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     虽然一些研究表明常规的MR成像能够显示周围神经损伤时信号和弛豫时间的异常,但是对于神经的再生缺乏特异性,而且无法显示复杂解剖部位的神经走行。磁共振弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging, DTI)在显示中枢神经纤维束及据此诊断中枢神经系统疾病的作用已被广泛认同,部分研究也显示了DTI在周围神经系统损伤中的作用,然而常规场强下的在体DTI评价周围神经挤压伤作用尚缺乏系统研究。锰增强磁共振成像(manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, MEMRI)被证实能够准确显示脑内神经传导通路,然而MEMRI评价周围神经损伤的应用尚很少见。
     通过不同b值之间成像质量的比较探讨b值对弥散张量(DTI)纤维束示踪成像质量的影响;明确1.5T MR兔坐骨神经弥散张量纤维束示踪成像的最优b值;比较不同b值之间各导出量判断b值对导出量的测量有无影响;通过与大体解剖及常规MR扫描相对照探讨1.5TMR兔坐骨神经弥散张量纤维束示踪成像的可行性。
     Philips Achieva 1.5T Nova Dual MR扫描仪
     Philips EWS (Extended Workspace) v2.6图像后处理工作站,内装FiberTrak
     1.3 MR扫描
     1.3.2 MR扫描方法及成像参数
     T2WI采用快速自旋回波(Turbo Spin-echo,TSE)序列,参数如下:TR,2500ms;TE,120ms;TSE因子,25;层厚,2mm;层间距,1mm;扫描视野(Field of View,FOV),120mm;扫描矩阵:344×344,平面内像素大小0.35x0.35mm;重建矩阵,512×512;平面内重建像素,0.23×0.23;激励次数(NSA),4次。
     DTI扫描采用单次激发自旋回波回波平面成像(SE-EPI)及SENSE并行采集技术,SENSE因子为2;采用6个不同b值:400、600、800、1000、1200和1400s/mm2,成像参数:TR,1550-3650ms:TE分别为55、59、63、66、68和71ms;6个b值扫描的方向、范围及其他参数均相同:层厚,1.6 mm;间隔,Omm;FOV,130mm;扫描矩阵80×80;平面内像素大小,1.6×1.6;激励次数(NSA),2;弥散敏感梯度方向:32个。
     DTI数据传入Philips EWS v2.6工作站FiberTrak软件包行图像后处理。纤维束示踪采用多个感兴趣区(ROI)定义法:于股骨大转子层面采用freehand模式划定2个相距5mm的ROI,刚好包含坐骨神经外径,软件自动显示出穿过2个ROI的纤维束。纤维束FA下限阈值取0.4,最大偏转角为27度,最小纤维束长度10mm,然后将纤维束与T2WI定位图融合。
     采用SPSSl3.0统计软件。所有定量数据均采用均数±标准差形式表示。先对不同b值间纤维束数量、纤维束平均长度、FA值数据进行数据分析,符合正态分布时均数比较采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA),进行方差齐性检验,若方差齐采用Fisher法,若方差不齐采用近似F检验Welch法;若方差分析显著则进行组间多重比较,方差齐时多重比较采用Bonferroni法,方差不齐者采用Dunnett's T3法;若方差分析不显著则不进行多重比较。不同b值间主观评价分数的比较采用多个相关样本非参数检验,两评价者之间一致性检验采用kappa检验。SNR.FA值、ADC值及λ1、λ2、λ3值与b值的相关性检验采用Spearman相关检验。均以P<0.05为有统计学意义。
     2.1 DWI图像信噪比(SNR)与b值的关系
     纤维束数量:b=1000 s/mm2时纤维束数量明显较其他组多,b=400 s/mm2和1400 s/mm2组数量最少。方差分析有显著性(F=21.641,P=0.000);组间多重比较,b=1000 s/mm2组与b=400 s/mm2、b=600 s/mm2、b=1200s/mm2、b=1400s/mm2组间纤维束数量差异均有显著性差异(P值分别为0.000、0.002、0.000和0.000),与b=800 s/mm2纤维束数量无显著性差异。
     纤维束平均长度:b=1000 s/mm2时纤维束平均长度较其他b值长,b=400 s/mm2时纤维束平均长度最短,方差分析有统计学意义(F=19.736,P=0.000)。组间多重比较采用Dunnett's T3法,b=1000 s/mm2组与b=400 s/mm2、b=600 s/mm2、b=1200 s/mm2、b=1400 s/mm2组之间差异有统计学意义(P值分别为0.000、0.008、0.013和0.002),与b=800 s/mm2组间差异无统计学意义。
     2.3 FA值和ADC值及3个本征向量值(λl、λ2、λ3)与b值的关系
     b=1000 s/mm2组的图像质量等级评分均在前3名之内,平均秩次最低(图像质量最高),其次为b=800 s/mm2和1200 s/mm2组,b=400组平均秩次最高(图像质量最差),组间差异有统计学意义(χ=33.714,P=0.000);两评价者之间具有高度一致性(κ=0.76,P=0.000)。
     选择b=1000 s/mm2组的纤维束示踪图像与大体解剖和断面解剖对比,结果显示重建纤维束的走行方向和部位与大体解剖一致,基本能够显示坐骨神经全程,坐骨神经的两个分支构成-胫神经和腓神经亦能较清楚显示。
     荷兰Philips Achieva 1.5T Nova Dual双梯度MR扫描仪。
     型号CG RBC 18-H150-AP。
     Philips EWS (Extended Workspace) v2.6图像后处理工作站,内装FiberTrak
     1.4 MR扫描
     1.4.2 MR扫描方法及成像参数
