to take actions to control those emissions so that the 5.6-million-ton cap would not be exceeded《清洁空气法》第406条(c)款
    ① 55 Fed. Reg.52,709(1980)
    ② 63 Fed. Reg.36,129(1998)
    ③ Section 407(b)(1) specifies that the maximum rates of NO emitted from Group 1 units should be 0.451b/mmBtu for tangentially fired boilers and 0.50 lb/mmBtu for dry bottom wall-fired boilers,provided that the administrator may set a rate higher than that listed for any type of utility boiler if the administrator finds that the maximum listed rate for that boiler type connot be achieved using low NO burner technology. The section thus implies that the administrator should promulgate the Group 1 emission limitations based on low NO burner technology. The precise meaning of the term low NO burner technology, however, was a subject of much dispute in the course of the NO rule making.《清洁空气法》第407条款
    ① The owner or operator of two or more units subject to the Title IV NO emission limitations may request permission to average the emissions of the units in question and have the average meet the applicable emission limitations. This compliance option was available in Phase Ⅰ and continues to be available in Phase Ⅱ. The units must comply with alternative emission limitations that ensure that the actual annual NO emission rate averaged over the units in question is less than or equal to the average annual NO emission rate for the units if they had been operated according to the applicable emission limitation under statute.
    ① Section 411 provides that any affected unit that emits SO2 or NO in excess of allowances held or the applicable emissions limitation is liable for a penalty of $2,000 per ton of excess emissions, adjusted yearly for inflation. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty that may be assessed against the unit for the same violation under any other provision of CAA.《清洁空气法》第411条
    ③ Section 602 sets forth initial lists of Class Ⅰ and Ⅱ ODS, including isomers of listed substances. The class I ODS listed in the CAA and CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, and mothyl chloroform. Only HCFCs are listed as Class Ⅱ ODS. Pursuant to Section 602(c), the EPA has authority to add substances to either list based on the substances potential harmful effects on the stratospheric ozone layer. Such action may be taken sua sponte or in response to a listing petition. The EPA may move a Class Ⅱ substance onto the Class Ⅰlisted, but it may not otherwise remove a Class Ⅱ substance from the Class Ⅰ or Class Ⅱ lists.《清洁空气法》第602条(c)(4)款
    ④ 58 Fed. Reg.65,018(1993)
    ①58 Fed. Reg.65,018(1993)
    ② At the same time, the EPA took steps to implement the 1992 Copenhagen Amendments to the Mentreal Protocol. 40 C.F.R.82.4
    ③ 40 C.F.R.82.16 (c)
    ④ 40 C.F.R.82.16 (e)
    ⑤ The EPA's first initiative in this area was the establishment of the'allowance program'for Class I substances. Under this program, each person who was producing or consuming a listed Class I substance in the applicable baseline year was apportioned a chemical-specific production or consumption baseline.40 C.F.R.82.5
    ⑥40 C.F.R.82.4 (b)
    ① 68 Fed. Reg. at 2823
    ② 68 Fed. Reg. at 2836
    ③ 40 C.F.R.82.9 (a)
    ④ The EPA requires each person granted Article 5 allwances to report each quarter on exports to Aricle 5 countries. Interpollutant and intercompany transfers of Article 5 allowances are permitted, subject to an offset requirement of one percent in the case of Class I substances and one-tenth of a persent in the case of Class II substances.40 C.F.R. 82.12 (b)
    ① 60 Fed. Reg.24,971-72
