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The Book of Songs is the first ancient poem collection in our country, which is rich in terms of contents and colorful in terms of themes. Poems of wining and dining are one of the important parts in The Book of Songs. Poems of wining and dining are the ones to describe the happy occasions of drinking and dining among the monarch and the ministers, among the relatives, and among the close friends, which shows the solemn courtesy, the harmony of the patriarchal clan, and reveals the development and changes in terms of the cultures of courtesy and music in Zhou Dysnasty.
    At the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, Duke of Zhou prescribed the courtesy and music which laid the foundation for the size of the cultures of courtesy and music in Zhou Dynasty. In the middle of Western Zhou Dynasty, the cultures of courtesy and music flourished, which was reflected by the poems of describing the ceremonies. The activities of wining and dining became the themes of poems writing, but the primarily written poems were nonindependent in which the activities of wining and dining were integrated with hunting ceremonies and memorial ceremonies. At that time the number of the poems of wining and dining was small. According to the content, the wining and dining can be divided into two types: banquet of entertaining the dead bodies on funerals and banquet in the patriarchal clan. Banquet of entertaining the dead bodies on funerals is colored by religion with the respect and worship for the Gods and spirits. The poems reflecting banquet of entertaining the dead bodies on funerals are Zhou Song Si Yi ,Da Y
    a Ji Zui, Da ya Fu Yi and so on. They are all the poems describing banquets on the funerals when offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors. Wining and dining and respecting the dead bodies which are related to the gods means the worship to the gods and belief in the gods, but the emphasis on the activities of wining and dining reflects the fact that the activities of human being begin to be concerned, which indicates that when people respect the gods and entertain the
    gods, they also demand the bestowal and reward from the gods. Xiao Ya Chu Ci describes the process of offering sacrifices for gods or ancestors, which is complete and detailed, bustling and order, in which the scene of dining together in the patriarchal clan is most exciting and the scene of harmony of the patriarchal clan is reproduced.
    At the end of Western Zhou Dynasty, the culture of courtesy and music continued to develop, the courtesy and music flourishing, the regulations complete, and many poems with the characters of courtesy and ceremony coming into being. Many poems had the characters of courtesy and ceremony. The poems of wining and dining had developed greatly, and appeared the pure and independent poems of wining and dining which was large in the number and rich in terms of contents, and at the same time the deep emotion merged into them. A large number of poems of wining and dining reflect the flourishing of the culture of courtesy and music in Zhou Dynasty, and we can see the "letter flourishing" of the cultures of courtesy and music in Zhou Dynasty with the help of these poems. For example, Xiao Ya Tong Gong, which is marvelous and spectacular, is the poem entertaining the meritorious dukes. While Xiao Ya Zhan Lu describes the entertaining, extremely generous, of the patriarchal clan from day to night. The poems of wining and dining at that time was released from the religion, reflecting the system of courtesy and the human feelings in the real society, with political and ethical conception attached to it.
    At the same time, there are other poems of wining and dining changing, reflecting the faintness of the culture of courtesy and music in Zhou Dynasty. Xiao Ya Fa Mu, Xiao Ya Chang Di and other poems call for the emotional attachment among family members and friendship, and long for the harmony of patriarchal clan, reflecting from one side the collapse of the ethical relationship in Zhou Dynasty and reality of popular anxiety. The authors of the poems were
1 阮元.十三经注疏.北京.中华书局影印本.1979.410
    2 阮元.十三经注疏.北京.中华书局影印本.1979.544
    3 欧阳修.诗本义.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.218
    4 朱熹.诗序辨说.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.32
    5 王夫之.诗广传.北京.中华书局出版社.1981.71
    6 王夫之.诗广传.北京.中华书局出版社.1981.103
    7 王夫之.诗广传.北京.中华书局出版社.1981.103
    8 刘大杰.中国文学发展史.上海.上海人民出版社.1973.40
    9 赵沛霖.诗经研究反思.天津.天津教育出版社.1989.49
    10 国语·周语.上海.上海古籍出版社.1996.52
    11 惠周惕.诗说.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.4
    12 赵沛霖.诗经研究反思.天津.天津教育出版社.1989.52
    13 范家相.诗渖.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.673
    14 朱熹.诗集传.上海.上海古籍出版社.1980.99
    15 朱熹.诗集传.上海.上海古籍出版社.1980.
    16 方玉润.诗经原始.北京.中华书局.1986.360
    17 李泽厚.中国古代思想史论.北京.人民出版社.1986.8
    18 夏含夷.从西周礼制改革看《诗经·周颂》的演变.河北师院学报(社会科学版).1996.3.26~33
    19 同上
    20 同上
    21 西周史略.金文通释.第四十七辑.100~109
    22 马银琴.西周穆王时代的仪式乐歌.北京.中国诗歌研究.第一辑.3~28
    23 聂石樵.雒三桂.李山.诗经新注.济南.齐鲁书社.2000.628
    24 夏含夷.从西周礼制改革看《诗经·周颂》的演变.河北师院学报(社会科学版).1996.3.26~33
    25 裘锡圭.史墙盘铭解释.西周微氏家族青铜器群研究.文物出版社.1992.274
    26 王国维.殷周制度论.王国维遗书.上海.上海古籍书店印行.1983.9
    27 杨向奎.宗周社会与礼乐文明.北京.人民出版社.1997.338
    28 夏含夷.从西周礼制改革看《诗经·周颂》的演变.河北师院学报(社会科学版).1996.3.26~33(注:间引)
    29 杨向奎.宗周社会与礼乐文明.北京.人民出版社.1997.190
    30 陈汉平.西周册命制度研究.学林出版社.1986.313
    31 杨向奎.宗周社会与礼乐文明.北京.人民出版社.1997.