     DTI扫描参数:b=1000 s/mm2;TR/TE:8184/66 ms;层数:35;扫描时间:9分46秒;余参数同第一部分DTI扫描
     使用Philips EWS v2.6工作站的FiberTrak软件包自动生成彩色编码FA图,进行纤维束示踪重建后将T1WI和T2WI解剖定位图与FA图融合。纤维束示踪采用多个感兴趣区(ROI)定义法:结合坐骨神经横断面T2WI定位图及彩色编码FA图,于股骨大转子层面采用freehand模式划定2个相距10mm的ROI,刚好包含坐骨神经外径,软件自动显示出穿过2个ROI的纤维束。纤维束FA下限阈值取0.35,最大偏转角为27度,最小纤维束长度30mm,然后将纤维束与T2WI定位图融合。
     在DTI扫描完成之后,分别于24小时、4天、2周、4周、6周、8周和10周处死动物,暴露右侧坐骨神经并于钳夹处远端1cm处截取1mm神经组织置于4%预冷戊二醛溶液中预固定,放置4℃冰箱保存,1%四氧化锇后固定,系列乙醇脱水,Epon812环氧树脂包埋,超薄切片,经醋酸铀和柠檬酸铅双重染色后,用Hitachi H7500电子显微镜观察;远端再截取5mm神经组织10%甲醛溶液固定,石蜡包埋后行横断面及纵切面切片,HE染色后光镜下观察。
     1.8.2 Tarlov评分
     采用SPSS13.0统计软件。所有定量数据均采用均数±标准差形式表示。损伤后8个不同时间点及正常组之间坐骨神经FA值、ADC值及λ//和λ⊥均数的比较采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA),先进行方差齐性检验,若方差齐采用Fisher法,若方差不齐采用近似F检验Welch法;方差齐时多重比较采用LSD法,方差不齐者采用Dunnett's T3法;若方差分析不显著则不进行多重比较。均以P<0.05为有统计学意义。
     单因素方差分析显示,损伤远段各时间段FA值有显著性差异(F=47.283, P=0.000),LSD法组间多重比较显示:正常组FA与其余各组间均有显著性差异(P<0.01);其余两相邻时间段之间FA值有显著性差异的有:24小时组与4天组(P=0.000)、4周组与6周组(P=0.000)。
     损伤后24小时实验兔趾张反射完全消失,但伤侧下肢对针刺多有反应,但患肢无张力(Tarlov 2级);2周时个别动物患肢稍有张力(Tarlov 3级),趾张反射仍检测不到;4周时个别动物出现患侧脚趾轻微分开,多数动物下肢有张力;6周时多数动物出现脚趾轻微分开,患肢有力但行走步态达不到正常;8周时趾张反射恢复明显,个别达到正常;10周时趾张反射基本正常,几乎全部动物行走步态正常。
     聚乙二醇1540固体配置成50%聚乙二醇1540溶液备用。MnCl2·4H2O晶体加入50%聚乙二醇1540溶液配制成400mM MnCl2溶液。
     新西兰大白兔麻醉后无菌操作下暴露坐骨神经,然后用50ul微量注射器分别向坐骨神经的两个主要分支——胫神经和腓神经内分别注射30ul和20ul 400mM的MnCl2溶液,注射点距离损伤部位约2cm。对侧下肢行假手术。
     1.6 MR扫描
     采用SPSS 13.0统计软件。所有定量资料均采用均数±标准差形式表示。坐骨神经在损伤后不同时间段相对信号强度△S的比较及各时间段近段与中段、中段与远段相对信号强度的比较分别采用单因素方差分析和双因素方差分析,先进行正态性和方差齐性检验,若方差齐采用Fisher法方差分析,若方差不齐采用近似F检验Welch法,方差分析有显著性者进行多重比较,若方差齐则采用LSD法,方差不齐则采用Dunnett's T3法;若方差分析不显著,则不进行多重比较。规定P<0.05为有统计学意义。
     正常组坐骨神经在远端注射400mM MnCl2溶液后可在MRTIWI图像上观察到神经干的明显强化,强化范围均达到垂直段以上,强化程度由远端到近段逐渐减低。挤压伤24小时后的动物坐骨神经损伤点近端绝大多数未见明确强化;损伤后2周和4周组损伤近端可见由远及近的轻度强化,,但范围较短。损伤后6周时和10周时坐骨神经近段可见明显强化,但强化程度不如正常组,强化程度亦由远端到近段逐渐减低。
     损伤近侧近段、中段及远段在不同损伤时间段的相对信号强度(△S)均有显著性差异(F=5.819, P=0.002; F=26.987, P=0.000; F=45.406, P=0.000)。
     2.3双因素方差分析显示不同时间段损伤近侧之近段、中段及远段相对信号强度(△S)之间有显著性差异(F=90.928, P=0.000); LSD法多重比较显示:近段与中段(P=0.000)、近段与远段(P=0.000)以及中段与远段(P=0.001)之间相对信号强度(△S)均有显著性差异。
     2.6 MEMRI坐骨神经损伤近侧相对信号强度(△S)与神经功能评分的相关性
     Peripheral nerve injury(PNI) is a common complication of severe trauma, the most common types including crush injury and strech injury,et al. Severity of the injury is an important factor for clinicians to determine what kind of therapy to apply. Conservative approach is sufficient for mild nerve injury, but in severe injury, surgical repair is often needed to ensure the fuctional recovery of the nerve. To judge the severity of PNI, observation of nerve regeneration for several weeks to months is needed, and many patients lost the best opportunity of therapy and result in irreversible disability. Therefore, an auxiliary method that can accurately detect the severity and regeration of the injuried nerve is necessary to help clinicians to apply proper therapy for PNI.
