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     脑梗死(cerebral infarction)又称缺血性脑卒中(cerebral ischemic stroke),是指各种原因引起的脑部液供应障碍,使局部脑组织发生不可逆性损伤,导致组织缺血、缺氧性坏死。我国急性脑血管病的发病率和死亡率均居各种疾病之首,65岁以上人群组疾病死亡率高达719/10万,其中急性脑梗死约占50%-70%。随着社会高龄化,患者的发病率有上升趋势,其中脑梗死患者为临床最为常见,也是针灸临床中最为常见的病种之一。有文献报导,脑梗死的发病率不断提高,存在轻型化趋势,如腔隙性梗塞在所有脑梗死患者中占30.45%。随着现代医学的不断进展,脑梗死的死亡率较前虽有所降低,但致残率、复发率仍很高,严重危害着中老年人的健康水平和生活质量,给患者带来巨大的身心痛苦和沉重的经济负担,因此对脑梗死脑血管病研究和防治已成为当今我国重大的公共卫生问题。
     Cerebral infarction, also known as ischemic stroke (cerebral ischemic stroke), refers to a variety of causes brain fluid supply bottlenecks, the local brain tissue irreversible damage occurs, resulting in tissue ischemia, hypoxia necrosis. The morbidity and mortality of acute cerebrovascular disease are on the top of the various diseases. Mortality rate of people who over65is as high as719/10000[1], of which about50%-70%is acute cerebral infarction [2]. With an aging population, there is an upward trend in the mobildity of patients, of which patients with cerebral infarction is clinically the most common one, and is also one of the most common clinical acupuncture disease [3]. Literature reported that the mobidity of cerebral infarction continue to increase, and there is a trend of younger patients, and30.45%of all patients with cerebral infarction are lacunar infarction [4]. With the progressing of modern medicine, the mortality rate of cerebral infarction decreased, but despite the reduced morbidity, the disability rate and recurrence rate is still high, which seriously endangering the health and quality of life of the middle-aged and elderly, which could cause a huge physical and mental suffering and a heavy economic burden. Thus, cerebral infarction and cerebrovascular disease research and control has become a major public health program in our country today.
     To study the synergia clinical efficacy and quality of life of acupuncture treatment in terms of Heart-Gallbladder therapy for cerebral infarction, providing a richer therapeutic schedule and evidence to improve the clinical efficacy of treating cerebral infarction.
     A simple random method was used for the study, and according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,124of130cases of Neurology ward patients with cerebral infarction were incorporating, who were divided into a treat group of62patients and a control group of62patients at a1:1ratio.
     Patients in treat group were treated with acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine treatment in terms of Heart-Gallbladder therapy, acupuncture points selection were DU20, EX-HN3, PC6, PC3, HT1, GB34, GB40, GB44, and abdominal acupuncture points including RN12, RN10, RN6, RN4, and back-shu points such as BL17, BL19, and heart and gall bladder of auricular point. All acupuncture points above were divided into two groups by left and right, and take turns for using the next day. Acupuncture for30minutes, and manipulating the needle once every10minutes. Seed-sized moxa cone moxibustion was used after the acupuncture, and5moxa cones per acupoint, auricular were taken after the end of the moxibustion, which will buried a thumbtack-like intradermal needle and tape securely for3days. All treatment were five times a week, totally four weeks for treatment. Chinese herbal medicine was buyang huanwu decoction: Astragalus30g, Chuan Xiong12g, Angelica12g, peach kernel12g, safflower12g, earthworm10g, red peony root15g, the gramineus15g, the Polygala12g, Ghassan sticks for the heavy upper limb hemiplegia, lower extremity hemiplegia plus bidentata, Dipsacus, hemiplegia course of time and leeches, Kouyanwaixie plus silkworm, white aconite. All herbs were cooked in water till500ml, qd. The control group were taking Chinese herbal medicine treatment, and the priscribtion and administration references the treatment group.
     National Inst i tutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and stroke specialized Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) was used to evaluate the outcomes, demographic data, symptoms and signs and symptom scores changes were evaluated before and after treatment. Use EpiDate3.1software for data entry, with double entry method, in order to ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of data. Using SPSS18.0statistical analysis software for analysis and processing, general descriptive analysis, measurement data were expressed as mean±standard deviation, before and after treatment using paired t test groups were compared using independent sample t test, count data and grade data using χ2test.
