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甲壳动物养殖业是我国重要的出口创汇产业。然而,自1992年白斑综合征病毒(White Spot Syndrome Virus, WSSV)病的爆发,给我国乃至世界的水产养殖带来巨大的经济损失。因此,对参与病毒感染和复制的宿主蛋白进行鉴定和功能分析,对预防和控制病毒性疾病有重要的意义。泛素化和SUMO化都需要激活酶E1,结合酶E2和连接酶E3的参与,从而对靶蛋白进行特异性修饰。尽管类泛素SUMO的三维结构和酶促反应过程与泛素非常形似,但两类蛋白修饰的生物学意义却迥然不同。本研究选择对虾泛素结合酶和小龙虾SUMO结合酶,分别研究他们介导的泛素化和SUMO化在病毒感染和复制中的功能,进而阐明甲壳动物与白斑病毒相互作用的分子机理。
     我们从中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)中克隆得到了一个泛素结合酶E2,命名为FcUbc。FcUbc的cDNA全长967bp,其中开放阅读框447bp,编码148个氨基酸,包含一个泛素结合酶E2催化结构域(UBCc)。FcUbc特异性的分布于对虾肝胰腺和小肠中,在受到白斑病毒刺激后,都呈现出上调表达的趋势。在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中重组表达并纯化了FcUbc,用重组蛋白制备的多克隆抗体进行免疫组化分析,结果显示内源FcUbc蛋白定位于肝胰腺的B细胞和小肠的上皮细胞。
     为了研究其功能,除了重组表达FcUbc外,我们对FcUbc的催化活性位点进行了突变,重组表达了其突变体mFcUbc。利用FcUbc重组蛋白注射对虾,明显降低了染毒对虾的死亡率,并且大大抑制白斑病毒的复制。我们利用体外pull-down实验证实重组FcUbc能够结合病毒的四个含有RING结构域的蛋白(WRD1-4),后者被报道具有潜在的E3连接酶的功能,而突变体mFcUbc丧失了这样的体外结合能力。更重要的是,体外泛素化实验和果蝇S2细胞系(Drosophila melanogaster Schneider2)上的实验都证实了FcUbc介导了WSSV277和WSSV304的RING结构域的泛素化。在感染WSSV的果蝇S2细胞中,过表达的FcUbc增强了病毒WSSV277和WSSV304蛋白的泛素化。以上结果表明中国明对虾FcUbc介导白斑病毒含RING结构域蛋白的泛素化,并最终抑制病毒的复制。
     我们从克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)中克隆得到了小泛素样修饰蛋白(small ubiquitin-related modifier, SUMO)和SUMO结合酶UBC9。UBC9cDNA全长912bp,开放阅读框483bp,编码160个氨基酸,含有一个UBCc催化结构域,活性位点是位于93位的保守的半胱氨酸。SUMO cDNA全长960bp,开放阅读框282bp,编码93个氨基酸,含有一个泛素样结构域(UBQ),其活性位点是位于C末端的双甘氨酸残基。序列比对和进化树分析显示UBC9和SUMO进化上高度保守,小龙虾的UBC9和SUMO与酵母和人类的蛋白表现出极高的相似性。UBC9和SUMO组成型的存在于小龙虾各组织,在白斑病毒刺激后呈现上调表达。
     我们在大肠杆菌中重组表达并纯化了克氏原螯虾的UBC9、SUMO,突变体mUBC9和rnSUMO,及SUMO的活性形式SUMO-GG。向克氏原螯虾体内注射UBC9或SUMO重组蛋白增强了WSSV的基因复制,而突变体mUBC9和mSUMO则丧失此功能。接下来我们进一步分析了克氏原螯虾SUMO化系统促进白斑病毒复制的分子机理。克氏原螯虾UBC9蛋白体外结合WSSV三种极早期蛋白(IE, WSV051, WSV069和WSV187),其中只有WSV051能够被宿主UBC9介导发生SUMO化修饰。利用干扰降低小龙虾UBC9或SUMO的表达水平,导致病毒晚期基因表达被抑制,极早期基因表达也受到影响而表达量降低;并且这种抑制作用可以被注射的重组UBC9或SUMO解除,从而使感染的WSSV基因表达恢复正常状态。该研究表明小龙虾SUMO化系统被白斑病毒利用来修饰自身的极早期IE蛋白,这种修饰促进了病毒基因的转录和病毒复制。
Shrimp farming is an impotrant export industry in China However, the outbreak of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) since1992leads to huge economic losses to our country and even the world. Therefore, the identification and functional analysis of host proteins involved in viral infection and replication are significant to the control of shrimp diseases Ubiquitination and SUMOylation need activating enzyme E1, conjugating enzyme E2and ligase enzyme E3to modify target proteins on specific sites. Though spacial structure and enzymatic reaction of SUMOylation are similar with ubiquitination, they result in quite different meanings in biology The study foucs on ubiquitin conjugating enzyme of prawn and SUMO conjugating enzme of crayfish. We investigate the roles ubiquitination and SUMOylation during viral infection and replication, and propose to illustrate the molecular mechanism of shrimp and virus interactions.
