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The qualified personnel who are trained in higher education are the forces at the core in society development. They must posse the creative sense and creative power and then can exercise leadership in society development continuously. The educational and teaching managements in higher education play a decisive role in training qualified personnel. This article tries analyzing the students' choices in the managements of education and teaching in higher education in our country, uses students' psychology to study their motive power for study, and constructs the self-determination model in higher education. It is to promote students' personality to develop and to train their creative power.
    This article uses the methods of informal discussion, documentary analysis and logic analysis, and probes into the problem of constructing the self-determination model in higher education.
    This article contains four parts. Part one introduces the background, methods of this research, and it gives distinctive definitions to several basic concepts. Part two analyses the fundamental problem of the students' choices in the management of education and teaching in higher education in our country. Part three expounds the connotation, significances, ways and mechanism of the self-determination model in higher education in detail. Part four deduces that the self-determination model in higher education should be the road that the management reform of education and teaching in higher education in our country must take, and points out the creativity and direction of research further.
    The article believes that in the planned economy system of organization, the management powers of higher education has had a high degree of centralism. Students have little choices when they are trained. It has brought about a passive accept model in higher education. In the model the management systems are out of
    date. Administrative departments of education, schools, teachers and students are short of motive power and there are not enough in throwing into the activities of education and teaching. The students have been educated and trained in unified standards. The qualified personnel have almost been the same in specifications of education. They have been short of creative power and have played a less role in economy growth and society development. Up till now, there is no change in the model on the whole.
    The education of self-determination model in higher education is that students have more changes to self-select a school and have right to make decisions about studying activities, including selecting a specialty, a curriculum; making the arrangements of study; the degree, demand and result of educational goals that students is to achieve, within the frame of training goals, teaching plan and curriculum of school.
    The theory of subject education is taken as guide in constructing the new self-determination model in higher education. It esteems students' subject. Its basic features are self-development, opening, diversify and democracy. Constructing the self-determination model in higher education will establish a free educational environment where students can be willing to study, be good at study and study happily. And students can make unceasing progress. The students' personality can be fully developed. Also the self-determination model in higher education can heighten the motive powers of work of governments and its administrative departments of education, schools, teachers and students; arouse their enthusiasm of work.
    The main measures include that students should have more changes to select a school, a curriculum; and that students should self-select a specialty and a teacher, attend a lesson on their own, and make a decision when to complete school work according to the arrangement of self-determination. Also a laboratory should be open to all students all the time, a system of course for re-studying should be carried out, a course examination given several times in a year, and a twelve hour working day instituted, etc.
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