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翻译能力(Translation Competence)的培养是一个非常复杂的工程。国内外翻译能力及其相关模式研究的快速发展为深入探讨学生翻译能力的培养创造了良好契机。另外,教育心理学领域的最新研究成果业已表明,知识是由个体主动建构而成,并非得自教师的传授。学习过程是知识的生长,是个体新旧经验的相互作用,而不是简单的知识传递和被动接受。目前,长期占据统治地位的客观主义教学范式已逐渐失去其优势,而新兴的建构主义教学范式日益展现出强大的生命力,其影响不断得到深化和加强。显而易见,客观主义与建构主义两大教学范式的不同性质和特点决定了两者具有不同的功能和作用,对二者加以厘清,合理处理二者关系,不仅是优化教学过程、提高教学效果的需要,也是教学理论发展的需要。值得一提的是,近年来,随着中国改革开放进一步深入,对外交流日益增强,社会对外语专业人才、尤其是翻译人才需求量越来越大。然而,由于国内开设翻译专业的高等院校屈指可数,根本无法满足社会对翻译人才的需求,中国诸多高校的外语专业自然也须承担起翻译人才培养的任务。综观目前国内外相关研究,尤其在借鉴吸收现有翻译能力及其相关模式研究成果,分析整合两大教学范式的合理成分,积极构建培养学生翻译能力的教学新模式方面尚为空白,进行研究很有必要。
     本论文的核心内容是结合TEM8考试(目前中国大陆唯一大规模测量英语专业学生高级阶段英语水平的标准参照性教学检查考试),以最新的教学理念以及更加开阔的学术视野重新审视中国高校英语专业翻译教学,把学生无标题语段翻译能力(No-Title Passage Translation Competence)之培养融入中国高校英语专业翻译教学,以适应翻译职业化(翻译产业)和翻译学科研究的需要。具体来说,一方面,本论文借鉴吸收西班牙翻译能力研究小组PACTE的最新成果,从理论上对无标题语段翻译能力的概念和构成要素做出解释和框定;另一方面,本论文受到科学研究的一个新倾向,即包纳简单性方法的复杂性方法的启示和指导,通过分析、整合现有两大教学范式,即,客观主义与建构主义教学范式之合理成分,尝试性构建一个更全面、更有效地培养学生无标题语段翻译能力的中国高校英语专业翻译教学新模式。
     本论文的出发点在于:1.篇章由一个或一个以上的无标题语段(No-Title Passage)组成。纵观历年TEM8试题,翻译部分所用材料全部都是篇幅较短(150-200个英文单词或200个汉字左右)的无标题语段。毋庸置疑,作为具体教学内容,与篇幅较长的篇章翻译以及篇幅更短的句子翻译相比,无标题语段翻译更加切合翻译教学需要。而且,由于没有标题,作者意图以及语段主题难以确立,翻译难度大大增加。从这个意义上讲,只要学生具备了无标题语段翻译能力,也就具备了一般意义上的翻译能力,而这在中国高校英语专业翻译课堂上尚未得到有效开发。2.无标题语段翻译能力之培养必须立足于我们对其构成要素的科学认识。现有翻译能力及其相关模式研究成果为此提供了极大的可能性。3.无标题语段翻译能力之培养必须立足于我们对其培养模式的科学认识。科学研究的一个新倾向,即包纳简单性方法的复杂性方法给予本研究以很大的启示和指导。这一方法借助于两个以至多个并列的彼此独立的理论系统使不同的认识结果互相补充。而且,通过对其优势与不足的分析,本论文发现现有客观主义与建构主义两大教学范式具有很大的互补性。显而易见,第一出发点反映了本论文的重要性、必要性,第二、三出发点反映了本论文的可行性、科学性。值得强调的是,第三出发点还反映了科学研究的新倾向,这也是本论文的理论意义所在。
     如上所述,由于该整合研究的始发理论为客观主义教学范式(the Objectivist Paradigm)和建构主义教学范式(the Constructivist Paradigm),因此,本论文拟建构的翻译教学新模式被命名为Objectivist-Constructivist Theoretic Approach,缩略为OCTA。为了叙述上的便利,本论文依据Richards & Rodgers (1986)的教学方法分析模式,把OCTA教学模式分为三个部分,即,“理论基础”(theoretical foundation)2,“课程设计”(instructional design)和“教学实践”(pedagogic procedures)。在OCTA理论框架内,“理论基础”指的是关于翻译研究和教学的概念和理论;“课程设计”是指建立在“理论基础”之上的翻译课程总体规划;“教学实践”则是指基于“理论基础”和“课程设计”的具体翻译课堂活动,它们相互影响,相互依赖:“理论基础”指导“课程设计”,“课程设计”指导“教学实践”,“教学实践”则可验证并进一步发展“理论基础”。
     问卷调查结果显示,几乎所有中国高校英语专业学生在参加本科翻译教学课程之前除了做过少量作为语言学习手段的翻译练习外,既没有系统的翻译知识积累,也没有接受过任何形式的翻译训练。为了能够在如此短暂的翻译教学时间内(大多为108学时)使得这些翻译“新手”中能有更多的人尽可能快地成长为翻译“能手”,本论文认为,·中国高校英语专业翻译教学过程究其实质应为OCTA理论框架下的学生无标题语段翻译能力的培养过程。该教学过程,可以具体分解为两个紧密衔接的子过程:1.无标题语段翻译能力培养相关知识的记忆与积累过程。2.无标题语段翻译能力培养相关知识的综合应用过程。与前者相对应的课程类型为翻译知识讲座(Translation Introductory Lecture),采用客观主义教学范式,教学内容主要包括翻译基本原理、翻译职业、翻译工具,翻译策略,客观主义及建构主义学习策略,属于初级学习阶段。与后者相对应的课程类型为翻译工作坊(Translation Project Workshop),采用建构主义教学范式,属于高级学习阶段,目的在于通过以学习为中心的课堂练习,通过使用真实无标题语段教学材料(如,历年TEM8翻译试题),帮助学生获得真实的无标题语段翻译经验,尽可能快速、有效地将其在初级学习阶段所掌握的相关知识成功转化为无标题语段翻译能力,即,使得学生能够综合应用所掌握的相关知识,顺利解决无标题语段翻译过程中所遇到的问题,为其将来进入职业化工作状态奠定坚实的基础。