     1. FcUbc of Chinese white shrimp mediates ubiquitination of WSSV RING domain proteins and inhibits viral replication.
     We identified a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2from Fenneropenaeus chinensis named FcUbc The full length of FcUbc cDNA is967bp with open reading frame (ORF) of447bp The deduced peptide encoded148amino acids and contains a ubiquitin conjugating catalytic domain (UBCc). FcUbc RNAs and proteins were detected in prawn hepatopancreas and intestine. The recombinant FcUbc and the mutant FcUbc lacking catalytic residue were expressed and purified in Escherichiacoli.
     Subsequently, rFcUbc injected into WSSV-infected shrimp reduced the mortality, and greatly suppressed viral replication. Pull-down assay confirmed that FcUbc combined to four viral RING proteins, which function as potential E3ligase; but the mFcUbc lost the binding ability. More importantly, that FcUbc mediates ubiquitination of RING domains of WSSV277and WSSV304is illustrated by assays in vitro and on Drosophila S2cells. Furthermore, overexpression of FcUbc on S2cells enhanced ubiquitination of viral WSSV277and WSSV304. These results indicate FcUbc mediates ubiquitination of WSSV RING domain proteins and inhibits viral replication ultimately.
     2. SUMO conjugating enzyme of red swamp crayfish, UBC9mediates SUMOylation of WSSV IE protein and facilitates viral replication
     A small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) and SUMO conjugating enzyme UBC9were identified from Procambarus clarkii. The full length of UBC9cDNA is912bp with ORF of483bp coding160amino acids, and the active site is cysteine93. At the same time, that of SUMO cDNA is960bp with ORF of283bp coding93aa, and contains double glycine residues at C-terminal as the active site. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree display that UBC9and SUMO are conserved in evolution, and UBC9and SUMO of crayfish show high similarity with these of yeast and human. UBC9and SUMO constitutively expressed in every tissue of crayfish and increase after WSSV challenge. Crayfish UBC9, SUMO, mUBC9, mSUMO and active SUMO-GG are expressed in E. coli
     The viral genes replication was enhanced in crayfish injected with UBC9or SUMO, but not with mUBC9and mSUMO. We analyzed the molecular mechanism of crayfish SUMOylation prompts WSSV replication. Pull-down assay confirmed crayfish UBC9combined to three of WSSV IE proteins, while only one of them, WSV051was SUMO-modified by UBC9in vitro. The decreased expressions of UBC9or SUMO by RNAi, leaded to serious inhibition on viral late genes and down-regulation on ie genes Moreover, the suppressions were removed by subsequent injection of recombinanl UBC9or SUMO, and the gene expressions of WSSV were rescued by UBC9or SUMO proteins. In a word, the study demonstrates that crayfish SUMOylation pathway can be employed by WSSV to modify its IE proteins, which facilitates viral genes transcription and replication.
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