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Being a scientific activity of managing the performance of constitute and stuff, the Performance Management (PM) is applied and noticed all over the world gradually. It is becoming an important ways and means of enterprise management and HR management and strategist activity of modern enterprise making full use of the resource and getting more competitive. Having richer connotation than that of the Traditional Performance Assessing (TPA), the PM should take the Performance Management System (PMS) as its implement and insurance system. Therefore, Establishing a scientific, standard and consummate performance management system is the aim of this article.
    Through comparing the PM with the TPA and discussing the performance Management rating of internal and overseas, the article states the ideal, construction method and the procedure of the PMS, definitudes that the stuff performance management system is a conformity of all functions of HRM. Guided by aim management, based on the circulation of working and analyzing, takes performance assessing as the tool, supported by encouragement system, performance tutorship, and realize the PMS to pursue higher performance aim. By discussing the method of encouraging, how to encourage the stuff having much knowledge and the characteristic
    and technology of encouraging group, the article points out the encouragement is not only a sub system of the PMS, but a method implied throughout the whole system, form driving system of boosting performance, By analyzing the implement of the PMS of PCG institute, the article brings forward the idea of constructing a PMS including aim guidance, activity guidance, result guidance and materials operation. The article is composed of four parts. The first part is Method Discussing; the second part is actuality analyzing; the third part is Researching and Designing; the fourth part is evaluating and summarizing.
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