     Electrophysiological method is mainly used to detect the degree of PNI in addition to physical examination in clinical practice nowadays, which is known as gold standard to evaluate the function of peripheral nerve. However, Electrophysiological method is largely dependent on the experience of the operator, lack of sensitivity and specificity and can not obtain the anatomical information which is very important for preoperative evaluation and intraoperative localization of PNI.
     Although some research showed that conventional MRI is useful to reveal abnormality of signal and time of relaxation of PNI, but it lacks of specificity in detection of nerve regeneration and can not display the running course of nerves with complex anatomy. It is generally accepted that diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI) can display nerve fibers and diagnose diseases in central nervers system, some researches also showed it is helpful in PNI. Nevertheless, systemic research of in vivo DTI evaluating PNI using conventional MR scanner has never been reported. It is reported that manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging(MEMRI) can accurately reveal pathways in the brain, but research of MEMRI evaluating PNI is very few.
     The purpose of this study lies in:①To explore the feasibility of in vivo diffusion tensor fiber tractography of rabbit sciatic nerve at 1.5 T MR. (2)To establish animal model of peripheral nerve crush injury and investigate the value of DTI in evaluation of peripheral nerve crush injury and regeneration by comparing with histopathology and nerve function assessment.③To investigate the value of MEMRI in evaluation of peripheral nerve crush injury and regeneration by comparing with histopathology and nerve function assessment. This study aims at providing a reliable imaging method to accurately evaluate PNI and direct therapy.
     Part One:Study on Optimal Parameter and Feasibility of Diffusion Tensor Tractography of Rabbit Sciatic Nerve
     To determine the effect of b value on the image quality of DTI tractography by comparing the image quality under different b values and optimal b value of diffusion tensor tractography of rabbit sciatic nerve at 1.5 T MR. To determine the effect of b value on measurement of the derived DTI paramertes; To investigate the feasibility of diffusion tensor tractography of rabbit sciatic nerve at 1.5 T MR by comparing reconstructed sciatic nerve fiber with gross anatomy and conventional MR images of sciatic nerve.
