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    同其它语言大多数语言现象研究一样,对语用标记语的研究也可以从历时和共时的两种视角展开。最初对语用标记语的研究是从共时开始,历时性研究则起步较晚。对此类语言现象的共时性研究主要是利用连贯理论和关联理论来解释语用标记语的首要功能。而其历时研究主要依托语法化理论。“连贯派”(Schiffrin, Lenk, Redeker, Fraser等为代表)认为语篇中最重要的特性是连贯,交际双方通过语用标记语从宏观和整体上表示话语的意义连贯;而“相关派”(Blakemore, Rouchota, Andersen等为代表)则认为,语用标记语将受话者(听者或读者)引向发话者(说话者或作者)所期待的语境和语境效果,从而对受话者的话语理解过程进行制约以便促进交际的顺利开展。根据语法化理论,语用标记语是一些不断重复出现的﹑常规化的表达式,且在常规化过程中形成非命题意义,逐渐失却原有的词汇意义。语用标记语的语法化过程实际上就是从编码意义到程序意义的转变过程。
Pragmatic markers are a type of linguistic expressions that are used to signal sequential discourse relationship and that do not exert any effect on the truth value of the utterance but express attitudinal and procedural meanings. During the past two decades or so, research concerning the functions and use of “pragmatic markers” has developed into an impressive field of its own, resulting in extensive research on this topic in various languages and in multifarious respects. For a while, pragmatic markers of any kind were merely considered “fillers” used in spoken language, or optional items empty of lexical meaning that were assumed not to contribute anything to the proposition of the utterance or sentence in which they occur. Yet gradually they have been recognized as to fulfill important functions on the textual as well as on the interpersonal levels of discourse. The present thesis attempts to systematically summarize relevant researches to pragmatic markers to date with view to helping readers gain a full-scale and more macroscopic point of view of this special linguistic phenomenon and providing some implications for EFL instruction in Chinese environment through a case study.
    This thesis consists of six chapters, centering around four main chapters, from 2 to 5, covering the issues revealed in the above research objectives to be obtained.
    The first chapter serves as an introduction to the term “pragmatic markers” on the surface level. The preceding historical researches have undergone the diversion from torpor to fervor towards this special linguistic entity. In these fruitful studies, a host of different terms is used for those particular items under consideration on account of varied approaches and purposes. Additionally, in this chapter the author expounds several causes for the employment of the term pragmatic markers among the miscellaneous terminology, the most important one being the distinct and primary
    pragmatic function of this group of linguistic expressions.
     Following the brief introductory part, Chapter 2 is concerned with the panoramic delineation of pragmatic markers, addressing such issues as the definition, characterization, function and classification of these items. Heterogeneous definitions have been put forward in the past studies, dealing with multiple and various aspects of a group of similar items in discourses, with individual studies tending to focus on different pragmatic functions of the items under investigation. Almost all of the researchers have observed some of the features of pragmatic markers, whereas none has displayed all of them despite the fact that those features can in some sense be viewed to be the decisive tests for demarcating Pragmatic markers. In view of the differing roles that pragmatic markers play in different circumstances, researchers have provided varied taxonomic schemata, all of which prove to be constructive and informative.
    The relatively long Chapter 3 deals with the theoretical approaches to the study of pragmatic markers. Scholars on pragmatic markers have conducted a lot of theoretical studies. Different linguistic theories are employed to account for pragmatic markers in one aspect or another. The present thesis attempts to combine the theory of coherence relations, relevance theory and grammaticalization theory which can constitute appropriate complementary frameworks with which to perform the analysis of Pragmatic markers comprehensively.
    Generally speaking, research on Pragmatic markers can be mainly conducted synchronically or diachronically. The former is usually put within two major theories illustrating the interpretation of the primary function of the markers, namely the discourse coherence theory and the relevance theory. And the latter is in the theory of grammaticalization. According to coherence theorists (Schiffrin, Lenk, Redeker, Fraser, etc.), pragmatic markers contribute to discourse coherence as contextual coordinates,
    anchoring an utterance into more than one discourse component and indexing utterances
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