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Currently our country is in the fast developing stage of real estate. The overall construction energy consumption occupies 20.7 percentage of the social terminal energy consumption. So the promotion of energy, water and materials-saving ecological residence becomes emergent. But today's development for ecological residence is unsatisfying. According to the statistics of 2005, the energy consumption for unit construction area in our country is more than 2 or 3 times of that in developed country.
     The reason for that is due to the phenomena lying in developing ecological residence, which either pay more attention on technique than benefit or pay more attention on benefit than cost. Currently, the studies of ecological residence mainly focus on the aspect that using new techniques or methods can realize the energy, water or materials' saving in residence, but that always ignores the analysis of cost-benefit to fulfill those savings. Those studies lack the analysis and discovery from the aspect of economics. They don't have the unified definition for ecological residence, especially for the meaning description from economics. Ecological residence was even wrongly considered as to only increase the green area and reduces the energy consumption.
     Based on the realities, this paper describes the definition of ecological residence from the field of economics. Ecological residence studied in this paper refers those residences having major entire social benefit, which can't be self-formed in current market environment. The ecological features of ecological residence are the positive externalities in economics. Some ecological residences in current market were considered as pseudo- ecological residence according to the analysis from this paper.
     Like the obstacles in the development of ecological residence, there is also market failure phenomenon for ecological residence in economics. We made detailed description for this phenomenon both from the quantities analysis and theoretical analysis.
     First, this paper studied the life cycle cost and benefit of ecological residence from some sample data. We calculated the difference net present value (NPV) between the first cost increment and economic income during usage of ecological residence. We also calculated the payout period for the first cost increment. Based on those calculations, we analyzed and compared the economical benefit of ecological residence. From those calculated data, we discovered that the economical benefit of ecological residence is closely related to external feature, market scale and capital discount rate.
     We then made the analysis of the market failure of ecological residence from microeconomics. First, positive externalities of ecological residence will cause market quantity of ecological residence lesser than social optimum quantity of ecological residence. Second, ecological residence has extortionate Barrier to Entry because of its economics of scale. Third, private discount rate is much higher than social discount rate. Fourth, extortionate cost in using stage causes that ecological residence doesn't have valuation in current market environment. Neatly, the paper made an analysis of the three main economic activities: developers, consumers, government. By constructing the game model, we understand that the choice of each market players is the function of the choice of other market players. The acts of government side, such as subsidies or tax policies will change the market equilibrium.
     We also make some discussions for market failure of ecological residence from two facts, i.e. market reconstruction and Institutional innovation. For market reconstruction, we should realize ecological residence through market mechanism and internalize the externality of ecological residence by the way of property right. For Institutional innovation, we need the innovation in market regulation and change in market equilibrium through tax allowance. The paper pointed out that ecological residence market needs different economic policies at different stages of development, and different economic policies have different economic effects.To realize ecological residence, there are two political tools from government introduced in this paper: allowance for ecological residence and taxation for non- ecological residence. Compared with taxation for non-ecological residence, allowance for ecological residence has lower gross social cost and can improve the quality of residence due to the filtering effect of real estate market. So allowance should be more effective for the development of ecological residence. At the same time the paper set out a series of measures and evaluation which has adopted by China government, including certification standards, policies and regulations.
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