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扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)是我国特有的珍稀濒危野生动物,长期以来,由于环境恶化、栖息地丧失以及人类活动的影响,其野外种群的数量急剧下降,目前只有在安徽、浙江两省交界区域有所分布,种群数量已不足120条。为保护这一珍稀濒危物种的,我国政府已经采取了一系列措施。1972年将扬子鳄列为I级重点保护野生动物,1978年、1982年和1979年相继建立了安徽宣州扬子鳄繁殖研究中心、扬子鳄自然保护区、浙江长兴扬子鳄自然繁育研究中心等机构。
     4.基于MHC II类以及OR基因的同源序列,成功设计了三对通用引物,并从扬子鳄基因组BAC文库中筛选到阳性BAC克隆的。
Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is a rare and endangered species endemic to China. For a long time, due to the environment deterioration, habitat loss and the influence of human activitiy, wild Chinese alligator population has dropped sharply to less than120. At present it appears restricted to southeastern Anhui Province of China, possibly very low numbers in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. To protect this species,in1972the Chinese Government listed Chinese alligator as a Class I endangered species. Anhui Research Center for Chinese Alligator Reproduction, Anhui National Nature Reserve for Chinese Alligator and Changxing Breeding and Research Center for Chinese Alligator were established in1978,1982,1979, separately.
     In this study, for preserve the genetic resources, we constructed a high-quality bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of the Chinese Alligator with fresh blood, which was provided by Changxing Breeding and Research Center of Chinese Alligator.Then further researchs show that this genomic BAC library is high quality and effective by constructing two contigs of MHC class II and OR genes of Chinese alligator. The main results are as follows:
     1. The Chinese Alligator bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library consisting of216,238clones has been constructed using the whole blood and pCC1BAC vector. The average insert size was calculated to be90kb based on the examination of150randomly selected clones, indicating that the Chinese Alligator library contained6.8-fold genome equivalents. About5.53%non-insert clones were observed in the150clones tested (10out of174). The probability of any Chinese alligator gene being found in this library should be about99.93%.
     2. Construction of high-effective rapid screening libraries by4D-PCR. The216,238BAC clones were divided into46superpools and1,564(46x34) sub-superpools of1D,2D,3D,4D. We can obtain the desired positive BAC clones by any primers or probes through80PCR reactions.
     3. Using7Chinese Alligator speciese specific SSR PCR primers for screening the BAC library,6.1positive clones were got an average. The PCR screening results were thus in good agreement with an expected6.8-fold genomic coverage of the library.
     4. We have designed two MHC class II PCR primers and one OR gene PCR primers by the homologous sequences.
     5. Two contigs of Chinese Alligator MHC class II and OR genes were constructed by screening the genomic BAC library using the three primers in point4, BAC end sequencing and chromosome walking.
     6. Though sequencing the nine BAC clones in the OR gene contig, we confirmed the high-quality of the BAC library. Then we conducted a preliminary analysis of OR genes in Chinese alligator genome.
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