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Foucault believes that the the relationship between philosophy and politics is permanent and fundamental.If one takes the history of the care of the self in Greek philosophy,the relationship with politics is obvious.So,'power'/'pouvoir',is that Foucault wants to question,but not the fundamental care of Foucault' thoughts.The analysis of power is the the way of Foucault' questioning,but not the end of Foucault' political thoughts.Foucault' political philosophy is the type of philosophy that Foucault claims that he has especially wanted to question politics,and to bring to light in the political field,as in the field of historical and philosophical interrogation. some problems that had not been recognized there before.He means that the questions he has been to ask are not determined by a preestablished outlook and do not tend the realization of some definite political project.In other words,the care of Foucault' political interrogation is always 'the present','the life',and the life of the present,and the life of ourselves of the history of the prsent.
     So,for Foucault,the really important question is always whether one could go beyond the relations of power and live in the outside of them.Therefore,the way of political thoughts of Foucault has been changed from'humanism'to'post- humanism',from'autre/others'to'soi / the self',from'politics'to'ethics'.The end of political philosophy of Foucault has been turned, from power relations that are always the others of the life of ourselves and opposite to our life, to the ontology of ourselves of the history of the present,to 'arts of life'('les arts de l'existence'),'the aesthetics of existence'(l'esthetique de l' existence).In other words,the final political philosophy of Foucault has been turned into politics of friendship(politiques de l'amitie)and the community of friendship as a way of life.Thereby,Foucault'political attitude is ethical and Foucault' political philosophy is,in any case,politics as an ethics.
     Foucault would more or less agree with the idea that in fact what interests him is much more morals than politics,more the care of the self of ourselves than presenting an overall political theory.In fact,Foucault believes precisely that the forms of totalization offered by politics are always very limited.Thereby,Foucault has been attemping,to the contrary,apart from any totalization-which would be at once abstract and limiting-to open up problems that are as concrete and general as possible,problems that approach politics from behind and cut across soceities on the diagonal,problems that at once constituents of our history of the present.In other words,the way of Foucault' questioning politics has been necessary to try to raise these problems both as present questions and as historical ones,as moral,epistemological,and political problems.Foucault believes that by asking this sort of ethico-epistemologico-political question,the interaction between theory and practice and the linking between thinking and acting,are connected in an ethical sense,but the result has to be called political.This is the aim of Foucault's thoughts of his political philosophy.
     As is known to all,Foucault is learned and versatile.He has had extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.At the same time,Foucault is proficient in "Aufheben'.For Foucault,his 'interlocutors' are various and diverse,so,we can not say one of thinkers in ancient or modern times is his model or ancestor.At the same time,many earlier thinkers and elder philosophers have important and permenent effect on him,especially Nietzsche,Marx,and ancitent Greek philosophers,etc.
     We cannot say that Foucault is a nihilist that merely clings obstinately to his course of anti-traditionalism.At the same time,we cannot say Foucault is a utopian,and finally,we cannot say Foucault is an anarchist.Foucault advocates friendship as a way of life and the community of friendship,and it proves that Foucault does not believes one can live in the outside of political community.Simutaneously,the problem that shows clearly in his words or manner and hovers in his mind is that we can live in the world that 'God' and 'Man' have been dead and disapeared by 'le souci de soi'('the care of the self').
     In other words,Foucault's political philosophy not only trys to destory the old,but also to establish the new.For Foucault' philosophical thoughts,philosophy and life are inseparable and firmly connected,especially his political philosophical thoughts.For Foucault,philosophy is a 'philosophy-as-life',and life is a tpye of 'philosophical life',especially his political philosophy and his action to question politics.
     Ultimately,Foucault surpasses pure relationship of power and turns anonymous relationship between power and power into tensional relationship between power and the self.For Foucault's philosophical diagnoses of the times and his care for the present,Foucault's political philosophy is a type of 'medical' philosophy.
     In conclusions,Foucault's political philosophy is not only a type of politics that aims to revolt,but also a type of politics that aims to become reconciled with the self and the community.
8 详参福柯《主体解释学》(福柯法兰西学院演讲系列,1981-1982),佘碧平译,上海人民出版社2005年版
    ⅵ 迈克尔·桑戴尔,马俊(《上海日报》评论部记者):《美国政治哲学家桑戴尔谈政治与哲学》:《文景》,2007年第11期,第47页。
    ⅶ 同上
    1 K.Marx,'A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right:Introduction '.Marx" s Early Poll ticalWritings,Cambridge University Press.1994.p.64.
    2 M.Foucault,"Omnes et Singulatim ":Toward A Critique of Political Reason.THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.Ed.Paul Rabinow and Nikolas Rose;New York:the New Press,2003.P.183.
    3 M.Foucault,Governmentality,"Security,Territory,and Population ";THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.p.235.
