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Future society is the world of the characteristic that is with science, information, internationalization and multicultural fast variety. In social conformation with the high intelligence, it is in great need of the high talented, but the earlier period intelligence education realizes exactly these are conditional and basic to alleviate. The research result of modern age brain science expresses the ex-children in school age are placed in the stage that is fast in growth in function, nervous system of every kind of incitement accepts more quickly. It is a big high peak period of the growth in the body and brain. It is also a period that every kind of basic action function and habit motivity begin to design. The earlier period in infants' education decides an individual intellectual development level from now on. If the infants can be gained superior and earlier education, their intelligence will get the astonishing development. As a result, knowledgable education in earlier period is placed by intellectual ed
    ucation in earlier period. It is the crystal that is based on the function of that time and its historical accumulation.
    The intellectual development in infants has already got the values throughout the world. However, there are still some problems existing in our country during it is put into practice specifically. People are widespread to equal the development of the infants to mastery of knowledge and crafts manship. Some parents are eager to wish their children to become a useful person. They proceed to the children super burthen education, which makes the children be placed into the activities all day ,such as reading, writing and calculating. They are short of time that they can use to play games, so their nerve is always in the nervous fettle. However, they don't realize that scientific and condign exercise is extremely important and good for their intellectual development and growth. Sport is the most headspring and
    motivity of children's intelligence and mental development, which has been also proved by science. Sports sensitivity that children acquire from taking exercise is not only beneficial to the development and cultivation of the physical and movable ability, but also to growth of brain nervous system and intellectual development. What's more, it can keep the one-up position of the development that belongs to body and mind during all their life.
    Children's Basic Gymnnastics is a newly arisen athletics that is developed in the infants' athletic realm. And it is based on earring the infants, education policy and the strategy of taking exercise to keep fit to all the people. The activity which is carried out is given a warm welcome from parents and society. It is spoken highly of by people in different fields, such as "To bring benefit to the descendants, To be owned by contemporary public, To make everyone benefit from it forever". It is a basal project that can amelionate. the form and posture of china in the 21st centuty. It also can improve people's diathesis in every aspect at the same time. Therefore, it has got extensive concern from scientific research of people. But in regard to the data controlled, the active affect on the enginery, form, diathsis and development of some and mind has been made a lot of researches and explanations to the infants about Children's basic gymnastics. The research about infants' mentality is not very detailed. The following is mostly about descriptive research, especially experimental research in the intelligence is veiy few. The proof about Children's basic gymnastics has an effect on infants'intellectual influence is lacked.
    Using the infants of kindergarten in parts of Hebei probvince as experimental group (training time-limited in half a your) to take basic gymnastics practice in different difficulty levels, this research also adapts the internationally accepted "Wechsler Children Intellect Scale". It draws the following conclusions from the contrast between the experiment group and
    the contrastive group-these two varied difficulty groups:
    In the com
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