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As an innovative financing and investing system, venture capital plays an active role in the development of high-tech small & medium business. Venture capital consists of three processes that are financing, investing and withdrawing, involves in three participants that are investors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. The first layer of principal-agent comes into being between investors and venture capitalists and the second between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. Under the two-ply mechanism of principal-agent, high risk and technical propriety result in the serious asymmetry of information between principal and agent, which makes the agent problem severely. Therefore, how to reduce the risk of agent becomes the main clue of this article and the key content is how to settle the agent problem, reduce agent cost and solve the agent conflict, etc.
     The research method is first separation, and then integration. Firstly, we research how to settle the problem of agent in the first layer principal-agent and the second principal-agent separately which is mainly about the adverse selection and moral hazard. Then we integrate the two layers of principal-agent, and probe into the effect of venture capitalist, which is the "soul" of venture capital, answering the basic and essential question of why two layers of principal-agent exist in venture capital. The main content of this article includes:
     1. High risk of venture capital makes investors institutionalization. Unlike general individual investors, institutional investors have more initiative and power of gaining information to select the qualified venture capitalists as their agents. In order to avoid the adverse selection in choosing venture capitalist, besides the exterior signal such as education and former achievement, investors can supply the venture capitalists with a group of contracts containing the reward coefficient and fund on return, screening the type of venture capitalists by their choice.
     2. As the soul of the whole venture capital, it is essential to safeguard against venture capitalists' opportunism. In the first layer of principal-agent, we should settle the moral hazard of venture capitalist from three aspects, which are reward incentive, reputation restriction and system administration. In the aspect of reward incentive, we should allow investors to invest by staging of capital infusion and require venture capitalist to contribute his own capital. In the aspect of reputation restriction, we should foster the venture capital market leading by reputation. In the aspect of system, through the analysis of the evolvement of American venture capital organization form, we find that, limited partnership is a more preferable venture capital system arrangement. Therefore, we should perfect the inherent mechanism and exterior environment of our country's venture capital, and develop the advantage of limited partnership.
     3. In the game theory of venture capitalist choosing entrepreneur, entrepreneur actions first, transferring the signal of his own individual ability and project quality. Then venture capitalist takes action, supplying entrepreneur with a group of contracts containing residual claim right and investment value, screening the type of venture capitalists by his choice.
     4. In the second layer of principal-agent, we should settle the moral hazard of entrepreneur from three sides, which is administration, incentive and the cooperation of two participants. For the high cost of exterior administration, interior administration, such as staging and syndication of investment should be utilized. The case of Alibaba validates the effect of interior administration. In order to make the entrepreneur, who acts as the agent, assume the risk, they need to be given proper incentives. Besides the interior incentive of material, exterior incentive mechanism, such as valuable management and consultation advice and government policy auspice, could also reduce the moral hazard of entrepreneur, and increase the probability of success to the enterprise. For venture capitalist and entrepreneur, cooperation strategy is the "Nash Equilibrium" of collective rationality. For the long-time cooperation between venture capitalist and entrepreneur, it is necessary to strengthen information communication, constitute the favorable private association, so that every participant could gain "complete information". In order to exert the time pressure, we should stipulate the goal of enterprise in each stage. For transferring the signal of cooperation intent, we need to set up double-side restriction mechanism in the early stage and punish the defection behavior.
     5. By researching the failure reason of China New Technology Venture Investment Co. Ltd., the first venture capital firm. We find that it could not effectively reduce the agent risk of double layers of principal-agent, which is the fundamental reason of failure. The reason that it could not reduce the risk of agent lies on the fact that government is the investor, and corporate governance structure can not effectively settle the adverse selection and moral hazard. Therefore, government could not be the principal part of venture capital. We should encourage civilian capital and overseas capital to enter venture capital, and government could play the role of "night watchman". It can supply education training, information and technology service, investment subsidy, etc., also it could help eliminate the barrier of bylaw and administration. The exterior incentive of government can also reduce the moral hazard of entrepreneur, and increase the probability of success to the enterprise.
     6. Venture capitalist is the most important and active core in venture capital, playing various roles in two layers of principal-agent. As the agent of investor, he should ensure venture fund to maintain and increase value. As the principal of entrepreneur, on one hand, he has the right of administration and incentive, safeguarding against the opportunism of entrepreneur, on the other hand, he has the obligation to supply management and afford consultation advice.
