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This paper paid close attention to the relationship between the readers'trust and the publishing brand, and tried to construct and demonstrate the coupling model of the readers'trust and the publishing brand, in order to solve the problems in the publishing practice, such as the poor performance of the publishing brand management and the lower quality of the services for readers. The particular perspective will open up a new path for the publishing science study, and especially can let us have a deep insight of the effect of the publishing brand. The trust theory tells us that the construction and enhancement of trust relationship plays a very important role in the economic development. Without trust, the people are unable to move in the modern society, in which the division of labor and cooperation are highly developed, so trust has become necessary for human survival and development. This view provides a new chance for the researchers to re-think the nature of publishing brand. We can draw the implication from the trust theory, that is, in addition to studying the publishing brand from the perspective of asset and symbol, we can also analyze the different effect of the readers'trust at different stages of the publishing brand life cycle, and discuss how to observe and guide the development of the readers' trust in order to improve the performance of the publishing brand management. The Chapterl reviewed the existing literature in the publishing brand management area, and analyzed the necessity and feasibility of the analysis model, that is, to discuss the nature of the publishing brand and the law of the publishing brand management. This section presented the study's main problem, that is, what is the real relationship between readers'trust and publishing brands?
     In the Chapter 2, the author discussed the new characteristics of the publishing brand management environment. Environment is the external factors which cannot be avoided in the business activities, so starting from the environment analysis can make the study be systemic. This section mainly described the personalized, emotional, diverse, and discrete characteristic of the needs of readers, and analyzed the new challenges of the publishing company, such as the competition is increasing in the book market, the power of readers is raising, the book trading procedures is becoming more and more complex, and the book marketing activities are paying more attention to the details. In addition, the section also analyzed the progress of the information exchange technology, and the reduction of the brand switching cost, and so on. Based on the above analysis, the author pointed out that the publishing company have to give up the self-centered marketing philosophy, and should pay more attention to the role of the emotion, interaction, participation, communication and other psychological factors in the marketing process, especially should carry out the publishing brand management innovation, which start from the establishment and strengthening the trust relationship.
     The Chapter3 mainly discussed which new philosophy the publishing company should adhere to, and the answer is to carry out the publishing brand management based on the readers'trust. First of all, the section analyzed the positive significance of the readers'trust in the book marketing, and pointed out the readers'trust can provide the "buffer time" for the brand owner, and enhance the competitiveness of the publishing company, and reduce the costs of brand extension and other costs in the book marketing, and prevent other media to grab the limited audience resources. Second, to obtain and maintain the readers'trust is the core of the publishing brand management. The objective of publishing brand management is the long-term development of bilateral relations, which belongs to the long-term investment of the publishers, the construction and enhancement of the publishing brand are inseparable from the readers'interaction and participation, and the successful publishing brand management is to obtain the readers'long-term trust and high degree loyalty. Based on the above analysis, the author believed that the publishing company should establish the readers'trust-oriented publishing brand management philosophy. The specific content of the philosophy include that the object of the publishing brand management is to get the readers'positive recognition and long-term support, to judge the publishing brand management is successful or not is closely related to the measurement of the level of readers'trust, and the publishing company must carry out the effective communication and emotional experience in order to get the readers' trust and reach the goal of maximizing the influence of publishing brands.
     In Chapter4, the author mainly discussed the specific publishing brand management strategy from the perspective of the readers'trust. This section started from the analysis of the characteristics of the different stages of the publishing brand life cycle, then combined with the law of the publishing brand's growth, discussed the specific management strategy. Firstly, the dissertation divided the publishing brand life cycle into the cognitive period, the reputation period, the loyalty period and the transfer period, and discussed the different functions of the readers'trust in different phases. The study found that the readers'trust played an important role in the publishing brand recognition, the brand reputation formation, the improvement of brand loyalty degree, the brand transfer and renovation. The growth and maturity can not be separated from the readers'trust. Secondly, the author set up the coupling model between the readers'trust and the publishing brand. The objectives of the cultivation of the readers'trust and the publishing brand management are all to gain competitive advantage, the coupling of them can simultaneously start from the below two dimensions, that is, the evolution of the readers'trust and the growth of the publishing brand. Taken into account the driving functions of the readers'trust in the brand development, the publishing company should couple them through the observation and controlling of the readers'psychology and behavior. The updated brand management philosophy required the publishing owner to transform their pattern of thinking, and subversive the mindset, but focus on the long-term development of bilateral relations. The publishing company should be reader-interest-oriented, and plan and carry out the reader-interest-oriented marketing activities, through being trusted by the readers to obtain and maintain the increase of the brand influence, in order to gain comparative advantage for its sustainable growth.
