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In recent years, researches on communication patterns from cross-cultural perspective have become a popular and useful way of identifying cultural differences in international business organizations. China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) ensures China’s adherence to the market economy and a better investment environment in China. With the steady increase in the number of German businesses in China, the success in cross-cultural business communication is becoming even more demanding. The in-depth study of communication patterns could provide a deep insight into cultural differences in business communication between the Chinese and Germans, thus facilitating successful business operation of Multinationals in China.
    This thesis attempts to examine the differences in communication patterns between the Chinese and Germans in German Multinationals in China. After reviewing in general major theoretical and applied studies of cultural differences in communication patterns, this thesis proposes six hypotheses of different communication patterns between the Chinese and Germans in German multinationals on the basis of several determining cultural dimensions: Authority vs. Equality, Harmonious Relationships vs. Individualism, Communication Styles, Time Orientation, Security and Privacy Regulations. By applying qualitative methodology with semi-structured in-depth interviews, six hypotheses are further identified in the empirical research of China firms of a German Multinational with respect to nine subsections: Age in Management, Information Handling, Departmentalism, Teamwork, Decision Making, Discussion vs. Consensus, Planning and Scheduling, Rules and “Gray Zones” as well as Public and Private Life. The thesis finally points out the limitations of the study and explores its implications for future research on the cross-cultural analysis of business communication in multinationals.
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