     1 Materials and methods
     1.1 Subjects
     10 healthy New Zealand white rabbits weighting 2.0-3.OKg provided by Guangzhou traditional Chinese Medicine University
     1.2 Instruments, equipment and drugs
     Philips Achieva 1.5T Nova Dual MR scanner
     Dedicated rabbit coil manufactured by Chenguang medical technology company
     Ltd. Of Shanghai.
     Philips EWS (Extended Workspace) v2.6 post processing workstation with
     FiberTrak software package for fiber tracking.
     3% sodium pentobarbital and Su-Mian-XinⅡ
     1.3 MR scan
     1.3.1 Animal preparation:
     New Zealand rabbits underwent MR scan after anesthetized by 3% sodium pentobarbital (30mg/kg) intravenously and 0.2-0.3ml Su-Mian-XinⅡintramuscularly
     1.3.2 MR scan method and parameters
     MR sequence including conventional T2WI,T1WI and DTI.
     TSE sequence were used for T2WI scan, following parameters were used:TR, 2500ms; TE,120ms; TSE factor,25; slice thickness,2mm; gap, 1mm; FOV, 120mm; matrix:344×344, in plane pixel size,0.35×0.35mm; NSA,4.
     TSE sequence were used for T1WI scan:TR,572ms; TE,17ms; TSE factor,3; SPIR were used for fat suppression, other parameters were the same as T2WI.
     Single shot SE-EPI sequence and SENSE parallel scanning technique were used for DTI scan. Six different b values were used:400、600、800、1000、1200和1400 s/mm2, scan parameters were as follow:TR,1550-3650ms; TE,55,59,63,66,68 and 71ms respectively; Direction, range and other parameters were same under 6 b values:slice thickness,1.6 mm; gap,0mm; FOV,130mm; matrix,80×80; in plane pixel size,1.6×1.6; NSA,2; MPG:32.
     1.4 Data processing
     Philips EWS (Extended Workspace) v2.6 post processing workstation with FiberTrak software package were used. Multiple ROI method was used:2 ROIs of 5mm apart were drawn in freehand mode at the level of greater trochanter of femur, including the outer diameter of sciatic nerve. Fibers running through the 2 ROIs were computed automatically by the software. The lower limit of FA value was defined as 0.4, maximum angle change was 27 degree, minimum fiber length was 10mm, then the fibers was fused with the T1 WI or T2WI images.
     1.5 Data analysis:
     1.5.1 Number, mean length, FA, ADC and three Eigen value (λ1、λ2、λ3) of the fibers were computed by the software automatically
     1.5.2 Measurement and computation of signal to noise ratio (SNR) DWI images were produce by the software, a ROI (5 pixels) was drawn on the sciatic nerve to measure the signal intensity of the nerve (SIn); ROI of 20 pixels was drawn on the air region that lcm outside the body margin of rabbit limb to measure the standard deviation of background noise (SDbg); SNR was computed according to the following formula:SNR=SIn/SDbg。
     1.6 subjective assessment of image quality
     Assessment of the quality of fiber tractography under 6 different b values was conducted by 2 radioglogists with more than10 years experience of MR diagnosis. Blind method was adopted. The principle to consider including:fiber lenth, diameter, homogeneity and smoothnesss of fiber margin. Sorting of the image quality was made afterwards(l is defined as the best quality and 6 the worst)
     Four rabbits were sacrificed; the sciatic nerve was dissect and compared with the reconstructed fibers of the best quality to evaluate the consistency between the tractography and the gross anatomy. Contralateral legs were frozen and transversely desected at the level of great trochanter of femur. Reconstructed fibers fused with the T2WI and T1WI images were compared with sectional anaotomy to test whether the position of fibers was in accordance.
     1.7 Statistical analysis
     SPSS 13.0 software was used. All data was presented as the mean±standard deviation, Test of normality was done in advance, One-way Anova was used to compare means of number, mean length, FA, ADC and three Eigen value (λ1、λ2、λ3) of the fibers under different b values if the data is of normal distribution. Fisher testwas used if variance was homogeneous, otherwise Welch test was used; If anova was significant, multiple comparison was conducted, Bonferroni test was used when the variance was homogeneous, Dunnett's T3 test was used otherwise. Multiple related sample nonparametic test was used in the comparison of scores of subjective quality assessment, and kappa consistency test was used to check interobserver agreement on tractographic image. Correlation between SNR, FA, ADC,λ1,λ2,λ3 and b value was conducted using the Spearman correlation test. P<0.05 was defined as statistical significant.
