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Employee stock ownership is the achievement of stock system development in China. It is very significant in enterprise reform and improving economic efficiency. This thesis is to study deeply the theories and practices of employee stock ownership and to set up ESOPs suitable to China. It can serve as a base for further study.
    The thesis aims to solves several problems below: (1) Can ESOP from western countries be suitable to a different environment in China? (2) How to solve the problems appeared in ESOP experience in China? (3) How to establish a practical working process of ESOP and its contents for the enterprise prepares to use ESOP?
    The main contents are as below: (1) Chapter 2 and chapter 3 analyze the theories and practices of employee stock ownership. (2) On this basis, chapter 4 discusses the particularities of ESOPs in China, then analyzes the main problems appeared and provides the solutions. (3) According to the characteristics in China, chapter 5 establishes a practical working process of ESOP and its contents. (4) Chapter 6 works out an ESOP for ZG Co., Lmt.. It provides an exercisable case to readers.
    The conclusions are as below: (1) The thesis proves that China can use this method to advance modern corporation system and should take China's characteristics in account. (2) The thesis summarizes and discusses the main problems in ESOPs in China, and provides the solutions. (3) The thesis establishes a practical working process of ESOP and its contents from some successful cases. (4) The thesis uses its study to design an ESOP for ZG Co., Lmt. It's a case most suitable to laws at present. It provides an exercisable and practical case to readers.
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