    32 王国维.殷周制度论.王国维遗书.上海.上海古籍书店印行.1983.14
    33 扬之水.诗经名物新证.北京.北京古籍出版社.2000.217
    34 李山.诗经的文化精神.北京.东方出版社.1997.195
    35 何楷.诗世本古义.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.22
    36 孙作云.诗经与周代社会研究.北京.中华书局.1979.374
    37 朱熹.诗集传.上海.上海古籍出版社.1980.111
    38 金启华.诗经全译.江苏.江苏古籍出版社.1990.389
    39 曾勤良.左传引诗赋诗之诗教研究.文津出版社.1993.200
    40 杨宽.西周史.上海.上海人民出版社.1999.549~576
    41 于省吾.泽螺居诗经新证.北京.中华书局.2003.79
    42 聂石樵.雒三桂.李山.诗经新注.济南.齐鲁书社.2000.302
    43 国语·周语.上海.上海古籍出版社.1996.52
    44 朱东润.诗三百篇探故·诗大小雅说臆.上海.上海古籍出版社.1981.59
    45 杨向奎.宗周社会与礼乐文明.北京.人民出版社.1997.335
    46 何幼琦.西周四史佚史初探.江汉考古.1983
    47 黄中亚.三代纪事本末.辽宁.辽宁人民出版社.1999.287~288
    48 唐兰.略论西周微史家族窖藏铜器群的重要意义—陕西扶风新出墙盘铭文解释.西周微氏家族青铜器群研究.文物出版社.114~115
    49 张荫麟.中国史纲.北京.商务印书馆.2003.66
    50 扬之水.诗经名物新证.北京.北京古籍出版社.2000.216
    51 张荫麟.中国史纲.北京.商务印书馆.2003.64~65
    52 朱凤瀚.商周家族形态研究.279~243
    53 何楷.诗世本古义.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987.638
    54 游国恩.中国文学史.北京.人民文学出版社.1979.31
    55 聂石樵.雒三桂.李山.诗经新注.济南.齐鲁书社.2000.588
    56 章培恒.骆玉明.中国文学史.上海.复旦大学出版社.1997.29
    57 章培恒.骆玉明.中国文学史.上海.复旦大学出版社.1997.52
    1 阮元.十三经注疏.北京.中华书局影印本.1979
    2 欧阳修.诗本义.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987
    3 朱熹.诗序辨说.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987
    4 王夫之.诗广传.北京.中华书局出版社.1981
    5 刘大杰.中国文学发展史.上海.上海人民出版社.1973
    6 赵沛霖.诗经研究反思.天津.天津教育出版社.1989
    7 国语·周语.上海.上海古籍出版社.1996
    8 惠周惕.诗说.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987
    9 赵沛霖.诗经研究反思.天津.天津教育出版社.1989
    10 范家相.诗渖.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987
    11 朱熹.诗集传.上海.上海古籍出版社.1980
    12 方玉润.诗经原始.北京.中华书局.1986
    13 李泽厚.中国古代思想史论.北京.人民出版社.1986
    14 夏含夷.从西周礼制改革看《诗经·周颂》的演变.河北师院学报(社会科学版).1996.3.26~33
    15 西周史略.金文通释.第四十七辑
    16 马银琴.西周穆王时代的仪式乐歌.北京.中国诗歌研究.第一辑.3~28
    17 聂石樵.雒三桂.李山.诗经新注.济南.齐鲁书社.2000
    18 裘锡圭.史墙盘铭解释.西周微氏家族青铜器群研究.文物出版社.1992
    19 王国维.王国维遗书.上海.上海古籍书店印行.1983
    20 杨向奎.宗周社会与礼乐文明.北京.人民出版社.1997
    21 陈汉平.西周册命制度研究.学林出版社.1986
    23 扬之水.诗经名物新证.北京.北京古籍出版社.2000
    24 李山.诗经的文化精神.北京.东方出版社.1997
    25 何楷.诗世本古义.上海.上海古籍出版社.四库全书.1987
    26 孙作云.诗经与周代社会研究.北京.中华书局.1979
    27 金启华.诗经全译.江苏.江苏古籍出版社.1990
    28 曾勤良.左传引诗赋诗之诗教研究.文津出版社.1993
    29 杨宽.西周史.上海.上海人民出版社.1999
    30 于省吾.泽螺居诗经新证.北京.中华书局.2003
    31 朱东润.诗三百篇探故·诗大小雅说臆.上海.上海古籍出版社.1981
    32 何幼琦.西周四史佚史初探.江汉考古.1983
    33 黄中亚.三代纪事本末.辽宁.辽宁人民出版社.1999
    34 唐兰.略论西周微史家族窖藏铜器群的重要意义—陕西扶风新出墙盘铭文解释.西周微氏家族青铜器群研究.文物出版社
    35 张荫麟.中国史纲.北京.商务印书馆.2003
    36 朱凤瀚.商周家族形态研究
    37 游国恩.中国文学史.北京.人民文学出版社.1979
    38 章培恒.骆玉明.中国文学史.上海.复旦大学出版社.1997
    39 诸子集成.北京.中华书局
    40 陈奂.《诗毛氏传疏》
    41 马瑞臣.《毛诗传笺通释》

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