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Education policy is an educational operative norm made by powerful public government institutes in certain time and for certain education issues and purposes, which is initiated by certain education issues and also for solving them. The property of education policy determines that education policy research which mainly deals with the issues of why and how, as what are the issues of fundamental education policy, what's the background, what's the motive, how to implement into reality, what's the results, who is the beneficial owners and who is the victims should take focusing on education issues as the precondition and ultimate motive
    This thesis adopts comparative, documenting, case study as inevitable methods in research. Basing on the academic and practical meaning of the research of education policy issues, I choose the fundamental education policy of America since 1980s as an example and analysis the education policy issues, hoping to unveil some primary ideas and issues in the fundamental education policy of America during that time, trying to explore the interactive action between education policy and education reform practices. The thesis has three parts.
    Through researches, the thesis generalizes the primary education ideas of the U.S.A as insure equal education chance; raise education quality .That is everybody enjoys high quality education. American fundamental education policy issues after 1980s was mainly raised by not realizing the primary ideas: considerable of unfavorable children couldn't get equal education chances as normal children and the results revealed in domestic and oversea surveys were not so good or even bad. At the very beginning of the first part the thesis give it a thorough argumentation.
    The second part of the thesis touches on American fundamental education policy established and implemented during 1980s and 1990s which involves macro-policies as American 2000: An Education Strategy, Goals 2000: American Educate American Act, Improving America's Schools Act and so on; government actions as three summit meetings and states' actions led by government as standard-based schools system reform, which aims at the issues as what's the responsibility of federal government, what's the goals for curriculum reform, how to solve the issues of teachers, how to select schools and how to evaluate the effects for the reform . Etc.
    At the beginning of the third part it surveys the gap between American fundamental education reality and the goals, based on this to prove the meaning of
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