    ② If a U.S, compony were to sell its HCFC-22 production allowances to another U.S. compony, it would be perform an'inter-compony' transfer. Alternatively, the company could convert its HCFC-22 production allowances into its HCFC-142b production allowances, on an ODP weight basis.40 C.F.R.82.10 (a)
    ③ CAA Section611 requires that a warning label be placed on containers containg a Class Ⅰ or Class Ⅱ substance,products contanining Class Ⅰ substances, and products manufactured with Class Ⅰ substances.《清洁空气法》第611条(b)款
    ④ 40 C.F.R.82.104 (n)
    ⑤ 40 C.F.R.82.104 (s)
    ① 40 C.F.R.82.104 (f)
    ②The EPA's labeling regulations provide that a manufacturer must label its product as'manufactured with a controlled sustance' only if that manufacturer itself used a controlled substance in making the product.40 C.F.R. 82.104(0)
    ①40 C.FR.82.106 (b)
    ②40 C.F.R.82.120(c)
    ③40 C.F.R.82.104(q)
    ④40 C.F.R.82.110(a)
    ⑤40 C.F.R.82.110(c)
    ②58 Fed.Reg.28,660(1993)
    ③40 Fed.Reg.82,150(b)
    ④58 Fed.Reg.28,665(1993)
    ⑤40 Fed.Reg.82,156(a)(1)
    ⑥ 40 Fed.Reg.82,164
    ⑦40 Fed.Reg.82,158(j)
    ① Owners of commercial refrigeration equipment containing at least fifty pounds charge and owners of industrial process refrigeration equipment must repair any leaks causing a loss of refrigerant that exceeds 35 percent of the total charge during a 12 months period.40 Fed. Reg.82,156 (i)
    ② 40 Fed. Reg.82,152 (i) (9)
    ③ 40 Fed. Reg.82,156 (f) (3)
    ④ 40 Fed. Reg.82,164 (g)
    ⑤ Only certified technicians may open appliances, except MVACs, for maintenance, servise, repair. Only certified technicians may dispose of appliances, except small appliances, MVACs,and MVAC-like appliance.40 Fed. Reg. 82,161 (a)
    ⑥ 40 Fed. Reg.82,166
    ①40 Fed.Reg.82.34(b)
    ① 40 Fed. Reg.82.34 (c)
    ② As of 1993, all persons serving MVACs are also required to certify to the EPA that they have acquired approved equipment and that they are properly trained and certified to use the equipment.40 Fed. Reg.82.42 (a)
    ③ 40 Fed. Reg.82.42 (b)
    ④ 40 Fed. Reg.82.42 (c)
    ⑤ 40 Fed. Reg.82.38
    ⑥ 40 Fed. Reg.82.38 (d)
    ① The 1997 rule making filled another gap, this one relating to the handling of refrigerants recovered during the diposal of motor vehicles. The EPA clarified that certified technicians and disposal facility personnel may recycle and resell such refrigerants under specified conditions, such persons are not limited to sending the refrigerants to a reclaimer.62 Fed. Res. at 68.029 col.1
    ① John M. Reilly, et al., Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Multi-Gas Approaches to Global Climate Changes (2003)
    ② U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1990-2000 (April 2002)
    ①42 U.S.C.7671
    ②66 Fed.Reg.51,7486(2001)
    ① International Center for Technology Assessment v. Whitman, No DC-102 CV 2376 (D.C.Cir. filed Dec.5,2002)
    ② Letter from Peter Lehner. Assistant Attorney General; to Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, U.S. EPA
    ① Peter Glaser, et al., CO2:A Pollutant? The Legal Affairs Committee Report to the National Mining Assosation Board of Directors on the Authority of EPA to Regulate Carbon Dioxide under the Clean Air Act 22-23 (2001)
    ② Testimony of Gary S. Guzy, supra note 13
    ③ 42 U.S.C.7403 (g)
    ①Massachusetts vs.EPA 127 S.Ct.1438(2007)
    ③Glaser,supra note 14
    ① Reitze, supra note 5, at 417
    ②he CAA defines HAPs as pollutants that have adverse effects on human health through inhalation or other routes of exposure.《清洁空气法》第112条(b)款
    ③ Reitze, supra note 5, at 417
    ②42 U.S.C.7543(b)(2006)
    ① http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate_action_team/reporys/2007-04-20_ARB_early_action_report.pdf.
