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At present, governmental accounting reforms are extensively being carried out in western countries and have been paid highly close attention to by related international organizations. But the researchers have made clear that there exist an inconsistent problem named as "performance paradox". The paper takes neo-institutional economics, public choice and other subjects as theoretical bases, clarifies the contractual and institutional natures of governmental accounting in theory, then progressively explains clearly the cause of formation of this problem, and puts forward some proposals about how to reform budget accounting and establish governmental accounting in our country. This research not only expands further the contents and improves the explanatory power of governmental accounting theories, which makes up the theoretical deficiency of discussing the problems of governmental accounting reforms only from technical point of view, but also is helpful for our country to recognize accurately, systematically and roundly the experience and lessons of governmental accounting reforms in western countries and draw up scientific reasonable viable strategies of governmental accounting reforms.
     As economic organizations, governmental sectors are productive firms, which are charge of supplying public goods. They are essentially the connex of contracts. Under this assumption, governmental accounting simultaneously has contractual and institutional natures: the former means that governmental accounting itself is a kind of bounded incomplete contract and contributes to agree to, perform and relieve governmental contracts. But it takes effect on the prerequisite that rational economic entities demand and utilize governmental accounting information in order to supervise agents and make decisions; the latter means that governmental accounting is at least in line with related institutions in form and lends itself to institutional pressures. So, it becomes the institutional results and actual carriers to a great degree. In the mass, these two objective natures require that we should recognize governmental accounting problems respectively from the "efficiency mechanism" and the "legitimacy mechanism".
     The economic nature of governmental accounting reforms is the modification or replacement of contracts. However, it usually gives expression to applying a new governmental accounting model or technical tool in broad terms. In addition, this nature won't alter, although governmental accounting reforms are due to related institutional change. To a governmental sector supplying public goods, accounting reforms generally serve to achieve two goals, namely ensure contractual efficiency and improve contractual legitimacy, which separately accord with the contractual and institutional natures of governmental accounting. But their requests to governmental accounting are probably completely inconsistent, even sometimes as wide as poles apart. This exactly becomes a sally port of researching the cause of formation of governmental accounting reforms "performance paradox". Moreover, this also determines that we should focus on the macroscopical institutions influencing governmental accounting reforms and the microcosmic contracts and their incentive effect in a single governmental sector.
     It is necessary that microcosmic governmental accounting reforms are promoted by macroscopical institutional change. The institutions are internalized in the accounting contracts of every governmental sector by means of enforcement or incentive. When a governmental sector performs accounting reforms, it will achieve the goal of improving contractual legitimacy. It will also establish a new accounting form and make contracting entities' conditions of obtaining information better, namely in addition to budget information, it will help them receive more information, which is beneficial for them to supervise agents. But because of the restrictions of incentive structure factors, governmental accounting information is hard to influence the quantity of supervising agents. So, governmental accounting information is not necessarily utilized to supervise agents. Then, agent problems and agency cost will not decrease and the performance of governmental sectors supplying public goods will not enhance. Under this condition, the problem of governmental accounting reforms "performance paradox" will appear. Obviously, governmental accounting reforms are a very complex and challenging systemic undertaking.
     This paper's innovations are mainly presented as follows:
     1. Chooses the problem of governmental accounting reforms "performance paradox" as research subject and explains why governmental accounting reforms are not necessarily achieve the expected goal of high performance in theory. It breaks through the limitations of mainly researching the problems of governmental accounting reforms only from its necessity and implementation methods in our country.
     2. Looks on governmental sectors as productive firms responsible for supplying public goods and clarifies their economic nature as the connex of contracts. On this basis, the paper also demonstrates the contractual and institutional natures of governmental accounting and differentiates between governmental accounting and its related institutions.
     3. Deeply researches the economic nature and goals of governmental accounting reforms at the micro-level, which breaks through the limitations of researching the problems of governmental accounting reforms only from adopting a new technical tool in order to improve governmental sectors' performance.
     4. Deeply researching the institutions effecting governmental accounting reforms. Public accountability, new public management and fiscal transparency are all regarded as informal institutions (mainly ideologies). And this paper elaborates the characters of these ideologies effecting governmental accounting reforms.
     5. Systematically analyzes the contracts and their incentive effect of bureaucrats, politicians and the general public. On this basis, the paper also discusses their behaviors to treat governmental accounting information, which avoids the research defect of transcendentally supposing that users will spontaneously demand and utilize governmental accounting information.
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    [4]他对澳大利亚公共部门权责发生制会计改革进行了案例研究,并指出权责发生制政府会计改革不仅仅是价值中立的技术性活动。由于缺乏对改革影响的评估,权责发生制作为公共行政中的有效措施被引入公共部门中。但事实上,权责发生制政府会计改革已陷入了矛盾困境中。例如在大多数情况下,权责发生制会计系统并没有比收付实现制做得更好,为资源配置、联合成本分配等问题提供更优的解决方式,甚至还可能产生令财务报告使用者困惑的数据。因此,政府会计改革所宣称的收益与其实际效果之间的差异应当加以研究。见:[澳]Guthrie,J.,"Application of Accrual Accounting in the Australian Public Sector—Rhetoric or Reality,"[J].Financial Accountability & Management,Vol.14,No,1(1998),pp.1-19.
    [5]他评估了作为一项管理工具的完全的权责发生制会计对提高核心政府微观经济绩效的影响,并且指出完全成本信息并没有向通常假定的那样被使用。尽管在特定情况下这些信息产生了一些管理上的收益,但还不足以补偿核心政府总体上采用完全的权责发生制基础财务报告和预算引起的大量耗费。这说明,核心政府采用完全权责发生制会计不能以“微观经济”的基本原则作为基础。但是,权责发生制会计可以在计量公共部门宏观财政状况,特别是财政政策的跨代权益方面发挥更重要的作用,因此选择会计方法时必须考虑服务于这种目的,而不是假定的微观经济优势。见:[澳]Robinson,M.,"Accrual Accounting and the Efficiency of the Core Public Sector,"[J].Financial Accountability & Management,Vol.14,No,1(1998),pp.21-37.
    [6]他们依据荷兰政府的经验证据和相关理论发展出一个解释荷兰政府会计改革预期和现实差异的模型,发现政府会计改革受到一系列因素的影响。政府会计改革不是单纯的技术性活动。尽管政治家和高层管理者能够将新的会计系统和程序引入政府,但它并不意味着政府参与者就会主动使用它们,尤其在政府会计改革脱离政府部门的工作方法时。因此,管理者有必要认识到必须付出大量的努力改变组织文化和工作方式,政府会计改革才可能被完全接受。而且,管理者也必须考虑政府部门的特定性质(即影响政府的内外在因素),以及比引入业绩预算和提升绩效要求更宽泛的政治目标。[荷]Bogt,H.J.and G.J.Helden.,"Accounting Change in Dutch Government:Exploring the Gap between Expectations and Realizations,"[J].Management Accounting Research.Vol.11 No.3(2000),pp.263-279.
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