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Our country has many old sayings concerning integrity, as "The person without integrity cannot be a real man, the government without integrity has no prestige." In the 21st century, the integrity, as the basic criterion and the important quality of the people's behavior, has been enhanced to the quite important position. It is the basic requirement in building a harmonious socialist society and improving the socialist market economy, and the cornerstone of the socialist ideological and ethical system.
     Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system continues the ideas of "to promote exams, to learn", and also inherits and carries forward "to learn" which is the main idea of Confucians. It is a new form of education, which is based on self-study, guided by the national exams, and supported by the community education. At present, in the reform and opening up and transitional period, loss of integrity has become a common social phenomenon due to the negative influence of market economy. It includes fraud and cheating, shoddy goods, loans without returning, proliferation of fake diploma, cheating in exams and so on. This kind of integrity loss also inevitably spread to Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations. So this study takes the issue of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations as the research object, embarks from the actual situation, analyzes the concrete performance of the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations, the hazardous nature, the reason of this kind of loss, how to effectively control it, and carries on quite comprehensive reconsideration in order to perfect the system and promote the healthy and orderly development of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations.
     The major loss of integrity of the candidates is cheating in exams, document fraud and breach of contract; and that of the department of Exams is the loss of inadequate monitoring, alienation role and no help to students and so on. The issue of integrity of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations is directly related to higher education quality and harmonious development of higher education. If we do not guard against and control it, harmful effects will naturally follow: First, to aggravate social credit crisis; Second, to destruct the fair and orderly competitive environment; Third, to twist the nature of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations; Forth, to shake the foundation of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations.
     This paper argues that the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations is caused by the imperfection of the social environment, the higher education system and Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations itself. Plus, some other factors also contribute to it, such as utilitarian ideology which brought about by the market economy, the crisis of integrity in the society, the only diploma orientation in employing, interest game in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations, the incompleteness of Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system and the legal system of higher education.
     To prevent and control effectively the loss of integrity in Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations the following ways should be included: creating good atmosphere of universal stresses on integrity, establishing correct concepts of talent, reforming the personnel system, conducting effective education on integrity, and improving the existing Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations system and promoting the legal system of higher education.
    ①http://www.snweb. com/gb/people_daily/2004/05/18/0518p011d001.php.
    ①Richard T.De George,Competing with Integrity in International Business,Oxford University Press,1993,p6.
    ①http://www. eol.cn/zj_kao_kuai_xun_3503/20070411/t20070411_227590.shtml.
    ③http://edu.cyol.com/gb/edu/2005 10/12/content_1102774.htm.
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