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  • 英文篇名:What do Chinese Overseas Graduate Students Encounter in Australia?——A Narrative Inquiry into Their Academic Adjustment and Acculturation
  • 作者:蔡连玉 ; Anthony ; Welch
  • 英文作者:CAI Lianyu;Anthony Welch;Institute of Education Science,Zhejiang Normal University;Faculty of Education and Social Work,University of Sydney;
  • 关键词:中国留学研究 ; 澳大利亚 ; 学术适应 ; 文化适应 ; 叙事研究
  • 英文关键词:Chinese overseas graduate students;;Australia;;academic adjustment;;acculturation;;narrative inquiry
  • 中文刊名:WGJY
  • 英文刊名:Studies in Foreign Education
  • 机构:浙江师范大学田家炳教育科学研究院;悉尼大学教育与社会工作学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-20
  • 出版单位:外国教育研究
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.46;No.348
  • 基金:浙江省教育科学规划重点项目“浙江省高等教育国际化现状及其发展对策研究”(项目编号:2017SB119)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:WGJY201906007
  • 页数:16
  • CN:06
  • ISSN:22-1022/G4
  • 分类号:91-106
        There are more and more Chinese overseas graduate students studying in Australia,having experienced very different undergraduate education at home. This research explores their academic adjustment and acculturation in Australia,utilizing narrative inquiry to "deep-descriple" their experiences,it is of practical signifcance. Twelve participants were selected from four universities in Australia by convenience and snow-ball sampling. The researchers did in-depth semi-structured interviews with these participants,constructing the final research texts with them. Through uncovering key events,coding them and building grounded theory,the researchers found that:Chinese overseas graduate students encounter many challenges in academic adjustment,related to differences between the university education system of China and Australia,the traditional learning mode of Chinese students and their limited linguistic competence;Chinese overseas graduate students are accustomed to living with people from China,thus forming "circles" in Australia,and this exerts a negative influence on their academic adjustment and acculturation. This phenomenon is related to cultural differences between China and Australia,as well as a conservatism found in Chinese culture. Chinese culture emphasizes individual hard work,in which the individual bears all the toil and all the blame. On the contrary,Australian culture emphasizes the freedom of individual san guan(world view,life view,and value view)and a work life balance,so that Australian lives are lived in relative leisure;Chinese overseas graduate students view China as their place of cultural roots. The sense of belonging,cultural differences,and living environment in Australia,exerts an influence on students' decision to leave or stay after graduation.
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