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Cultural policy research, as a raising discipline field, exists in many contexts, asks many different kinds of questions and adopts a wide repertoire of research methodologies from a raft of academic discourses. Starting with the American "Culture War", this paper investigates the questions and approaches being undertaken by those working in this the arts and cultural policy research and information system, and provides a discipline-based discussion of "State Support for the Arts", which is new topic in the Chinese art world. Drawing on several examples from the arts sector, I make any such effort to explain "Should the government subsidize the Arts?" with some public policy theoretical and cultural economics analyses. As a result of it, the attributes of arts will be reread and reevaluated beyond aesthetics. The paradigm for art inquiry has irrevocably shifted away from the conventions that grounded its founding theories, demanding refreshed understandings of art.
     The paper also provides some comparative guidelines for arts funding systems in different western countries. To achieve this, I especially chose for the American art museums; examine the structure and effectiveness of the support system for U.S. nonprofit arts institutions.
13 Banfield,Edward C.The Democratic Muse:Visual Arts and the Public Interest.:A Twentieth Century Fund Essay,1984.
    14 Ernest van den Haag,"Should the Government Subsidize the Arts?,"Policy Review 10(Fall 1979):63-73
    16 见[联合国教科文组织(UNESCO),世界文化与发展委员会(WCCD)2006,p154]
    17 《牛津英语字典》:“the artistic and intellectual side of civilization”;《美国传统辞典》:“intellectual and artistic activity and the works produced by it”
    18 “德语中的‘文化'概念,就其核心来说,是指思想、艺术、宗教”[(德)诺贝特·埃利亚斯 1998,p62]
    75 Nicolas Guérin,Description de l'Academie royale des arts de peinture et de sculpture(Paris,I715),转引[Mc-Clellan 1996]
    88 Mauss M.(1908):L 'art et le mythe d'après M.Wundt.In Oeuvres tome 2 Paris,Minuit 1974,p205
    94 Smith,Adam.1981[1776].An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.Indianapolis:Liberty Press.p456
    96 Baumol and Bowen,Performing Arts,table Ⅳ.1[Baumol;Bowen 1966,p76]
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