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  • 英文题名:Study on Chinese Contemporary Peasants' Political and Institutionalized Participation
  • 作者:陈松友
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:政治学理论
  • 学位年度:2007
  • 导师:王彩波
  • 学科代码:030201
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2007-10-01
  • 答辩委员会主席:徐湘林
Political participation is the focus problem always noticed by politicial scientists and sociologists. It is an important phenomenon of modern political life and the crucial index to measure political modernization. Certainly, it is also the main contents on democracy constructing. It is well-known that China is a big agricultural country where the majority of people are peasants. In China the level and the extent of political participation by peasants directly affect the progress of Chinese political democratization further as well as influence Chinese political development. This thesis explores a series of problems centered on institutionalized political participation of contemporary peasants in China profoundly and systematically. Concretely speaking, it includes the actuality, restricting factors and the various ways of improving institutionalized political participation. It is directed by basic principles of Marxism Politics. The problem of institutionalized political participation is the core and focus in this article. The research methods adopted by it are mostly ecological analysis, literature analysis, historical analysis, and so on.
     1. At first, the thesis analyzes what is the institutionalized political participation of Chinese contemporary peasants. In this sector, the thesis conceived a basic theory frame encircling institutionalized political participation of peasants. It consists of the basic concepts, characters and types. The thesis considers that institutionalized political participation is the behavior of subjects who participate in political in political life and affect political process according to the institution and procedure proscribed by constitution, laws, rules, policy and byelaws. Institutionalized political participation characterizes universality and procedure, validity and rationality, expectation, value identification, patternized participating behavior. Contemporary peasants’institutionalized political participation activities in China can be divided with the following types: public-opinion-representation, public-opinion-expression, politics-harmonizing, villager self-government.
     2. In the second sector, The thesis analyzes the actuality of contemporary peasantrys’institutionalized political participation in China. Firstly, as for the activity of contemporary peasantrys’institutionalized political participation in China, the thesis cleans up the evaluative course, analyzes the relative achievements in new era, the obvious matters peasants confronts with in the process of institutionalized political participation are also emphasized. The thesis considers that consciousness of political participation for Chinese contemporary peasants has been obviously boosted up; the participant modes also appear plural; the participant instruments are becoming more and more modern; the extent of participation are deepened and enlarged too. However, there are still many problems such as disperse participant subjects, non-normal participant activities, imbalanceable participation, low-efficacy participant, the expanded non-institutional participation activities and so on.
     3. In the third sector, the thesis discusses the restricting factors on contemporary peasants’institutionalized political participation in China. No doubt that there are a lot of problems about peasantrys’institutionalized political participation. Then, it is what that caused these problems, and it is which factors that restricted the action of peasantrys’political participation. The thesis deeply takes apart these questions from the angle of participants, political, economical, cultural and legal environment of participation. In the opinion of this article, peasantrys’limited making, negative recognition and low systematization belong to the restricting factors from political participant subjects. Moreover, Non-perfect systems of political participation, a not very transparent political process, illegal administration from grass roots regime, rent-seeking and corrupted behaviors generated from public power, limited and dissimilated villager self-government, and these factors are obstacle from political environment. The economic development level of rural area is low , this fact is the economical environment that peasants have to face with during their political participated activities; The traditional political culture rooted in feudal society is cultural environment which cumber the political participation of our countrys’peasants. The absence of interrelated legal rules, the dim legal consciousness of peasants, the lack of legal belief and the non-formality of judicial department during the process of executing law form the legal environment of restricting peasantrys’institutionalized political participation.
     4. At last, aimed at those problems our countrys’peasants confronted with during the process of political participation, the thesis puts forward some suggestions and measurements to realize the institutionalized political participation of contemporary peasants in China. The thesis proposes that we can achieve the above goal by improving the making of participant subject and building the surroundings of political participation. As far as the improving of participant subjects’ability, we can start with the following aspects. On the one hand, peasants’political potential should be promoted; on the other hand, peasants’association should be established so as to increase peasant’s systematization. As for the constructing of participating environment, institutionalized system of peasantrys’institutionalized political participation should be constructed and perfected on the political environment, local government action should be stipulated; country economy should be energetically developed to increase the physical foundation of peasants’political participation; participating culture should be shaped on the basis of the existing cultural environment; Certainly, law principles should also be perfected so as to make the peasantrys’political participation more legitimate.