    ② CAL. Pub. Res. Code 21080.4(2006)
    ③ County of San Bernardino, No. CIVSS-0700329,at 2-3
    ② T. Hargave, U.S. Carbon Emmissions Tradeing:Description of an Upstream Approach. Center for Clean Air Policy (1998)
    ① Nordhaus and Danish, supra note 79
    ② Heinz Center, supra note 79, at Appendix 5
    ① Anne E. Smith and Martin T. Ross, Allowance Allocation:Who Win and Loses under a Carbon Dioxide Cntrol Program? Center for Clean Air Policy (Feb 2002)
    ② Smith and Ross, supra note 85
    ③ Burtraw, supra note 85
    ① www.stockstar.com
    ①这里需要特别说明的是,行政法法官(Administrative Law Judges)是联邦行政机关内的法官,其权力和职责都由联邦行政程序法界定。联邦机构中还有另外一种听证官,称为行政法官(Administrative Judges)。两者虽然只有一字之差,但在法律地位上有较大差别。1、行政法法官受到联邦行政程序法所确立的“功绩选任”制度的保护,由美国人事管理署负责考核管理,因而具有较强的独立性。而行政法官不是行政程序法规定的,在法律上从属于雇佣他们的行政机关,独立性弱于行政法法官;2、行政法法官应当是律师,而行政法官则无此要求,但应具有专业知识;3、行政法法官主持的是行政程序法规定的正式听证(即审讯性听证),行政法官则在行政程序法规定之外,官主持的是行政程序法规定的正式听证(即审讯性听证),行政法官则在行政程序法规定之外,主持非正式的听证。两类法官虽有区别,但职能相似:即都是行政机关的听证官员,在听证后作出初步裁决,再由行政机关负责人作出本机关的最终决定。刘梓:《美国行政程序法概念辨析》,《行政法学研究,》1999年第二期,第82-84页
    ② The EPA frequently relies on this authority as the basis for the monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting requirements in substantive standards as well as for developing the factual record for its rule makings concering emissions standards. The authority may be delegated to the State.《清洁空气法》第114条(b)款
    ④ 40 C.F.R.19.1 et. seq
    ① BNA Daily Environment Report, AA-1, July 21,1998
    ② Manufacturers of new motor vehicles, engines, or engine parts and components, and any other persons subject to the requirements of CAA Title Ⅱ,may be required to establish and maintain records, make reports, and provide information as necessary to demonstrate compliance with CAA requirements and regulations.《清洁空气法》第208条
    ④ U.S. v. Tivian Laboratories, Inc.
    ③ Failure to comply with mobile source information collection and inspection requests may subject a person to civil penalties of up to $27,500 per day of violation.《清洁空气法》第203条(a)(2)款
    ④ 40 C.F.R.70.6 (c) (2)
    ⑤ 589 F.2d 49,53 (D.C.Cir.1978)
    ①EPA..Alyeska Pipeline Serv.Co.,
    ②Holmes & Reitze,supra note 19,at 71-75
    ④40 C.F.R.p.t.2
    ⑤40 C.F.R.2.301(f)
    ① U.S. v. Tivian Laboratories, Inc.
    ③ EPA, The Timely and Appropriate (T&A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violation (Dec 22,1998)
    ④Section 120 specifies that noncompliance penalties shall not bar or otherwise limit additional civil or criminal enforcement proceedings under the CAA or state or local law.《清洁空气法》第120条(f)款
    ⑤ 67 Fed. Reg.33,734 (2002)
    ②An order issued to a corporation must be issued to appropriate corporate officers. In addition, a copy of the order must be sent to the relevant state air pollution control agency.《清洁空气法》第113条(a)(4)款
    ⑤ In re Chevron USA, Inc., Docket No 9-94-4 (Sept.29,1993)
    ②S.Rep.No.228,101st Cong.,1st Sess.(1989)
    ④U.S.v.Solar Turbines,Inc.,732 F.Supp.535,538-40(M.D.Pa.1989)
    ①Chafee-Baucus Statement of Senate Managers,136 CONG. REC.S16,933(Oct.27,1990)
    ③40 C.F.R.22.19(f)
    ①U.S. v. Dale Valentine,38 ERC 2086 (BNA) (D. Wyo. June 1,1994)
    ① Failure to comply with an emergency order may subject the source to potential civil penalties of $27,500 perday for each violation.《清洁空气法》第113条(b)(2)款
    ① U.S. v. Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co., No.99-1692,2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20936 (S.D. Ind. Oct 24, 2002)
    ② Annual Report on Environment and Compliance Assurance Accmplishments in 1999, June 2000
    ③《清洁空气法》中对本章内容的规定为民事执行诉讼(Civil Enforcement Action),而并非普通的民事诉讼(Civil Action).
