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Aim at the current situation of serious environmental pollution caused by
     intensive husbandry, the author discussed the necessity and possibility of realizing
     organic agriculture in China, and elucidated that disposal of livestock manure to
     agricultural land is the most economical and environmental sound solution for
     organic agriculture. It was required to estimate the nutrient contents in animal
     manure for utilizing animal manure as a resource.
     There are two methods for estimating the nutrient contents in animal manure. The
     first one is rapid tests based on the testing technology of physical-mechanical
     characteristics, and the second one is mathematical model. This paper reviewed
     the two methods separately and discussed the further study at the same time.
     Quick tests could estimate the nutrient contents rapidly by constructing the
     relationships between the physical-mechanical characteristics and total nitrogen,
     phosphorus~ potassium and ammonium contents in animal manure, and then
     testing these physical-mechanical characteristics, such as specific gravity,
     conductivity and dry matter, etc. According to some independences, such as
     dietary intake, liveweight, etc, the nutrient contents in animal manure could be
     estimated rapidly and accurately through the calculation of the mathematical
     The two methods, which are more convenient, rapid and low-priced, compared
     with the conventional lab analysis, will save a great lot of human and material
     resources when put them into practice, and have important theoretical and applied
     values for promoting to use animal manure scientifically and fulfilling the
     sustainable agriculture.
     Studied the mathematical model method, which is based on the data of poultry and
     the formulation of their dietary intake. By theoretical analyzing the influential
     factors of the volume and nutrient contents of animal manure, the independences
     of the model were selected and they were animal type, age, liveweight, feed input,
     dry matter intake, N, P and K intake, dry matter output and slurry output. Broiler
     -Iv -
     experiment was carried out from which a large number of data were obtained. By
     regression analysis, the most important factors for estimating the volume and N, P,
     K contents of broiler manure were attained. A series of empirical model were
     developed. It was tested that these models were reasonably reliable.
     Using animal age as a predictive independence was presented for the first time.
     Simple equations of using broiler age as an independence were developed
     separately, and the regression relationships were highly significant. Combining
     age and other factors instead of liveweight attained multiple equations, which are
     more reliable and useful. Selected the most reliable, economical, simple and
     useful models. The results of the estimation were identical with the experiment
     results on the whole.
     Studied the rapid tests method, which is based on the testing technology of
     physical-mechanical characteristics. 20 broiler slurry samples were collected for
     the purpose of studying the relationships between specific gravity, conductivity
     and the nutrients in animal manure. According to the results of regression
     analysis~ specific gravity can estimate the P contents in animal manure, and
     conductivity can estimate the ~ and K contents precisely. Besides, the
     influence of dilution to the conductivity of the solutions was tested. The
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