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Now the Chinese market of securities is a rising market during the transforming period, the insider trading is rampant particularly because of the flaw manage and deficient statute. It has heavily injured the trust of investors and blocked the market's developing.
    The first charter: The article explains the basic category of insider trading, the insider trading (insider human's trading) is a type of the error deed. The writer observed the deeds of insider trading in Chinese securities market and revealed the characteristics of insider trading. That the government intervenes the insider trading turns to a trend, but it doesn't mean the theory has been solved.
    The second Charter: That insider trading or preventing insider trading achieve in the most economic efficiency is yet a focus of academy. The writer has analyzed the worthy of preventing insider trading from the law and economy. The Chinese insider trading exists in its system and society, hi beginning of monetary market, the politics of government always affect the developing; the government plays both the enforcer and the object. In fact, the government wastes the economic investment. Meanwhile, that the ancient moral of china is even obstinate provides the fertilizer of insider trading.
    The third charter: It is difficult to punish the insider trading, but we should guard against it's occurring, the insider trading happens because of our system which contains the indistinct property right mistake the corporation's structure and the lacking of civil lawsuit and the information. According to analyzing the deeds surface reason and system of insider trading in securities' market, the writer suggested the legislation of the government's adjusting in order to protect the prosperous the securities' market.
    At last: The writer trunks we should build a whole legal situation for the regular securities' trafficking so as to avoid the monetary risk all over the world.
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