     Followed by the above logical thinking, the author made a thorough inquiry of the specific brand management strategy. In the publishing brand cognitive period, the publishing company must analyze the readers'core needs, and carry out the accurate brand positioning to obtain the readers'trust. In the publishing brand dissemination process, the publishing company must consider the individual characteristics, the psychological characteristics, the social characteristics, and the cultural characteristics of the readers fully, and design or adjust the brand communication program based on the above information. In the brand reputation period, the publishing company needed to examine the drift of the readers'core interest demands, and choose management strategy according to the readers'different attitude, and deepen the level of trust, and transfer the wait-and-see attitude, and skillfully deal with complaints. In the brand loyalty period, the shaping of brand personality and style is the focus of the brand management, the unique publishing brand is helpful for the readers to identify and remember, and can meet the other demands, such as the satisfaction of values, social roles, emotional dependence, and aesthetic sensibility, thus the manager should try to increase the readers'positive awareness and promote the deepening of the trust relationship. In addition, the manager cannot be satisfied with the performance in terms of profits and market share, but should continue to innovate, increase the switching costs, enhance the readers'sense of security, provide additional benefits, lower the readers'expectation, and stimulate the positive brand association, in order to deepen the readers'loyalty. In the publishing brand extension period, the publishing company may encounter many problems, such as the conflict of the old and new brand name, the dilution of the original brand image, the weakening of the readers' trust because of the bland extension, etc. In serious cases, it will lead a betrayal. The cause of readers'betrayal includes that the extension of the brand is away from the original brand's core values, the failure extension brings disaster to the overall brand, the new brand supersedes the original one, and so on. So the publishing company should take the space and direction of the brand extension into consideration when positioning, and try to establish the correlation between the old and new brands, and moreover, in the brand extension process the publishing company should communicate timely with the readers, in order to increase the probability of a successful brand extension.
     The Charpter5 analyzed some common mistakes caused by deviating from the trust-oriented principle in the publishing practice, and put forward some suggestions for improvement. First, the conflicts between the brand publicity and its commitments are very common and so serious. For utilitarian purposes, some publishing companies carried out an empty rhetorical brand communications, which would lead the readers to lose their trust on the marketing publicity, and to trigger communication barriers and reduce the number of purchasing, at the same time, this would also affect the allocation of the publication resources, even destroy the growing publishing brand in the serious cases. The publishing brand can not be accomplished by the exaggerated publicity, so the publishing company should insist on the objective and moderate principle in the marketing communication, and start from its professional competence and credibility, then try to fulfill the promise by perfecting the details, in order to get the readers'trust and supports. Second, the blind publishing brand extension would lead to lose the readers'trust. In order to obtain short-term profits, some publishing companies entered the unfamiliar area, this would cause the being lacking innovation of the book contents and the decline in the book quality and the other ills, the unfortunate readers can only choose to "vote with the feet". The right strategy is as follows:make the correlation between the old and new book products dynamically match with the evolution of the reading needs, try to maintain a certain degree of relevance and similarity between the extended products and primary products, only doing like this can we be sure that the publishing company will gain more profits and at the time to get the readers'identity. Third, the merger of different publishing companies will bring the brand transfer. In this process, the different publishing companies should achieve a unified alliance of values, and the value chain management should innovate according to the environment changes, the success of all of these must rely on the readers'recognition and support. So the new publishing company needs to take into account the readers'cognitive situation, and resolves the internal conflicts of interest properly, and communicates with the readers'by a rational approach in order to let them accept the re-positioning, and then maintains and enhances the level of the readers'trust through rigorous commitments. Finally, the IT innovation would also affect the readers'trust. The inherent characteristics of the network decided that the frequency of the brand crisis would increase substantially. The study suggested that publishing company build a crisis early warning system in order to predict and control the brand crisis timely. The publishing company must follow the scientific crisis management procedure, but also should be flexible when disposing the specific issues. And try to gain the readers'support through the honest communications and credible action. Moreover, in the daily business activities, the publishing company should accumulate the trust "stock" by the systematic effort to prepare for contingencies.
     The Charpter6 summarized the main conclusions and inferred the fields of the further study. The main conclusions were as follows:First, to analyze the publishing brand management from the perspective of the trust relationship, this can avoid the readers'voice being "absent" because of only considering the publishers'interests and the other defects, at the same time, the new perspective claimed to carry out book marketing around getting the readers'trust, and to understand the mechanism of the readers'psychology and behavior deeply through communication and interaction, so as to realize the coupling of the readers'trust and the publishing brand, this idea let the concept " serve for the readers" become operational, so it had a certain economic value and social value. Second, to gain the readers'trust needed a long-term process and complex condition, so the publishing company must focus the evolution of the reading demands continuously, and keep the promise consistently, in order to gain the readers'trust by the humanized and credible marketing activities, then enhanced the brand influence by the readers'trust, even try to make the readers generate loyalty as well as worship. Third, the reader-trust-oriented publishing companies must innovate in the publishing process, in the organization and in the technical aspects timely, so that can improve the professional competence significantly, coupled with the honest and friendly service attitude, the publishing company can effectively obtain and maintain the readers'trust. Finally, the establishment and consolidation of the trust relationship enabled the readers to save the costs of searching, selecting and supervising the trading partners and identification of product quality. The long-term cooperation can give the readers a sense of security, intimacy, familiarity and other emotional satisfaction. Therefore, to build trust relationship, and link the interests of both readers and publishing companies through the brand, was a rational choice of the buyers and sellers after weighing a variety of interests. As for the further study, the researcher should make the further analysis of the formation and enhancement mechanisms of the readers'trust, especially from the perspective of the readers' attitude and behavior. Some conclusions of this dissertation needs more data from the Chinese book market to support. In addition, the internationalization and digitalization of the publishing industry brought many new problems related to the readers'trust and publishing brand, which need to seek solutions according to specific situation. All of these provided a broad space to enrich and develop the theoretical system.
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