    4 Ibid.pp.235-236
    5 M.Foucault.Technologies of the Self.THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.pp,147-149.
    6 M.Foucanlt,On the Genealogy of Ethics:An Overview of Work in Progress.THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.pp.124-125,
    7 Ibid.
    8 M.Foucault."Omnes et Singulatim ":Toward A Critique of Political Reason.THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.p.185
    9 Ibid.
    10 Ibid.
    11 Ibid.p.186
    12 Ibid.
    13 Ibid.187.
    14 Ibid.
    15 M.Foucault,Politics and Ethics:An Interview.The Foucault Reader.New York:Pantheon Books.1984.p.376.
    16 Z.Bauman,Legislators and Interpreters:On modernity,post-modernity and intellectuals.Oxford:Polity Press & Blackwell Publishers Ltd.1987.pp.10-25.
    17 Ibid.pp.27-32.
    18 Ibid.p.51.
    19 Ibid.p.196.
    20 M.Foucault,The Concern for Truth,Politics,Philosophy,Culture:Interviews And Other Writings,1977-1984.New York:Rouledge.1988.p.265.
    21 M.Foucault,Truth and Power.Power/Knowledge:Selected Interviews And Other Writings,1972-1977.Ed.C.Gordon.The Harvester Press.1980.pp.109-133.
    22 Ibid.p.133.
    23 M.Foucault,The Concern for Truth,Politics,Philosophy,Culture:Interviews And Other Writings,1977-1984.p.265.
    24 Ibid.pp.263-265.
    25 Ibid.p.259.
    26 M.Foucault,Politics and Ethics:An Interview.The Foucault Reader.p.375.
    27 M.Foucault,The Ethics of the Concern of the Self as a Practice of Freedom.THE ESSENTIAL FOUCAULT.pp.25-42.
    28 Ibid.pp.35-36.
    29 M.Foucault,Sex,Power,and the Politics of Identity.Ethics:Subjectivity and Truth.Ed.P.Rabinow.New York:The New Press,p.164.
    ⅷ 福柯,《必须保卫社会》,钱翰译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第227页
    ⅹⅳ 德勒兹,《哲学与权力的谈判》,刘汉全译,商务印书馆2000年版,第133-134页
    ⅲ 《论语译注》,杨伯峻译注,第65页,北京:中华书局,1980
    ⅳ 吉尔·德勒兹:《哲学与权力的谈判》,第100页,北京:商务印书馆,2000
    ⅴ 详参M.Foucault,The Return of Morality.in Politics,Philosophy,Culture:Interviews and Other Writings,1977-1984.New York:Routledge,1988.中译可参《福柯集》,第514-527页,杜小真编,上海远东出版社,2003
    ⅵ 雷蒙·阿隆、丹尼尔·贝尔等:《托克维尔与民主精神》,第81-82页,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2008
    1 M.Foucault,Friendship as a Way of Life,Ethics:Subjectivity and Truth.Ed.P.Rabinow,New York:The New Press.1997.
    2 M.Foucault,Polemics,Politics,and Problemizations.The Foucauh Reader.p.381.
    3 M.Foucault,The Return of Morality,in Politics,Philosophy,Culture:Interviews and Other Writings,1977-1984.New York:Routledge,1988.p.245.
    4 Ibid.p.247.
    5 Ibid.p.248.
    6 Ibid.p.249.
    ⅶ 参雅克·德里达最后谈话:《我将向我自己开战》;载见《解构与思想的未来》,夏可君编校,吉林人民出版社2006年版;另参德里达:《〈友爱的政治学〉及其他》,版本同上 M.Foucault.1, Les mots et les choses[M]. Paris: Gallimard, 1966.
    2, L'Archeologie du Savoir[M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1969.
    3, L'Ordre du discourse[M]. Paris: Gallimard, 1971.
    4, Histoire de la folie a Page classique[M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1972.
    5, Surveilier et punir[M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1975.
    6, Histoire de la Sexualite, vol.1, La Volonte de Savoir [M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1976.vol.2, l'usage des plaisirs[M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1984. vol.3, le souci de soi[M]. Paris: Gallimard. 1984.
    7, Dits et ecrits.Vol. I .-IV.[M]. Paris: Gallimard, 1994.
    8, Il faut defendre la societe [M]. Paris: Gallimard/Seuil. 1997.
    9, L'Hermeneutique du sujet[M]. Paris: Gallimard/Seuil.2001.
    10, Madness and Civilization[M]. Trans.R.Howard. New York: Random House.1965.
    11, The Archeology of Knowledge[M]. New York: Pantheon Books. 1972.
    12, The Order of Things[M]. New York: Vintage Books. 1973.
    13, The Birth of the Clinic[M]. Trans.A.M.Sheridan.Smith. New York: Vintage Books .1975.
    14, Language, Counter-Memory,Practice[M].Oxford: Basil Blackwell.1977.
    15, The History of Sexuality: An Introduction[M]. Trans.R.Hurley.New York: Penguin Books.1978.
