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Wen Yiduo was the advocate of Chinese New Metrical Poems and translating poetry with vernacular Chinese in the early 20th century. As an excellent translator, he has made achievements both in theory and practice.
    This thesis functions as an introduction and a description of Wen Yiduo's translation theory and practice. His translation theory is summarized as follows in the thesis:(1) on selecting the original works; (2) on the steps of translating; (3) on a translator's attitude towards translation; (4) on a translator's power; (5) on the translation strategy; (6) a translator of a poem should be a poet; (7) on the language in poetry. As to his translation practice, the aesthetic features presented in his translation are emphasized in this thesis. The aesthetic features showed in his Chinese version of English poems can be described as: beauty in music, beauty in form, beauty in painting and the poetic language. It is also hoped that this study will enable us to have a crystal picture of the fact that a poet and concurrently a translator's translation will be influenced by his writing style.
    This paper consists of five chapters, beginning with an introduction of the significance, the purpose and the approach of the study. Then, a brief account of Wen Yiduo's life is presented in the second chapter. An introduction to Wen Yiduo's translation achievement is the main content of the third chapter. The fourth chapter is the core of this thesis. Firstly the introduction of his ideas guiding artistic creation is made in this chapter; and secondly the aesthetic tendency showed in his translation is presented through the comparison of different translator's different versions of one
    poem. Finally, the fifth chapter gives the conclusion: being a pioneer to introduce the English poems into China, Wen Yiduo has made remarkable achievements both in translation theory and practice, and his translation theories and translations of English poetry deserve a place in the Chinese history of verse translation.
take them for reference
    In addition, it is hoped that this thesis be a part of the study on the subject of literary translation.
    The conclusion of the thesis is drawn cautiously, that is, being a pioneer to introduce the English poems into China, Wen Yiduo had made remarkable achievements both in the translation theory and practice, and his translation theories and translations of English poetry should deserve a place in the Chinese history of verse translation.
    2.蓝棣之,《闻一多诗全编》浙江文艺出版社 1995,p.333
    3.黄杲 从柔巴依到坎特伯雷—英语诗汉译研究武汉:湖北教育出版社,1999。P.205
    4. Guo Muoruo's 《鲁拜集》was a Chinese version which was translated from the Fitzgerald's English version of the Persian poems.
    5.闻一多,闻一多全集3 p.369
    6. Ibid, p.37Ibid, p. 157
    7. Ibid, p.370
    9.10.11. Ibid, p.161
    14. See note 2.p.351
    16. Ibid.
    17. See notel 5. p.120
    18. Ibid. p.132
    20.闻一多,诗与批评《闻一多诗全编》杭州:浙江文艺出版社 1995,p.413
    21. A Winter Evening was the first collection of new poetry written by Yu Pingbo and was published in 1922.
    22.闻一多,《闻一多诗全编》杭州:浙江文艺出版社 1995,p.359
    23.闻一多,《冬夜》评论《闻一多诗全编》杭州:浙江文艺出版社 1995,p.361
    24. Ibid.
    25.闻一多,《女神》之地方色彩《闻一多诗全编》杭州:浙江文艺出版社 1995,p.410
    28.闻一多,《闻一多全集》武汉:湖北人民出版社 p.298
    29.闻一多,《闻一多全集》武汉:湖北人民出版社 p.305
    30.闻一多,《闻一多诗全编》杭州:浙江文艺出版社 p.338
    31. Ibid. p.346
    32.胡适,《尝试集》北京:人民文学出版社 2001,p.94
    33.梁启超,《新中国未来记》节选(1903)罗新璋《翻译论集》北京:商务印书馆 1984,p.133
    34. Ibid.
    35. Ibid.
    36.马君武,哀希腊歌《中国近代文学大系·翻译文学集三》上海:上海书店出版 1991,p.135
    37.苏曼殊,哀希腊 姜静楠 编著《苏曼殊评传·作品选》北京:中国文史出版社 1998,p.72
    38.郑逸梅《南社丛谈》引自 朱徽 20世纪处英诗在中国的传播与影响《外国语》1996年第三期
    39. See note 32 p.94
    40. See notes 32 p.95
    41. See note 28. p.300
    42.查良铮 译 哀希腊《拜伦诗选》上海:上海译文出版社,1981 p.171卞之琳 译 拜伦 袁可嘉 主编《外国名诗选》北京:中国青年出版社,1997 p.902
    43.吴伟仁编《英国文学史及选读》外研社 1988
    44. Ibid.
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