     通过统计数据分析和相关讨论(详见第五章),本论文得出如下结论:在目前中国高校英语专业翻译教学语境下,OCTA教学模式大大优于客观主义与建构主义两大教学范式。具体体现在第一学年翻译教学课程结束时(Month 8 of Tuition),与客观主义与建构主义两大教学范式的应用结果相比对,OCTA教学模式的应用使得学生的无标题语段翻译能力提升幅度更大。此外,鉴于在任何翻译过程中,所有的次级能力都会相互作用,相互促进,本论文由此可以推论,本实证研究尚未包括在内的双语能力,言外能力,心理-生理能力也可得到提高。中国高校英语专业翻译教学过程究其实质应为OCTA理论框架下的学生无标题语段翻译能力的培养过程。
Translation competence (henceforth TC) developing is a challenging task. Very fortunately, the rapid development of TC studies and its correspondent models, one of the frontier areas in translation studies both at home and abroad, provides a tremendous opportunity for this and many other new investigations into students' TC developing. Moreover, nowadays it has become a commonplace in educational psychology that knowledge is constructed by learners, rather than being simply transmitted to them by their teachers. The learning process is the growth of personal knowledge. Learners construct knowledge through the interaction between new information and their preexisting experience. Learners' comprehensive context knowledge represented in different forms will be involved in the process. As a result, the traditional objectivist paradigm which has been occupying the dominant position for many years begins to lose the upper hand, while the newly pervasive constructivist paradigm shows its great vitality.
     Undoubtedly, the different nature and characteristics of these two main pedagogic paradigms predetermines their different functions in the process of teaching practice. How to collate and stipulate these two paradigms in a proper way and to deal with them with appropriate stress during the course of teaching translation for English majors in China's universities will greatly influence the optimization of translation teaching process, the improvement of translation teaching effect, and the development of translation teaching theory. It is worthy of note that, in recent years, along with the reform and opening-up policy going one step further, China has increased exchanges with many more foreign countries. More and more talents in foreign languages, especially qualified translators, are in great demand. However,it is really a pity that there are not so many translation schools in China to meet the urgent needs of society. So it is natural for foreign language colleges or departments of non-foreign language universities in China to share the task of potential capable and qualified translator training.