     7. As the "activator" of the high-tech industry and the "engine" of the economy development, the venture capital has great significance on a nation's economy. Our government increases the auspice extent to venture capital financing and investing in recent years. Such as the "Partnership Law of the People's Republic of China (revision)", which passed in August 2006, establishes the law status of "limited partnership" in venture capital. On March 2007, the State Administration for Taxation issued the file No. 37 (2007) of fiscal and taxation to give venture capital preferable policy on revenue. But, with regard to withdrawal mechanism, our country lacks the perfect pyramid capital market. As the important form of IPO, Red Chip IPO is an expedient and high efficient withdrawal channel, but it is affected by many policy factors. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the real Growth Enterprise Market (GMS), which will be suitable for small & medium business.
1 参见http://www.nvca.orp/中对风险投资的定义。
    2 “天使投资市场”又称“非正式的私人风险投资市场”(Informal Business Angel),它与风险资本都属于资本市场中的“私人股权融资市场”(Private Equity Market)。但天使投资是一个没有中介的市场,它是富裕的家庭和个人直接向企业进行股份投资的市场,投资项目的选择、投资过程的管理、投资后的监控和投资的收获等均由投资者完成。本文所研究的风险投资不包括天使投资。
    3 不少文献称之为“创业投资家”、“创业投资者”,为与“创业家”、“创业企业”严格区别开来,避免不必要的混淆,本文将风险资本的管理者称为“风险投资家”,将风险投资家所在的组织或机构称为风险投资公司、风险投资机构或风险投资基金。
    4 不少文献将其称为“创业企业家”,本文为规范起见,统称为“创业家”,将创业家管理的企业称为“创业企业”。
    5 参见詹森和梅克林:《企业理论:经理行为、代理成本和所有权结构》,上海三联、上海人民出版社,1995年。
    6 参见张维迎:《企业的企业家——契约理论》[M],上海:上海三联书店,1996。
    7 参见Hart O..Firm,contracts, and financial structure. Oxford press, 1995.
    8 不少创业家为高校的科研人员,以技术参股创业企业。若因技术本身不成熟而导致创业企业失败,创业家不会有任何损失,反而通过对创业企业的经营管理验证了技术上的缺陷,得到了研究启发;若技术本身是成熟的,因为管理经验欠缺或市场本身的需求不足等导致创业企业失败,创业家也可以从技术的成功中获得满足,或者冈技术成功而获得别的额外奖励。
    9 用新制度经济学的交易成本理论来解释风险投资采用双重委托代理机制的原因,详见张东生、刘健钧:《创业投资基金运作机制的制度经济学分析》,经济研究,2000年第4期。
    10 例如,20世纪80年代生物技术革命,制药业大规模引进了公司制风险投资组织形式。
    1 有关风险投资家稀缺性的描述详见Admati and Pfleiderer.1994.Robust financial contracting and the role of venture capitalists.Journal of Finance,49:371-402.
    2 转引自张元萍:《创业融资与风险投资》,中国金融出版社,2006:第9-10页。
    3 以往的研究往往认为,ε~N(0,σ~2),这种做法明显忽视了风险投资中的高风险问题。高风险要求有高收益米补偿,因此,风险投资成功的收益很大,故不确定下的收益补偿均值应该显著地大于0。
    4 后文会提到,投资者的风险态度是风险中性或风险厌恶的,但无论是厌恶还是中性,对本部分的分析没有影响,故在此假定投资者是风险中性的。
    5 参见第二章第三节“国外研究综述”中Gompers & Lerner关于“业绩敏感的报酬制度”的文献。
    6 风险投资家的道德风险行为具体表现为:工作不努力、采取有利于自身但有损于投资者利益的行为等,为简化起见,统称这些道德风险行为为“工作不努力”。
    7 本部分内容部分参考了郑君君,刘恒:《基于委托——代理关系的风险投资者对风险投资家激励模型的研究》,数量经济技术经济研究,2005,(5),151-156。
    8 参见前文文献回顾第二章第三节“风险资本投资——第二重委托代理”。
    9 对风险投资家投到基金中的风险资本规定了上限,防止风险投资家因过多关注该基金而忽视了对其他基金的管理。
    10 风险投资家的报酬结构中如果仅含有与即期收益有关的报酬,就容易导致风险投资家的行为着眼于短期效益。在现代激励理论中,股权和股票期权是一种克服企业经营者短期行为的有效工具,因为它是一种远期风险收入,其价值取决于企业今后的盈利状况,有利于激励经营者着眼于企业的长远发展。故此,在风险投资家的报酬机构中也引入股权收益。
    11 有关风险投资组织形式的详细分析见本章第六节,有限合伙制的风险基金中都规定了基金的固定存续期,同样,公司制风险基金中也可以限定固定存续期,到期基金将被赎回,由此,风险投资公司不得不依靠业绩、声誉再次融资,声誉激励机制将发生作用。
    12 此处值得一提的是,根据中国风险投资研究院公布的《2007中国风险投资年度调研报告》,2006年,在中国宏观经济迅猛增长及政策层面的强力推动下,中国风险投资业延续了自2004年以来全面复苏的态势,并随着中国证券市场的强劲复苏及多层次资本市场体系的完善,步入高速发展的阶段。在2006年新筹集的风险资本中,超过一半的风险资本来源于海外,所占比例高达65.1%,风险资本的管理规模中,海外资本所占比例从2003年的5%激增至2005年的33.9%,2006年更是达到43.7%。
    1 Gompers Paul. Optimal investment, monitoring and the staging of venture capital. Journal of Finance. 1995. 50(5): 1461-1489.