    ④ 42 U.S.C.7401 (a) (3)
    ① U.S. V. Hugo Key and Son,731 F.Supp.1135,1144-45 (D.R.I.1989)
    ③ United States v. B&W Investment Properties,38 F.3d 363,367 (7th Cir.1994)
    ① EPA, Process for Conducting Pre-Referral Settlement Negotiations, GM-73 (March 9,1988)
    ② 57 Fed. Reg.2213(1992)
    ③ 61 Fed. Reg.65,391 (1996)
    ① EPA. Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy (Oct 25.1991)
    ② 28 C.F.R.50.7
    ③ Harold Feld, "Saving the Citizn Suit:the Effect of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife and the Role of Citizen Suits in Environmental Enforcement",19 Colum. J. Envtl. L.141, (1994).
    ①塞拉俱乐部是美国历史最悠久、最有影响的环保组织。成立于1892年,创始人是约翰.缪尔(John Muir).其宗旨是:1、探究、享受并保护地球的荒野;2、开展和促进对地球生态系统和资源负责任的使用;3、教育人们以人性化的方式保护和恢复环境质量;4、使用一切合法方式实行这些目标。参见塞拉俱乐部官方网站:http://www.sierraclub.or/inside/.最后访问日期:2009-11-21。
    ② Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation
    ③ Lujan v. Defender s of Wildlife
    ④ Antonin Scalia. The doctrine of Standing as an Essential Element of the Separation of Powers[J],1983 Suffolk Univ. L. Rev.881(1983)
    ① Friends of the Earth v. Laidlaw Environmental Services
    ② Percival, Schroeder, Miller, Leapel Environmental Regulation:Law, Science, and Policy [M]1. Fifth Edi tion, Aspen Publishers,2006
    ①Massachusetts vs. EPA 127 S.Ct.1438 (2007)
    ① http://www.epa.gov/regulation/caa/.html
    ② Antonin Scalia. The doctrine of Standing as an Essential Element of the Separation of Powers[J],1983 Suffolk Univ. L. Rev.881(1983)
    ①Massachusetts Et Al vl Ul Sl EPA Et Al,549 Ul Sl (2007)1
    ③42 U.S.C.E9601——9657(1982)
    ① 9 Pace Envtl. L. Rev.281.374 n.370 (1992)
    ② Daniel Riesel. Environmental Enforcement:Civil and Criminal (Law Journal Seminar-Press,1997)
    ① 18U.S.C.3571 (b)(3)
    ③ The criminal level of scienter required for establishing the mens rea element requires only proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant generally intended to commit certain acts, as opposed to a specific intent to violate the regulatory requirements. However, as concerns low-level employees, the CAA imposes criminal liability only for violations that are knowing and willful, a standard that would appear to approach a level of scienter warranting proof of specific intent.《清洁空气法》第113条(h)款
    ④ Criminal liability maybe imposed under the CAA on any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or certification in a document required to be filed or maintained under the act, including any omission, knowing alteration, or concealment regarding any such application, record, report, plan, or decument.《清洁空气法》第113条(c)(2)款
    H.R. Conf. Rep. No.952, at 347-48 (1990)
    H.R. Conf. Rep. No.952, at 348 (1990)
    ① An affirmative defence is provided when the conduct comprising the violation was consented to by the endangered person, provided that the danger and conduct were reasonably foreseeable hazards, of an occupation, business, profession, or medical experimentation or treatment.《清洁空气法》第113条(c)(5)(C)款
    ①唐珍妮:《排污许可证制度存在的问题及对策》, 载于《长沙大学学报》,2008年第5期,第59页
    ②68 Fed.Reg.9745(2003)
    [1]S. Rep.No.91-1196, at 18 (1970)
