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For a long time, the subject character about Chinese has been disputed unceasingly, so the mass of Chinese teachers don’t know how to take course. At the same time the Chinese education is suffering from the maladies--- little, slow, poor and waste. The students’total Chinese abilities are coming down. After having analyzed all disadvantages of views about Chinese characters and combining with the experience and corrective punishments in my teaching of years, I have proposed a new view about culture spirit in Chinese education in the middle school. This dissertation has four chapters.
     In the first chapter , various culture characters and connotations about middle school Chinese education---the relationships between language and culture, people and culture, nations and culture, education and culture--- have been proposed and also been explained. On the basis of these, the relationship between Chinese education and culture has been further expounded. As the result, I think that real Chinese education would be culture education, which must takes in the excellent Chinese culture as the dominant factor and at the same time absorbs other nations’excellent cultures. So we can make the students carry forward and bring forth the excellent culture.
     In chapter 2, I have expounded the necessity about carrying through the culture spirit in middle school Chinese education. The Chinese culture education can ensure the safety of national culture, foster students’culture spirit, effectively carry out creative education, and completely improve students’Chinese attainments. So students can grow equally with individuals. And Chinese also will bring out its nature.
     In chapter 3, it has been explained that Chinese subject would contain the knowledge of Chinese, literature and diversified Chinese subjects. The Chinese teachers would deeply unearth the plentiful culture intention of Chinese subject, so the Chinese education can avoid being superficial.
     At last, I have expressed my points that the Chinese teachers must set up correct culture view on Chinese education. Not only do they consciously take on the duty of propagating doctrine and knowledge, but also it’s very important for the teachers to inherit, develop and innovate national culture. The Chinese teachers wouldn’t sealed in little self-world, and they also wouldn’t be satisfied with national traditional culture. They must learn other nation’s excellent culture for perfecting, developing and innovating our national culture, while keeping pace with contemporary culture. They would foster Chinese students, who can inherit, develop and innovate Chinese traditional culture and extensively absorb other excellent cultures.
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