    2 本节的部分研究成果已发表在《工业技术经济》2007年第3期。
    3 此处的投资额是指风险投资家对该创业企业的首轮投资,是相对投资额。所谓相对投资额是指创业家拥有δ剩余索取权时所获得的投资额,占风险投资家拥有全部剩余索取权时的投资额的比例。首轮投资时,创业家的剩余索取权确实与投资额成反比。
    4 Daniel M. Cable and Scott Shane, A prisoner's dilemma approach to entrepreneur-venture capitalist relationships. The Academy of Management Review. 1997, 22 (1): 142-176.
    5 尽管代理成本和代理问题都是由委托代理产生的,有些类同,但本文严格区分这两个概念。代理问题概指逆向选择、道德风险、内部人控制、饰窗效应等,其中逆向选择和道德风险最为普遍;代理成本包括因代理问题而产生或为解决代理问题而付出的成本。
    6 转摘自《风险投资运行机制与模式》,张元萍编,中国金融出版社2003年。
    7 中国人民大学风险投资发展研究中心主任刘曼红在2006年北京(海淀)创业投资论坛开幕式上的讲话中提到:“风险资本投资于创新……但尤其偏爱于高新科技创新……因为高新科技代表了未来”,“电脑和通信的发展经历了硬件到软件到互联网三个阶段,第一阶段风险投资贡献25%,第二阶段贡献50%,第三阶段贡献100%……没有风险投资就没有今天的互联网,也没有今天的生活”。
    8 由于阿里巴巴属非上市公司,股权结构并术对外界公示,我们只能综合媒体公开信息进行猜测。
    9 此命题的结论显而易见,在此不给予证明。
    10 加此处,定义弹性μ=-p/θ (?)θ/(?)p,弹性为正,且大于1。满足:μ=θ+b/θln(θ+b)/b>1,dμ/dp=bμ~2/(θ+b)p-μ/p=p((bμ/θ+b)-1)
    11 本节的主要内容已发表于《经济体制改革》2007年增刊。
    12 参考郑君君:《风险投资中的道德风险与逆向选择》,武汉大学出版社,2006年。
    13 Sapienza, H., and Korsgaard, M. The Role of Procedural Justice in Entrepreneur-venture Capitalist Relation. Academy of Management Journal. 1996 (39): 544-574.
    14 Chertkoff, J., and Esser, J. A Review of Experiment in Explicit Bargaining. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 1976 (12): 464-486.
    15 Schoonhoven, K,. Eisenhardt, K,. and Lyman, K. Speeding Products to Market: Waiting time to First Product Introduction in New Firms. Administrative Science Quarterly. 1990 (35): 177-207.
    16 Sapienza, H. Variations in Venture Capitalist-entrepreneur Relations: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Business Venturing. 1992, (7): 9-27.
    17 Roberts, E. High Stakes for High-tech Entrepreneurs: Understanding Venture Capital Decision Making. Sloan Management Review. 1991, (9): 19-20.
    18 Sapienza, H,. and Gupta, A. Pursuit of Innovation by New Ventures and its Effects on Venture Capitalist-entrepreneur Relations. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 1989: 304-317.
    19 Bowden, R. Bargaining, Size and Return in Venture Capital Funds. Journal of Business Venturing. 1994 (9): 307-330.
    20 Bygrave, W., and Timmons, J. Venture and Risk Capital: Practice and Performance, Promotion and Policy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
    1 参见胡海峰:《风险投资学》,首都经济贸易大学出版社,2006年第一版,P192。
    2 对创业企业所具有的“新颖性缺陷”的描述,详见《风险投资理论与方法》,安实等著,科学出版社2005年。本文同意该书作者的观点,认为新颖性缺陷是产生创业企业未来不确定性的重要来源,并导致风险投资的高风险性。
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