    [2]52 Feb. Reg.24634,24641 (1987)
    [3]Sen. Comm. On Oublic Works Rep., National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970, at 10
    [4]647 F.2d 1130 (D. C Cir), cert. denied,449 U.S.1042 (1980)
    [5]59 F.2d 62 (D. C. Cir.1978)
    [6]68 Feb. Reg.614 (Jan 6,2003)
    [7]40 Feb. Reg.8.202 (1979)
    [8]61 Feb. Reg.65,730-31
    [9]38 Fed. Reg.25,679 (1973)
    [10]61 Fed. Reg.25,566 (1996)
    [11]36 Fed. Reg.8186 (1971)
    [12]EPA "National Air Quality and Emission Trends Report,1993 Executive Summary and Selected Graphics" (released Oct.19,1994)
    [13]49 Fed. Reg.6,866,6,872 (1984)
    [14]45 Fed. Reg.55,066 (1980)
    [15]64 Fed. Reg.43,255-59 (1999)
    [16]62 Fed. Reg.38,856-75 (1997)
    [17]513 U.S.457,486 (2001)
    [18]62 Fed. Reg.38,428
    [19]General Preamble-PM Supp., at Fed. Reg.41,998, Addendum (1994)
    [20]39 Fed. Reg.42,510 (1974)
    [21]68 Fed. Reg.61,248 at 61,252
    [22]40 C. F. R. pt.51, app. S (offset ruling)
    [23]40 C.F.R.52.21 (p) (2)
    [24]40 C.F.R.52.21 (b) (5)
    [25]40 C.F.R.52.21 (b) (1) (Ⅲ); NSRWM at A.9-A.16
    [26]NSRWM at A.36; see In re Hibbing Taconite Co., PSD App. No.87-3, 1989 WL266359
    [27]Murphy Oil,143 F. Supp.2d 1054,1080 (W. D. Wis.2001)
    [28]3M Co. v. Browner,17 F.3D 1453,1462 (d. c. cir.1994)
    [29]NPCA V. TVA I,502 F.3d 1316,1318 (11th Cir.2007)
    [30]NPCA V. TVA I,502 F.3d 1318
    [31]Duke Energy,278 F. Supp.2d 619 (M. D. N. C.2003)
    [32]144 F. Supp.2d 441 (D. Md.2001)
    [33]263 F. Supp.2d 666 (W. D. N. Y.2003)
    [34]263 F. Supp.2d 657 (W. D. N. Y.2003)
    [35]278 F. Supp.2d 619 (M. D. N. C.2003)
    [36]81 F.3d 1329 (5th Cir.1996)
    [37]Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976,42 U. S. C. §§ 6901-6992k (2000)
    [38]Marine Shale Processom,81 F.3d at 1352
    [39]137 F. Supp.2d 1060 (S. D. Ohio 2001)
    [40]No.2:99-CV-1181,2003 WL 23415140, at*1 (S. D. Ohio Jan.17,2003)
    [41]42 U.S. C.§ 7470 (1)-(2) (2000)
    [42]United States v Shimer,367 U. S., at383
    [43]Envtl. Def. v. Duke Energy Corp.,127 S. Ct.1423,1430 (2007)
    [44]United States v. Duke Energy Corp.,278 F. Supp.2d 619,625 (M. D. V. C. 2003)
    [45]Mills, supra note 24, at 264
    [46]40 C. F. R.51.166 (b) (2) (i)
    [47]Robertson, supra note 36, at 160-161
    [48]Mathew D. Zinn, Policing Environmental Regulation Enforcement: Cooperation, Capture, and Citizen Suits,21 STAN. ENVTL. L. J.81,107-111 (2002)
    [49]Duke Energy,127 S. Ct. at 1432
    [50]Envtl. Def. v. Duke Energy Corp.,127 S. Ct.1432,1436 (2007)
    [51]Pub. L. No.95-95,91 Sat.685,742-45 (1977)
    [52]H. R. Rep. No.95-294, at 203-04 (1977)
    [53]EPA, Air Quality Criteria for Particulation Matter, vol.1 at 3-99 (April 1996)
    [54]National Park Service, Air Quality in The National Parks,2d. ed. (Sept.2002)
    [55]45 Fed. Reg. at 80,084
    [56]51 Fed. Reg. at 43,389 (1986)
    [57]Vermont,850 F.2d at 102
    [58]40 C. F.R.51.300 (b) (3)
    [59]H. R. Rep. No.294, at 206
    [60]40 C. F. R.51.308 (e)
    [61]40 C. F.R.51.308 (d) (4) (v)
    [62]U.S. EPA, Heaith Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust:SAB Review Draft, EPA/600/8-90/057E(2000)