     2 Result
     2.1 Relation between SNR of DWI image and b value
     SNR decreased with the rising of b value, SNR was negtively correlated with the b value (P=0.000,r=-0.589)
     2.2 Number and mean length of fibers under different b value
     Number of fibers of b=1000 s/mm2 was more than that of other b values, anova was significant (F=21.641, P=0.000); Multiple comparison showed significant difference between number of fibers of b= 1000 s/mm2 group and that of b=400,600, 1200,1400 s/mm2 group (P<0.001), but no significant difference between b=800 s/mm2 group.
     Mean length of fibers of b=1000 s/mm2 was longer than that of other b values, anova is significant (F=19.736, P=0.000). Multiple comparison showed significant difference between mean length of b=1000 s/mm2 group and that of b=400,600,1200,1400 s/mm2 group (P=0.000,0.008,0.013,0.002, respectively), but no significant difference between b=800 s/mm2 group.
     2.3 Relationship between FA, ADC,λ1,λ2,λ3 and b value
     Means of FA in all of the groups was between 0.51±0.02 and 0.53±0.03, there was no significant difference between FAs of different groups, and there was no correlation between FA and b value.ADC,λ1,λ2.λ3 decreased with the rising of b value. Negative correlation between ADC,λ1,λ2,λ3 and b value were detected by Spearman correlation test (P=0.000, r=-0.787,-0.898,-0.829,-0.559, respectively).
     2.4 Subjective assessment of image quality
     Image quality ranking of b=1000 s/mm2 was always in the first 3 position with the lowest score(best quality), and score of b=400 s/mm2 group was the highest(worst quality)(X2=33.714,P=0.000). Interobserver agreement on tractographic image quality ranking was good (k=0.76, P=0.000)
     Reconstructed fiber of b=1000 s/mm group was compared with the gross anatomy and transactional anatomy, comparison showed that the running course and location of the tractographic fiber is consistant with that of sciatic nerve anatomy, the two main branch within the sciatic nerve-tibial nerve and peroneal nerve was clearly revealed.
     1. Different b value had significant effect on the SNR, number and length of fibers of peripheral nerve, thereby effect the image quality of DTI tractography..
     2. Different b values had significant effect on ADC and eigenvalues measurement, but had no effect on FA measurement.
     3. The optimal b value for DTI and fiber tractography of rabbit sciatic nerve at 1.5 T was 1000 s/mm2.
     4. In vivo diffusion tensor fiber tractography of rabbit sciatic nerve at 1.5 T MR was feasible with parameters we used.
     Part Two:Experimental Study on MR Diffusion Tensor Tractography in Evaluating Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury of Rabbit
     To investigate the FA, ADC,λ//andλ(?) of distal and proximal to the crush injury changes with the different time course after injury. Comparing with histopathology and functional assessment, to determine the relationship between FA, ADC,λ//,λ(?) of distal part crushed sciatic nerve and histopathology and nerve function.
     1 Materials and methods
     1.1 Subjects
     36 New Zealand white rabbits weighting 2.0-3.0Kg provided by Guangzhou traditional Chinese Medicine University were used.36 rabbits were randomly divided into normal control group(4 rabbits) and crush injury group(32 rabbits), the crush injury group(32 rabbits) were randomly divided into 8 groups(24hours,4 days, 8 days,2 weeks,4 weeks,6 weeks,8weeks and 10weeks) according to the time course after crush injury.
     1.2 Instruments, equipment and drugs
     MR scanner, coil, and anesthetic agent were the same as part I.
     Sterile operating instrument set
     A 16cm needle holder
     1.3 Establishment of rabbit sciatic nerve crush injury model.
     Rabbit was anesthetized with 3% sodium pentobarbital (30rng/kg) intravenously and 0.2-0.3ml Su-Mian-Xin II intramuscularly, sciatic nerve of right leg was exposed under sterile operation, sciatic nerve was crushed using a 16cm needle forceps at the level 1cm distal to the greater trochanter of femur, the forceps was locked to the first point of its ratchets and retained for 5 minutes before releasing. An epineurial suture was placed right above the crush site to exactly localize the position of the crush.Sham operation was performed on the contralateral leg.
     1.4 MR scan
     MR scan were performed 24 hours,4 days,8 days,2 weeks,4 weeks,6 weeks, 8weeks and 10weeks after injury,as well as the normal control group.
     Animal preparation were the same as part I.
     MR scan sequence and parameters were the same as part I except for some parameters of DTI scan:b=1000 s/mm2; TR/TE:8184/66 ms; slices:35; scan time:9 minute and 46 seconds.