    16, Discipline and Punish[M]. Trans.A.Sheridan.New York: Vintage Books . 1979.
    17, Power/Knowledge[M]. Ed.C.Gordon. Oxford: The Harvester Press. 1980.
    18, The Foucault Reader[M]. Ed. P. Rabinow. New York: Pantheon Books. 1984.
    19, Politics,Philosophy, Culture[M]. Ed. L.D.Kritzman. New York: Routledge. 1988.
    20, Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth[M]. New York:The New Press. 1997.
    21, The Essential Foucault[M]. Ed.P.Rabinow and N.Rose. New York:The New Press.2003.
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    3, Foucault on Freedom [M]./ J.Oksala. Cambridge ,New York : Cambridge University Press.2005.
    4, Foucault: the Art of Ethics[M]. / T.O'Leary. London , New York : Continuum.2002.
    5, The Impact of Michel Foucault on the Social Sciences and Humanities[M]. Ed. M. Lloyd and A.Thacker. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Macmillan Press ; New York : St. Martin's Press. 1997.
    6, Self/Power/Other : Political Theory and Dialogical Ethics [M]./ R. Coles. Ithaca : Cornell University Press. 1992.
    7, Foucault's Nietzschean Genealogy : Truth, Power, and the Subject[M]. / M. Mahon. Albany : State University of New York Press. 1992.
    8, The Politics of Historical Vision : Marx, Foucault, Habermas [M]./ S. Best. New York : Guilford Press. 1995.
    9, Foucault & the Political [M]./ J. Simons. London ; New York : Routledge. 1995.
    10, Foucault and Law : Towards a Sociology of Law as Governance [M]./ A.Hunt and G.Wickham. London , Boulder, Colo: Pluto Press. 1994.
    11, Reassessing Foucault : Power, Medicine, and the Body[M].Ed. C. Jones and R. Porter. London , New York: Routledge. 1994.
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    13, Michel Foucault [M]./ Didier Eribon.Trans. B. Wing. Cambridge,Mass:Harvard University Press. 1991.
    14, The Foucault Effect : Studies in Governmentality [M]. Ed.G.Burchell, C. Gordon, and P. Miller. Chicago : Chicago University Press, 1991.
    15, Foucault and Derrida :the Other Side of Reason [M]./ R.Boyne. London, Boston : Unwin Hyman.1990.
    16, Marxism and Epistemology : Bachelard, Canguilhem and Foucault [M]. / D. Lecourt. Trans. B. Brewster. London :NLB. 1975.
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    18, Foucault and the Government of Disability[M].Ed. S. Tremain. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.2005.
    19, Michel Foucault and Theology : the Politics of Religious Experience [M].Ed.J. Bernauer, J.Carrette. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.2004.
    20, Michel Foucault and the Games of Truth[M]./ H.Nilson.Trans.R.Clark.London,New York: Macmillan Press Ltd./ St.Martin's Press. 1998.
    21, Foucault, Cultural Studies, and Governmental ity [MJ.Ed.J. Z. Bratich, J. Packer, C. McCarthy. Albany : State University of New York Press.2003.
    22, Foucault and Heidegger:Critical Encounters[M]. Ed.A. Milchman and A. Rosenberg. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.2003.
    23, Counseling Youth : Foucault, Power, and the Ethics of Subjectivity [M]./ T. Besley. Westport, Connecticut,London : Praeger.2002.
    24, Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom [M]. / T. L. D. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Pub.2002.
    25, The Art of Living : Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault[M]. / A. Nehamas. Berkeley : University of California Press. 1998.
    26, Foucault, Subjectivity, and Identity : Historical Constructions of Subject and Self[M]. / R. M. Strozier. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.2002.
    27, Political Genealogy after Foucault :Savage identities[M]. / M.Clifford. New York : Routledge.2001.
    28, Being up-to-date : Foucault, Sartre, and Postmodernity[M]. / N. Levy. New York : P. Lang.2001.
    29, Michel Foucault and the Freedom of Thought[M]. / K. A. Robinson. Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press.2001.
    30, Rethinking Law, Society and Governance : Foucault's Bequest[M]. Ed. G. Wickham and G. Pavlich. Oxford :Hart.2001.
    31, Philosophy and freedom: Derrida, Rorty, Habermas, Foucault [M]./ J. McCumber. Bloomington : Indiana University Press.2000.
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    33, Critique and Power: Recasting and the Foucault / Habermas Debate[M]. Cambridge,Mass.and London.- The MIT Press. 1994.
    34, Bodies and Pleasures : Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization[M]. / Ladelle McWhorter. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press. 1999.
    35, The Nature of Capital: Marx after Foucault [M]./ R.Marsden. New York : Routledge.1999.
    36, The Death and Return of the Author : Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida[M]. / S. Burke. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. 1998.
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    43, Foucault's Critical Project : Between the Transcendental and the Historical[M]./ B.Han. Stanford,California: Stanford University Press.2002.
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