    [63]31 Fed. Reg.5170 (1966)
    [64]Pub. L. No.91-604
    [65]478 F.2d 615 (D. C. Cir.1973)
    [66]Husqvarna v. EPA,254 F.3d 195,201
    [67]40 C. F. R.86.1803-01
    [68]65 Fed. Reg.6608 (2000)
    [69]62 Fed. Reg.31-192 (1997)
    [70]63 Fed. Reg.11,374 (1998)
    [71]61 Fed. Reg.54,851 (1996)
    [72]57 Fed. Reg.13,220 (1992)
    [73]467 U.S.837 (1984)
    [74]59 Fed. Reg.16,262 (1994)
    [75]65 Fed. Reg.6790-91 (2000)
    [76]57 Fed. Reg.31,888 (1992)
    [77]55 Fed. Reg.30,620 (1990)
    [78]62 Fed. Reg.54,694 (1997)
    [79]National Petrochemical & Rediners Ass'n, et al. v. EPA,287F.3d 1130 (D.C. Cir.2002)
    [80]Internional Truck, el al. v. EPA, No.00-1510 (D.C. Cir)
    [81]58 Fed. Reg.21,359 (1993)
    [82]U.S. E. P. A. EPA-21A-2001 (1991)
    [83]59 Fed. Reg.31,306 (1994)
    [84]Engine Manufacturers Ass'n v. EPA,88 F.3d 1075 (D.C.Cir.1996)
    [85]Husqvarna v. EPA,254 F.3d 195 (D. C. Cir.2001)
    [86]Chrysler Corp. v. EPA,631 F.2d 888 (D.C.Cir 1980)
    [87]CAL. Exec. Order No. S-3-05(June 1,2005)
    [88]California v. U.S. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No.08-70011 (9th Cir. Field Jan.3,2008)
    [89]CAL. Health & Safety Code 38500-38560 (2006)
    [90]Pub. L. No.90-148,2,81 Stat.502
    [91]1977 Legislative History at 2775
    [92]55 Fed. Reg.34,138 (1990)
    [93]1990 Legislative History at 1073
    [94]51 F.3d 2053 (D. C. Cir.1995)
    [95]43 Fed. Reg.11,258 (1978)
    [96]56 Fed. Reg.5352 (1991)
    [97]6 Fed. Reg.38,584 (1981)
    [98]58 Fed. Reg.64,761 (1993)
    [99]Ethyl Corp. v. Browner, No.94-1516,1995 WL 612905 (D. C. Cir. Oct. 20,1995)
    [100]989 F.2d at 524
    [101]768 F.2d at 385 (D.C.Cir 1985)
    [102]60 Fed. Reg.47,907 (1995)
    [103]55 Fed. Reg.12,154 (1990)
    [104]57 Fed. Reg.47,849 (1992)
    [105]58 Fed. Reg.32,531 (1993)
    [106]57 Fed. Reg.47,769 (1992)
    [107]U. S. EPA Report No. EPA/600/R-93-206 (Nov.1993)
    [108]SF97 ALI-ABA 949-950 (2001)
    [109]Faulk, supra, at 949,966 (2001)
    [110]163 F. Supp.2d 1182 (E.D. Cal.2001)
    [111]U.S. Constitution.158 F. Supp.2d 248 (N. D. N. Y.2001)
    [112]63 Fed. Reg.51,706 (1998)
    [113]56 Fed. Reg.65,592 (1991)
    [114]55 Fed. Reg.52,709 (1980)
    [115]63 Fed. Reg.36,129 (1998)
    [116]58 Fed. Reg.65,018 (1993)
    [117]58 Fed. Reg.65,018 (1993)
    [118]40 C. F.R.82.16 (c)
    [119]40 C.F.R.82.4 (b)
    [120]68 Fed. Reg. at 2823
    [121]40 C.F.R.82.9 (a)
    [122]60 Fed. Reg.24,971-72
    [123]40 C. F. R.82.104 (n)
    [124]40 C.F.R.82.120 (c)
    [125]58 Fed. Reg.28,660 (1993)
    [126]40 Fed. Reg.82,150 (b)
    [127]40 Fed. Reg.82,156 (a) (1)
    [128]40 Fed. Reg.82,156 (f) (3)
    [129]40 Fed. Reg.82.34 (b)
    [130]40 Fed. Reg.82.38 (d)
    [131]62 Fed. Reg. at 68,029 col.1
    [132]U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Program, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 1990-2000 (April 2002)
    [133]42 U.S.C.7671
    [134]66 Fed. Reg.51,7486 (2001)
    [135]International Center for Technology Assessment v. Whitman, No DC-102 CV 2376 (D. C. Cir. filed Dec.5,2002)