     1.5 Post processing of Data.
     Philips EWS (Extended Workspace) v2.6 post processing workstation with FiberTrak software package were used. Multiple ROI method was used:2 ROIs of 10mm apart were drawn in freehand mode at the level of greater trochanter of femur(proximal to the injury site), including the outer diameter of sciatic nerve. Fibers running through the 2 ROIs were computed automatically by the software. The lower limit of FA value was defined as 0.35, maximum angle change was 27 degree, minimum fiber length was 30mm, then the fibers was fused with the T1WI or T2WI images.
     1.6 Data measurement
     Three ROIs were drawn in freehand mode on the color coded FA map generated by the software, two of the ROIs was drawn on the sciatic nerve of the injuried side,one of which is lcm distal and the other lcm proximal to the injury site; the third ROI was placed on the sham operated sciatic nerve on the site corresponding to the distal ROI of the injuried side.FA, ADC,and the three eigenvalues(λ1、λ2、λ3) were computed automatically by the software,λ(?) andλ//were computed as following formula:λ(?)=(λ2+λ3)/2,λ//=λ1
     1.7 Histopathological examination
     Animals were sacrificed after MR scan, and sciatic nerves of the injuried side that 1cm distal to the injured site were harvested. One part of the nerve were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated, osmificated, and embedded in plastic resin. Semithin sections were then made and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate for transmission electron microscopic examination (Hitachi H7500). Another part of the sample were fixed in 10% paraformaldehyde and sectioned longitudinally at a 2-mm thickness. The sections were stained with standard hematoxylineosin staining for light microscopic examination.
     1.8 Functional assessment
     Functional assessment was performed befor every MR scan.
     Toe-spreading reflex:grade 1,barely visible spreading of toes; grade 2, readily discernible though slight spreading of the toes; grade 3, unequivocal spreading of toes (though less forceful than normal); and grade 4, full spreading of the toes equal to normal.
     Modified Tarlov score:grade 0, complete paraplegia of hind limbs; grade 1, hind limbs barely respond to hind limb pinch (barely detectable movement); grade 2, spontaneous movement at all hind limb joints but no resistance when flexing the foot; grade 3, obvious resistance when flexing the foot with abnormal gait; and grade 4, walks with normal gait.
     1-4 marks were recorded for one rabbit of corresponding toe spreading reflex grade;0-4 marks were recorded for one rabbit of corresponding Tarlov score grade. Full marks for a single rabbit is 8, and for a group is 32 marks.
     1.9 Statistical analysis
     SPSS13.0 software was used. All data was presented as the mean±standard deviation, One-way Anova was used to compare FA, ADC,λ//andλ(?) of sciatic nerve on the eight time point after injury as well as the normal control group. Fisher test was used if variance was homogeneous, otherwise Welch test is used; If anova was significant, multiple comparison was conducted, LSD test is used when the variance is homogeneous, Dunnett's T3 test was used otherwise. P<0.05 is defined as statistical significant.
     2 Results
     2.1 FA, ADC,λ//andλ(?) changes of sciatic nerve after crush injury
     2.1.1 FA, ADC,λ,//andλ(?) changes of distal portion of injuried sciatic nerve.
     One-way Anova showed that FA value of the distal portion injuried sciatic nerve at different time point is different significantly. (F=47.283, P=0.000), LSD multiple comparison test showed:FA of normal control group is significantly different from that of all the other group (P<0.01);Other significant differences of FA between consecutive groups were:24 hours group and 4 days group(P=0.000),4 weeks group and 6 weeks group(P=0.000).
     There was no significant difference between ADC of every time point of distal portion injuried sciatic nerve.
     There was no significant difference betweenλ//of every time point of distal portion injuried sciatic nerve.
     There was significant difference betweenλ(?) of time points of distal portion injuried sciatic nerve (F=11.847, P=0.000). LSD multiple comparison test showed:λ(?) of normal control group is significantly different from that of 4 days,8 days,2 weeks,4 weeks,6 weeks group (P<0.05), but not significantly different from that of 24 hours,8weeks and 10 weeks group, Other significant differences ofλ(?) between consecutive groups were:24 hours group and 4 days group (P=0.000),4 weeks group and 6 weeks group(P=0.007)
     2.1.2 FA, ADC,λ//andλ(?) changes of proximal portion of the injuried injuried sciatic nerve.
     One-way Anova showed that There was no significant difference between FA、ADCλ//andλ(?) of every time point of proximal portion injuried sciatic nerve.
