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     本研究从2002年起,对充分发酵后的锯木屑(红松)、椰糠、玉米芯粉、豆秆粉、花生壳粉、酒糟(稻壳型)等有机代用基质的理化特性进行分析,研究了代用基质用作育苗基质的可行性,以及新几内亚凤仙(Impatiens hawkrii)、仙客来(Cyclamen percicum)、一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima)等三种重要盆栽花卉在代用基质中生长适应性和混配基质对新几内亚凤仙生长发育的影响,并对代用基质进行了成本核算。结果如下:
     2.通过香雪球(Lobularia maritima)、鸡冠花(Celosia argentea)、须苞石竹(Dianthus barbatus)和三色堇(Viola tricolor)等四种花卉种子萌发和幼苗生长试验可以看出,锯木屑、椰糠、大豆秸秆、花生壳、玉米芯粉均可作为育苗基质,而酒糟则不宜。椰糠和花生壳粉是良好的发芽基质,供试的4种花卉种子发芽指数(GI)均超过100,作为发芽基质具有良好的广谱性。扦插试验表明,在花生壳粉、锯木屑、椰糠以及豆秆粉条件下,新几内亚凤仙及一品红扦插苗的生根情况优于泥炭,可以作为扦插基质。唯玉米芯基质条件下的扦插苗生根情况稍差,相应指标甚至低于两种泥炭基质。
The peat is widely used as growing medium in greenhouse production, but heavy exploitation of peat will seriously destroy the ecosystem and make tremendous pressure to the ecological environment. Finding new material to substitute for the peat has became to a very important task.
     In this thesis a complete research on the physical and chemical characteristics of the well composted materials such as the sawdust(of the Pinus koraiensis ), the coconut coir, the powder of maize core, the powder of soybean stalk, the powder of peanut hull and the lees was made. The feasibility of those materials being used as transplant production media, and the growth adaptability of the New Guinea Impatiens, the Cyclamen percicum, and the Euphorbia pulcherrima in them was investigated. Moreover, the effect of the amended growing media on the developing of the New Guinea Impatiens was sought also. The results indicated as follow:
     1.Most of the physical characteristics such as the bulk density, porosity and water-holding capacity of those selected materials fit for the soilless cultural media, and can be used as organic substitute for the peat. The organic substitutes have better buffering capacity of the acid, alkali, and the soluble salt, this means that they can make a perfect circumstance for the root system, and prevent more effectively the damage of the change of pH and EC on the root system. The sawdust, powder of the peanut hull can be used as the soilless growing media of perennial flowers because of their steady content of cellulose. The coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk fit for the flowers with shorter growth period. While the powder of maize core and two kinds of contrast peat just can be used as growing media for the annual flowers, because their cellulose decomposed rapidly, after 18 months of decomposition, they looked like sullage with unfit bulk density and porosity.
     2.By the test of seed germination and the growth of seedling of 4 kinds of flowers, we find that all the materials except the lees can be used as growing media. The coconut coir and the powder of peanut hull were good media for germination, for the GI (the germination index) of 4 kinds flower seeds reached to 100. In the sawdust, coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk, root of the New Guinea Impatiens and the Euphorbia pulcherrima cutting were better than that in peat. But in the powder of maize core, the survive ratio of the cutting even lower than that in peat.
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