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Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) from the aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its distribution of TCM syndromes for studying the differences between diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome and other kinds of diarrhea.
     Methodology:60 Subjects were selected from "Sino-German cooperation in the medical treatment of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome" from June 2009 to March 2010. In order to evaluate the its clinical characteristics of TCM syndromes and relativity, the method of questionnaire survey was mainly performed to analyze the characteristics of different factors, such as sexy, age and education.
     Results:1 sex ratio of 1.31:1 (P= 0.302); the average age of 42.65±14.46 years old,25-40 years of age the highest prevalence (p= 0.000); university or college or more 63.3%; non-manual workers 93.3%; The average duration of 108.7±90.8 months and 5 years were 73.3%. Factors that were induced or exacerbated by the diversity of the diet (28.2%), cold (25.6%), mood (12.8%) most common.
     2 In the main symptoms, abdominal pain to dull pain (25.%), Pain (46.7%) more, mostly mild pain (83.3%), located in the abdomen under (55.0%) and umbilical (25.0%) were more However, most are not fixed (95.0%),70.0% of patients in the past two weeks, abdominal pain occurred less than 7 days the number of days. All patients had abdominal pain with frequent or loose stools, then reduce the symptoms of pain, frequent bowel movements a paste or water samples,33.3% of patients more than 3 times daily bowel movement, bowel urgency (93.3%), defecation not the flu (81.7%), mucus or jelly stool row (60.0%) common defecation effort (16.7%), hematochezia (1.7%) rare. Most patients with abdominal distention (68.3%), bowel (80.0%), mostly mild, postprandial abdominal distension (41.5%) more, postprandial bowel (1.7%) rare.
     3 In the accompanying symptoms, depression irritability (85.0%), body tired fatigue (85.0%) was the most. In the tongue, as in big fat tongue (or with indentation) (48.3%), dark red tongue (46.7%) the most; crack tongue (5.0%), thin yellow fur (3.3%) less; dark purple tongue (5.0%) less ecchymosis petechiae, no, no tongue, thin thin, white slip coating, no thick coating. Many patients with tongue (46.7%), tongue (30.0%), tongue (23.3%) were normal.
     4 IBS-SSS average of 253.22±76.65 points, mostly moderate. The average level of life disruption 68.95±22.54 min,70% thought that their lives have been more severely affected, but the living level of disturbance and abdominal pain, abdominal pain frequency, stool frequency was no linear relationship.
     5 Liver depression and spleen deficiency (45.0%), spleen and stomach card (31.7%), the highest proportion. Kidney deficiency of average age, average duration, severity score, abdominal pain, the degree of diarrhea frequency was higher than other syndromes; cold and heat mixed evidence shorter average duration. However, these differences were not statistically significant.
     Conclusion:IBS-D isn't related with illness and gender, and age, educational level. Factors include diet, cold and emotions. Generally, there is a longer course in this disease. Abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms are very common, but these symptoms are not easy to be cured. Moreover, there is no ratio between frequency and degree of these symptoms. Pathological states of IBS-D are related with deficiency of spleen and liver constraint, while pathological states of heat, damaged yin, blood stasis and damp evil are not common. There are no pathological states of retained fluid and food indigestion. Liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome and deficiency of spleen and stomach syndrome are the main symptoms. All in all, IBS-D is not equal to diarrhea.
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