     2.1.3 FA, ADC,λ//andλ(?) changes of sham operated sciatic nerve.
     One-way Anova showed that There was no significant difference between FA、ADC,λ//andλ(?) of every time point of sham operated sciatic nerve.
     2.2 Histopathological changes of distal portion of the injuried sciatic nerve.
     Normal sciatic nerve showed that nerve fibers lines up in order, myelin sheath and axon was clearly seen.Swelling of the axon an myelin sheath was seen 24 hours after injury; axon began degeneration 4 days after injury, and fragment of axons can be seen.Proliferation of Schwann cells was not obvious; large amounts of axons disappeared and myelin sheath generally disintegrate 2-4 weeks after injury,and Schwann cells began to proliferate generally, inflammatory cell infiltration is obvious. Small amount of regenerated axons were detected until 6 weeks after injury, which wass very thin and amyelinated. Large amount of regenerated axons were revealed 8 weeks after injury.10 weeks after injury, most regenerated axons-were myelinated.
     2.3 Functional recovery of sciatic nerve after injury
     Toe-spreading reflex disappered 24 hours after injury, but the injuried leg respond to pinch but have no tension (Tarlov 2); Slight tension of the injured leg can be felt in individual animals 2 weeks after injury (Tarlov 3),but Toe-spreading reflex was still undetectable.Indivadule animals can be seen slight spreading of injuried side toes, strong force of the injuried leg can be detected in most animals; 6 weeks after injury, most animals revealed slight spreading and strong force of the injured leg, but the gait was still abnormal; 10 weeks after injury, some animals showed normal toe-spreading reflex, almost all the animals had normal gait.
     Sham-operated legs was strong and moved freely after injury, and the fur of the legs was smooth and intacted.The toe spreading reflex was normal.
     1. FA andλ(?) of distal portion of injuried sciatic nerve changed significantly after injury, and the change were in good correlation with the histopathology and fuctional recovery. FA andλ(?) distal portion of injuried sciatic nerve can reflect Wallerian degeneration and regeneration after crush injury of sciatic nerve.
     2. ADC andλ,//of distal portion of injuried sciatic nerve had no significant change after injury.
     3. FA, ADC,λ,//andλ(?). of proximal portion of the injuried injuried sciatic nerve had no significant change after injury.
     Part Three:Preliminary Study of Manganese Enhanced MRI in Evaluating Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury of Rabbit
     To investigate the value of MEMRI in evaluation of nerve regenertation after sciatic nerve crush infury of rabbit by comparing with histopathology and functional assessment, crush injury; To explore the transporting pathway of Mn2+ in MEMRI of peripheral nerve.
     1 Materials and methods
     1.1 Subjects
     24 New Zealand white rabbits weighting 2.0-3.OKg provided by Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine University were used.24 rabbits were randomly divided into normal group(4 rabbits) and crush injury group(20 rabbits), the crush injury group were randomly divided into 5 groups(24hours,2 weeks,4 weeks,6 weeks and 10weeks) according to the recovery time after injury. There were 4 rabbits in each group.
     1.2 Instruments, equipment and drugs
     MR scanner, coil, and anesthetic agent were the same as part I. Sterile operating instrument set for crush injury modle was the same as part II. AR class MnCl2·4H2O crystal (molecular weight 197.9g/mol; purity>99%) polyethylene glycol(PEG) 1540
     1.3 Establishment of rabbit sciatic nerve crush injury model
     The procedure was the same as part II.
     1.4 Preparation of MnCl2 solution
     50% PEG 1540 solution was prepared by PEG 1540 solid melted and dissolved in 0.9% NaCl solution. MnCl2·4H2O crystal was dissolved in 50% PEG 1540 to form 400mM MnCl2 solution.
     1.5 MnCl2 injection
     After corresponding recovery time, rabbits were anesthetized again in the same manner as the initial operation. The sciatic nerve of the right leg was exposed, then 30 and 20ul of 400 mM MnCl2 were injected into the two major branches of the sciatic nerve, the tibial nerve and peroneal nerves, respectively. The injection site was 2cm distal to the injury site. Sham operation were performed on the contralateral legs. 1.6 MR scan
     T1WI and T2WI sequence were scanned after 24 hours after MnCl2 injection.The technique and parameters used were the same as part II 1.7 Data measurement
     ROIs were placed on three different portion of injuried sciatic nerve proximal to injury site:Greater trochanter of femur, 1cm proximal to Greater trochanter of femur and ischial tuberosity, which were defined as distal, middle and proximal segment respectively in this study. Signal intensity of the three ROIs on the sciatic nerve were recorded as S and the signal intensity of the contralateral sciatic nerve was recorded as Sc, the signal intensity of muscle medial to the proximal femur (Sm) was recorded as a reference. Relative signal intensity of injuried sciatic nerve was computed as AS, which was calculated according to the formula:ΔS=(S-Sc)/Sm.