     (1) Baseline comparison
     Demographic data, the two groups in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, duration and complications of general information was no significant different (P>0.05), indicating that the two groups of patients before treatment does not exist the possibility of selection bias in the two groups were comparable.
     Risk factors for cerebral infarction, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, heart disease (CHD) is a major risk factor is directly related to the incidence of acute cerebral infarction, Investigation in this study124patients selected cases found in the crowd with these types of risk factors, hypertension in81cases (65.32%), hyperlipidemia in70cases (56.45%),60cases of diabetes (48.39%), heart disease in33cases (26.61%), past medical history of two groups of four categories of disease by chi-square test P values were greater than0.05, were not statistically significant, indicating that the four of the patients included in the study class factor is still the major risk factors for cerebral infarction, but it does not affect the outcome of this study.
     Compared to the scales'baseline, the two groups before treatment symptoms and signs by the chi-square test, symptoms and signs of the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05) Before treatment, the symptoms and signs of bias does not exist; treatment in both groups before the NIHSS scores was no significant difference (P>0.05), the two groups of patients before treatment NIHSS score no significant difference between two groups were comparable. Before treatment, the12dimensions of the two groups of patients quality of life score comparison, the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05), description of each dimension of the quality of life of the two groups of patients with cerebral infarction were comparable.
     (2) The main clinical symptoms, After treatment, hemiplegia, speech Jian astringent or complement, mouth askew score compared with before treatment, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), After treatment the Symptoms improved than before treatment. Description heart bile Acupuncture+Chinese medicine therapy compared with traditional Chinese medicine treatment is more effective in improving the symptoms.
     (3) Outcome comparison
     The primary outcome measure, the comparative results for the group, NIHSS score of the two groups after treatment compared with before treatment, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), patients improved after the intervention. Group comparison results showed that after treatment, the NIHSS score the two groups, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05) Description heart bile Acupuncture+Chinese medicine therapy in reducing NIHSS score compared with traditional Chinese medicine treatment more effective.
     Evaluation of qual ity of life, compared two groups before treatment and after treatment (P<0.01), the difference was statistically significant; treatment group and control group after treatment in patients with cerebral infarction quality of li fe score, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The group compared the two treatment regimens can improve the patient's quality of life; between the two groups prompted from heart bile On Governance Acupuncture+Chinese medicine treatment options to improve the patient's quality of life is better than pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment options.
     The quality of life of each dimension comparisons, the12dimensions of the two groups of patients quality of life after treatment score comparison, language, activity, mood, personality, self-care ability, social roles, upper limb function, work or labor eight scores relative differences were statistically significant (P<0.05), Acupuncture+Chinese medicine treatment to improve cerebral infarction in patients with somatic motor functions and language consciousness eight dimensions better than Chinese medicine treatment.
     (4) For clinical efficient comparison, the total effective rate of80.64%, total effective rate was66.13%in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), prompted Acupuncture+Chinese medicine treatment of brain infarction is better than the simple application of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, suggesting that the clinical treatment of the disease when adding acupuncture treatment is better. Judging from the TCM Therapeutic Evaluation of the treatment group total effective rate was85.48%, total effective rate was62.90%in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), prompted Acupuncture+Chinese Medicines can significantly improve the brain TCM symptoms of infarction patients.
     (5) For security comparison, by clinical observation, the treatment group after acupuncture does not appear fainting, needle and other adverse reactions. Two groups of patients were not there in the use of drugs rash, fever, nausea, vomiting and other adverse reactions, treatment after review of blood, urine, stool routine, liver and kidney function found no abnormal changes. Prompted this study, patients in both treatment of acute cerebral infarction, recovery are safe and effective.
     1. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, heart disease (CHD) are four categories of diseases as major risk factors for cerebral infarction;
     2. Compared to Chinese herbal medi cine treatment, the integrative theory of acupuncture and moxibustion in terms of Hear-Gallbladder therapy+Chinese herbal medicine treatment for cerebral infarction (Qi deficiency and blood stasis in TCM) has a more exactly efficacy, which can not only alleviate the symptoms, but also overall improve the quality of life of the patients. Acupuncture and moxibustion in terms of Hear-Gallbladder therapy has a synergia clinical efficacy, and it is an effective and feasible solution.
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