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The humanity enters for the 21st century, the international intense talented person unexpectedly struggles and the national strength day by day struggles unexpectedly, to educated proposed the unprecedented challenge. facing the challenge, now the various countries in abundance takes the reform and the development education the participation international competition the most important strategy. Our country's elementary education reform also extremely takes the curriculum to reform. The new turn curriculum reforms is carrying on, the new class changes the goal lies in promotes each student comprehensive and the coordinated development. In the new curriculum standard stipulated that. Develops and inside and outside positively the reasonable use school each kind of curriculum resources. The school should display the library, the laboratory, the special-purpose classroom and each kind of teaching facility fully and practices the base the function; Widespread use extracurricular library, museum, exhibition hall, science and technology museum, factory, countryside, army and scientific research courtyard and so on each kind of social resources as well as rich natural resource; Uses and develops the information curriculum resources positively. The development and the application local history resources appears how under the new curriculum standard in the classroom instruction especially importantly.
     Although, in reality local history resources development and application insufficient ideal. Take the week village local history resources development and the application as examples, passes through provides the questionnaire survey in the week village five middle schools, the author discovered the local history curriculum resources apply very few in the classroom instruction, many schools do not even use local the local history resources, directly created many student local history knowledge to be deficient, the partial teachers neglected the local history resources the application.
     Therefore, how studies in under the new curriculum standard idea in the history classroom instruction develops and the application local history resources strategy, realizes the new curriculum standard request by the better education way, the attention raises student's independence and the independency, in reality studies, promotes the student under the teacher instruction on own initiative, the rich individuality study, must unify the place reality, the development suits the local history education which the student needs.
     Under the author anew curriculum standard the curriculum resources and the historical curriculum resources relations, the historical curriculum resources and the local history curriculum resources relations, the development local history resources significance, the development and application local history aspects and so on do resources principle and way obtain, how analyze develop the use to the historical local curriculum resources. Enhances the people by this to the historical local curriculum resources understanding, enhances to the local history curriculum resources level of understanding, achieves truly acts as circumstances permit, prompt, fast, the full use history local curriculum resources impels the historical curriculum reform and the deepened history educational reform comprehensive implementation, achieves the goal well which the historical curriculum reforms.
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