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Explicit Finite Element Method with Triangle Meshes Stored by Sparse Format and Its Perfectly Matched Layers Absorbing Boundary Condition

     Finite element method is a useful tool for realistically modeling seismic wave in complex medium and displaying seismic wave fields in a quite detailed way.However,finite element method needs a large number of mesh grids for the high accuracy simulation of seismic wave,and suffers from large computational amount and computer memory resource.To surmount the mentioned shortages above,in this paper,the so called compressed spare row CSR method is adopted to reduce the computational amount and memory occupation of FEM; a diagonal mass matrix is obtained by using the lumped mass matrix rather the consistent mass matrix explicit finite element method to improve the computational efficiency; Newmark algorithm which has the property of energy-momentum conserving is used to improve the computational accuracy; and the artificial truncated boundaries is dealt with by the perfectly matched layer PML in variationai form weak form.The numerical tests demonstrate that the techniques mentioned above introduced to FEM make a significant improvement compared with spectral element method SEM which has a high computational accuracy.To obtain a comparable accuracy,the meshes of EFEM must be finer than that of SEM.The computational speed of EFEM is about 2 times faster than that of SEM with 7-order interpolation whereas the computer memory occupation amount of the former is about 46 times less than that of the latter.

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