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Guan Zhong was a great politician in Spring and Autumn Period. The biggest contribution he had made was to help Qi Huangong(a feudal duke of Qi ) to build a forceful empire. Guan Zi was a great work which named after Guan Zhong. The relation between Guan Zhong and Guan Zi, the writers of Guan Zi was a problem till today, this prevent us to study Guan Zi deep. The contents of Guan Zi was abundance, it was an encyclopedia and concluded almost all schools' ideology in War States Time. It could not be written only by one person in a short time. It was inconceivable to say that Guan Zi was written by Guan Zhong because there were lots of affairs which took place after he had died. If we said that there were no relations between them, it may be an abrupt conclusion. The relation between them was complex; it was somebody who borrowed the repute and status of Guan Zhong to express their thoughts and dreams. They were the masters of Ji Xia School Palace (an ancient place name near the capital of Qi ), they were lassoed by the king of Qi and served for him in return. The reason why I said was that the Ji Xia School Palace was the appropriate place for the amalgamation of the various schools and it had all necessary conditions to compile the great book.
    Guan Zi blended Confucianism, Taoism, and Jurisprudence School into one book, and jurisprudence was its essential part, it stood for the highest level of law at that time. There were lots of statutes recorded in it; there were valuable material for us to study law history. The jurisprudence Guan Zi had made such as the creation of law, the quality and function of law , the institution and enforcement of law , had exceeded others books in same time. The logion rule by law was first brought forward by Guan Zi and we still say it today.
    Many feudal states began to reform from the beginning of the War States Period; the most successful one was Shang Yang Reform in Qin, which was followed by other states. Han Fei Zi gathered all the merits of Jurisprudence School, and prefers to hold law, trick, power into one hand. The base of Shang Yang' s and Han Fei' s theory was to enforce the law severely. Guan Zi pointed out the flaw of their theory, and lesson of Qin' s had testified that Guan Zi' s allegation was right.
    Guan Zi had put forward the theory: rule by morality and law, which had great influence on ancient Chinese law thought.
《道家文化研究》1-21辑 三联书店出版社。
    《稷下争鸣于黄老之学》 胡家聪著 中国社科出版社 1998年。
    《黄帝四经与黄老思想》 余明光著 黑龙江人民出版社 1989年。
    《管子学案》 [台湾]戴睿著 学林出版社 1094,6。
    《中国法律与中国社会》瞿同祖著 中华书局 1981年。
    《中国法律的传统与近代转型》张晋藩法律出版社 1997年。
    《中国法律思想史》杨鸿烈著 上海书店 1984年。
    《孔子的法律思想》杨景凡 俞荣根著 群众出版社 1984年。
    《商鞅的法律思想》杨鹤皋著 群众出版社 1987年。
    《中国法律思想史新编》张国华著 北京大学出版社 1991年。
    《齐文化丛书1·管子简释》钟肇鹏 孙开泰 陈升著 齐鲁书社 1997,6。
    《管子研究》第一辑 山东人民出版社 1987年。
    “稷下学宫考述”孙以楷 《文史》第二十三辑。
    “《管子》原本考”胡家聪 《文史》第十三辑。
    “黄老思想源流”刘蔚华 苗润田 《中国哲学》1986,1 24~33。
    “略论黄老学”蒙文通 《道家文化研究》第十四辑 1998,7。

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