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The new curriculum reform of history gives prominence to the humanistic essence of historical education, and looks on it as the guiding ideology of curriculum reform.How to carry out the guiding ideology in the couse of instruction? After a long-term classroom observation, we hold that experienced teaching which takes dialogue for its essence is an ideal selection that embodies the humanistic essence of historical education and realizes the humanistic education' s function of history.
    Aaccording to the way from "why to experience" to "how to experience (teaching dialogue) " , to "how to dialogue" , the article consists of five parts.
    Part One:introduction. The section concisely explains why the author chooses this task to study.
    Part Two: experienced teaching-an ideal selection of effective teaching of history in middle school. First, the part analyses the main problems in the teaching of history, and insists that the students' initiative experiences are ignored is the main reason. Then, it discusses the implications of experien and experienced teaching, and points out that the esstial difference between experienced teaching and teaching experience is creation of meaning. On the basis of it, we put forward that experienced teaching is an ideal selection of effective teaching of history.
    Part Three: a dialogue of surpassing time and space-the essence of experienced teaching of history. First of all, this part sets forth the essence of history and the character of historical text. We think that "history is a dialogue between the present and the past" and "historical text is a form of existence of history" . For dialogical essence of history, we
    advance that a dialogue of surpassing time and space is the essence of experienced teaching of historical subject. After that, it analyses the dialogue in experienced teaching of history , and considers that "the basic dialogue in experienced teaching of history is a dialogue between students and texts" .At last, the section analyses the process of dialogue between students and texts in experienced teaching of history.
    Part Four: erect dialogical bridge-the tactic of experienced teaching of history in middle school. This part analyses the tactic of experienced teaching of history: erect bridge for dialogue , i. e. creats condition for dialogue. The main ways are creating circumstance and practising, and the primary mediums consist of depending on creating historical materical object, playing role, utilizing modern teaching technology, handicraft, gathering and arranging materical.
    Part Five:conclusion. It briefly reviews the process of selecting this topic and writing the paper, and puts forward some questions that have not be deeply approached in this article.
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