    [136]Letter from Peter Lehner, Assistant Attorney General; to Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, U.S. EPA
    [137]Testimony of Gary S. Guzy, supra note 13
    [138]42 U. S. C.7403 (g)
    [139]Massachusetts vs. EPA 127 S.Ct.1438 (2007)
    [140]Glaser, supra note 14
    [141]Reitze, supra note 5, at 417
    [142]Reitze, supra note 5, at 417
    [143]42 U.S.C.7543 (b) (2006)
    [144]CAL. Pub. Res. Code 21080.4(2006)
    [145]County of San Bernardino, No. CIVSS-0700329, at 2-3
    [146]T. Hargave, U.S. Carbon Emmissions Tradeing:Description of an Upstream Approach, Center for Clean Air Policy (1998)
    [147]Nordhaus and Danish, supra note 79
    [148]Heinz Center, supra note 79, at Appendix 5
    [149]Smith and Ross, supra note 85
    [150]40 C. F. R.19.1 et. seq
    [151]BNA Daily Environment Report, AA-1, July 21,1998
    [152]U.S. v. Tivian Laboratories, Inc.
    [153]40 C. F.R.70.6 (c) (2)
    [154]589 F.2d 49,53 (D.C. Cir.1978)
    [155]EPA.. Alyeska Pipeline Serv. Co.
    [156]Holmes&Reitze, supra note 19, at 71-75
    [157]40 C. F.R.2.301 (f)
    [158]EPA, The Timely and Appropriate (T&A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violation (Dec 22,1998)
    [159]67 Fed. Reg.33,734 (2002)
    [160]In re Chevron USA, Inc., Docket No 9-94-4 (Sept.29,1993)
    [161]S. Rep. No.228,101st Cong.,1st Sess. (1989)
    [162]U. S. v. Solar Turbines, Inc.,732 F. Supp.535,538-40 (M. D. Pa. 1989)
    [163]Chafee-Baucus Statement of Senate Managers,136 CONG. REC. S16,933 (Oct.27,1990)
    [164]U.S. v. Dale Valentine,38 ERC 2086 (BNA) (D. Wyo. June 1,1994)
    [165]U. S. v. Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co., No.99-1692,2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20936 (S. D. Ind. Oct 24,2002)
    [166]Annual Report on Environment and Compliance Assurance Accmplishments in 1999, June 2000
    [167]U.S. V. Hugo Key and Son,731 F. Supp.1135,1144-45 (D.R.I.1989)
    [168]42 U. S.C.7401 (a) (3)
    [169]United States v. B&W Investment Properties,38 F.3d 363,367 (7th Cir.1994)
    [170]EPA, Process for Conducting Pre-Referral Settlement Negotiations, GM-73 (March 9,1988)
    [171]57 Fed. Reg.2213 (1992)
    [172]61 Fed. Reg.65,391 (1996)
    [173]EPA, Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy (Oct 25, 1991)
    [174]Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation
    [175]Antonin Scalia. The doctrine of Standing as an Essential Element of the Separation of Powers[J],1983 Suffolk Univ. L. Rev.881(1983)
    [176]Friends of t he Earth v. Laidlaw Environmental Services
    [177]Percival, Schroeder, Miller, Leapel Environmental Regulation Law, Science, and Policy [M]1. Fifth Edition, Aspen Publishers,2006
    [178]Massachusetts vs. EPA 127 S.Ct.1438 (2007)
    [179]Antonin Scalia. The doctrine of Standing as an Essential Element of the Separation of Powers[J],1983 Suffolk Univ. L. Rev.881(1983)
    [180]Massachusetts Et Al vl UlSI EPA Et Al,549 Ul Sl (2007) 1
    [181]9 Pace Envtl. L. Rev.281,374 n.370 (1992)
    [182]18 U. S.C.3571 (b) (3)
    [183]H. R. Conf. Rep. No.952, at 347-48 (1990)
    [184]68 Fed. Reg.9745 (2003)
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