     It is rarely that the problem on Chinese peasants’institutionalized political participation has been explored completely and systemically in the field of Chinese political science. The thesis tries to analyze the problem of Chinese peasants’institutionalized political participation. It is a new angle to explore socialistic democracy and politics. It has a certain extent on exploration and innovation. And it has also a certain consulting value. Based on frame of Chinese contemporary politics, the advancement and realization on Chinese peasants’institutionalized political participation are a long and complex systemic project. Of course, many problems have not been concerned. There are some disadvantages on some issues and analyses. The study of this problem will be explored deeply in the future.
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    1 郭正林认为“政治卷入”有三个基本特征:第一,人治取向。这种政治卷入是以人治为特征的自上而下的群众运动,是农民群众响应国家特别是最高领袖政治号召的社会行动,而不是基于自身经济利益要求及政治权利主张的积极行动;第二,工具主义。这种政治卷入是以国家意志为主导的缺乏个人选择机会的被动行为。卷入政治运动的农民,由于缺乏政治或政策选择的机会,往往成为服务和服从于上层权力斗争的工具,或者成为无自主意识的政治盲从者;第三,阶级斗争。这种政治卷入其实是群众性阶级斗争运动,参与者不是以平等的公民身份和地位参与公共生活,而是以家庭的阶级成分来划分斗争者与被斗争者。参见郭正林:《中国农村权力结构》,中国社会科学出版社 2005年版,第 164 页
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    2 本·巴格迪坎:《传播媒介的垄断》,新华出版社 1986 年版,第 224 页。
    1 [美]:安东尼·奥罗姆:《政治社会学——主体政治的社会剖析》,上海人民出版社 1989 年版,第293 页。
    2 俞可平:《从善政走向善治的关键》载《文汇报》2001 年 2 月 1 日
     1 应松年主编:《走向法治政府:依法行政理论研究与实证调查》,法律出版社 2001 年版,第 555页。
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    2 王中汝:《政治发展视野中的乡镇政权改革研究》吉林人民出版社 2003 年版,第 99 页。
    1 姚立法:《村官何以难当》载《南方周末》2002 年 9 月 12 月
    2 程同顺:《村民自治中的乡村关系及其出路》,《调研世界》2001 年第 7 期,第 31 页。
    1 王中汝:《政治发展视野中的乡镇政权改革研究》吉林人民出版社 2003 年版,第 102 页。
    2 王中汝:《政治发展视野中的乡镇政权改革研究》吉林人民出版社 2003 年版,第 103 页。
    3 《柳市镇发生强行征地事件》,《农民日报》,2004 年 4 月 21 日
    1 布坎南:《自由、市场与国家》三联书店上海分店 1993 年版,第 124 页。
    2 洪晓静:《难以平衡的天平》,《调研世界》2001 年第 1 期,第 32 页。
    3 参见王中汝:《政治发展视野中的乡镇政权改革研究》吉林人民出版社 2003 年版,第 112、115、116 页。
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    1 程同顺:《当代中国农村政治发展研究》天津人民出版社 2000 年版,第 201 页。
    2 程同顺:《村民自治的蜕变与防治》,《调研世界》2001 年第 2 期,第 15 页。
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     1 费孝通:《乡土中国·生育制度》,北京大学出版社 1998 年版,第 30 页。
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    2 亨廷顿:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,三联书店 1989 年版,第 427 页。
    3《马克思恩格斯选集》第 4 卷,人民出版社 1972 年版,第 29 页。
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    3 应星:《审视信访》,《南方周末》2003 年 11 月 13 日
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