     1.8 Histopathologic examination
     The same as partⅡ.
     1.9 Functional assessment
     The same as partⅡ.
     1.10 Statistical analysis
     SPSS 13.0 software was used. All data was presented as the mean±standard deviation, One-way Anova and Two-way Avova were used respectively to compare AS of different recovery time after injury as well as the normal control group andAS between three different portion of injuried sciatic nerve. Fisher test was used if variance was homogeneous, otherwise Welch test was used; If anova was significant, multiple comparison was conducted, LSD test was used when the variance is homogeneous, Dunnett's T3 test was used otherwise. If anova was not significant, multiple comparison would not be conducted. P<0.05was defined as statistical significant.
     2 Results
     2.1 MEMRI manifestation of normal group and injuried groups of sciatic nerve
     Remarkable enhancement of the sciatic nerve on the T1WI images was revealed in the normal group after MnCl2 injection, the extent of enhancement was generally beyond the vertical portion of the sciatic nerve, and the enhancement decreased gradually from distal to proximal portion. There was no enhancement of the nerve in most animals of the 24 hours group after injury.2-4 weeks after injury, the sciatic nerve proximal to injury site revealed slight and short enhancement that decreased gradually from distl to proximal part.6 and 10 weeks after injury, the proximal part of the injuried sciatic nerve showed remarkable enhancement,but not as strong as normal group, the enhancement was also decreased gradually from distal to proximal portion.
     2.2 Relative signal intensity (ΔS) changes of sciatic nerve after injury
     One-way Anova showed that there were significant difference betweenAS of injuried sciatic at different time point after injury at proximal, middle and distal portion (F=5.819, P=0.002; F=26.987, P=0.000; F=45.406, P=0.000)
     In the proximal portion, multiple comparison showed thatΔS of normal control group was significantly different from that of 24 hours,2 weeks,4 weeks and 6 weeks group (P<0.05), there was no significant difference betweenAS of normal group and 10 weeks group. There was no significant differences ofΔS between other consecutive groups.
     In the middle portion, multiple comparison showed that AS of normal control group was significantly different from that of all the other groups (P<0.001),there was no significant difference betweenAS of 24 hours,2 weeks and 4 weeks groups.ΔS of 6 weeks and 10 weeks group was significantly different from that of 24 hours, 2 weeks and 4 weeks group(P<0.001,P=0.000). There was no significant differences ofΔS between 6 weeks and 10 weeks group.
     In the distal portion, multiple comparison showed thatΔS of normal control group is significantly different from that of all the other groups (P=0.000), there was no significant difference betweenAS of 24 hours,2 weeks and 4 weeks groups. AS of 6 weeks and 10 weeks group was significantly different from that of 24 hours,2 weeks and 4 weeks group (P≤0.011,P=0.000). There was no significant differences ofΔS between 6 weeks and 10 weeks group.
     2.3 Two-way Anova showed that there was significant difference between the three portion of injuried sciatic nerve at different recovery time point (F=90.928, P=0.000); LSD multiple comparision showed:There were significant differences betweenAS of proxilmal and distal portion (P=0.000), proxilmal and middle portion (P=0.000) as well as middle portion and distal portion (P=0.001)
     2.4 Histopathological changes of distal portion of the injuried sciatic nerve. The same as partⅡ
     2.5 Functional recovery of sciatic nerve after injury The same as partⅡ
     2.6 Correlation between MEMRI relative signal intensity of sciatic nerve proximal to injury site and functional assessment.
     Speraman correlation test showed that the proximal,middle and distal portion of scitic nerve promximal to injuried site was significantly correlated with functional scores(r=0.670,P=0.000;r=0.888,P=0.000,r=0.899(P=0.000).
     1. The MEMRI signal intensity of sciatic nerve crush injury was in good correlation with histopathology and nerve function recovery, MEMRI was able to reflect the regeneration of crushed sciatic nerve.
     2. Enhancement of sciatic nerve decreased gradually from distal to proximal portion, infered that there was passive diffusion factor in the retrograde Mn2+ transportation.
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