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The Aesthetic Analyses of Sentimentality in Yishan 's Poetry
    When we look through Li Shangyin's poetry anthology, we can taste his sentimentality. But many scholars always neglected that and didn't take attention enough. The theme of sentiment is not an obvious and important topic in the research of Chinese classic literature. So some scholars always used the conception of sentiment confusedly and extensively. In this dissertation, the author tries to make the conception of sentimentality accurate by some concrete examples and the west theory of sentimentalism, and tell sentimentality from other tragic sensations. And then, the author systematically coordinates and appreciates the aesthetics of sentiment in Li Shangyin's poetry through analyzing the images of the remnant flower and shatter, willows, wind and rain, birds and worm, the setting sun and the crescent, spring sentimentality. After these analyses, the author concludes four characteristics of Li Shangyin's sentimentality. The first is sincere , long, exceedingly sentimental, graceful and restrained; The second is sad and sweet , implied , obscurity, containing; The third is mellow, elegant, fluent and beautiful, delicate; The fourth is tender, nicely, gossamer, sensitive. These words cannot describe all the characteristics of course, so these characteristics are only the basement. The author tries best to depict the aesthetic aspects of sentimentality in Yishan's poetry by personally experience, and then to confirm the extension of some characteristics.
    The author: Wei Xuebao (the Chinese classic literature)
    The tutor: Professor Han Jingtai
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