     The relevant research review both at home and abroad shows that no previous researches have ever attempted to establish a new method for students'TC developing based on the existing research achievements of TC studies and integrating the useful ingredients of the two main pedagogic paradigms mentioned above as well. The present dissertation, therefore, is of great necessity.
     Generally, the present dissertation aims at a tentative exploration into teaching translation for English majors in China's universities. To be more specific, on the one hand, the present dissertation makes a tentative exploration into a workable definition and the components of no-title passage translation competence on the basis of the research findings of the Spanish PACTE's empirical TC study; on the other hand, the present dissertation, greatly enlightened by a new trend in scientific research, namely, understanding com-plicated matters by drawing support from several theoretical systems or adopting a complex approach covering simple methods in the study of human beings and their real and mental world, tentatively establishes a new teaching approach to English majors' no-title passage translation competence developing in China's universities by integrating the merits of the two main pedagogic paradigms, namely, the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm.
     The standing point of the present dissertation lies in the following three aspects:(1) A text is made up of one or more than one no-title passages. Very interestingly, the translation part of TEM8 paper only consists of two no-title passage translations, each of which has about 150-200 English words or 200 Chinese characters or so. It is clear that no-title passage translation is, compared with text translation, the right material to be used for teaching translation. After all, the title is very helpful for translators to determine the theme and authorial intention of the text. In this sense, it goes without doubt that no-title passages, of which a text is made up, sound much more difficult to be understood and translated than the text itself.In other words, as long as the students can do no-title passage translation well, they can do text translation well, too. However, this is not developed adequately in the translation class for English majors in China's universities. (2) No-title passage translation competence developing must depend on the scientific understanding of the components of no-title passage translation competence. It is clear that the research achievements of TC studies, one of the frontier areas in translation studies both at home and abroad, make it possible and feasible. (3) No-title passage translation competence developing should be based on the establishment of an applicable and efficient theoretic approach to teaching translation. A new trend in scientific research, namely, understanding complicated matters by drawing support from several theoretical systems or adopting a complex approach covering simple methods in the study of human beings and their real and mental world, provides the present dissertation with enlightenment and guidance in its tentative establishment of a new approach to teaching translation for English majors in China's universities. It should be pointed out here that after analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the two main pedagogic paradigms, i.e. the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm, the present dissertation identifies their mutual complementarities and the necessity and possibility of a synthesis of them. As far as the present dissertation is concerned, it clearly can be seen that the first aspect highlights the importance and necessity and the last two aspects give more attention to its possibility and feasibility. Moreover, the third aspect reflects a new perspective of scientific research, which is the theoretical value of the present dissertation.
     This doctoral dissertation branches into six chapters. Chapter 1 presents a general introduction to the present dissertation. Chapters 2 and 3 lay the foundation for the present dissertation with a critical literature review, making an analytical comparison of the nature, characteristics, functions and identifying the necessity and possibility of a synthesis of the two main pervasive pedagogic paradigms, i.e. the objectivist paradigm and the con-structivist paradigm. Chapter 4 provides assistance for the present dissertation, making good use of the existing research achievements of TC studies to explore no-title passage translation competence. Chapter 5, greatly enlightened by the new trend in scientific research, namely, understanding complicated matters by drawing support from several theoretical systems or adopting a complex approach covering simple methods in the study of human beings and their real and mental world, formulates a tentative synthetic new approach to teaching translation for English majors in China's universities. Chapter 6 offers conclusions. Methodologically, the present dissertation is mainly qualitative, synthesizing theoretical speculation (a new teaching method establishment) and empirical study (teaching experiment).
     As clearly can be seen from above, one focus of the present dissertation is on the estab-lishment of a more efficient and more comprehensive new approach to teaching translation to develop English majors' no-title passage translation competence in China's universities. Since the two main pervasive paradigms, the merits of which are to be integrated, are the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm, the name of the new teaching approach is Objectivist-Constructivist Theoretic Approach (OCTA for short). For the convenience of expression, the present dissertation, borrowing the theoretical framework proposed by Richards & Rodgers (1986) for analyzing instructional systems in the field of foreign language teaching, divides the OCTA model into the following three aspects: Theoretical Foundation, Instructional Design and Pedagogic Procedures.
     To be more specific, "Theoretical Foundation", the most fundamental level, refers to theories of translation studies and theories of learning & teaching that serve as the source of principles and practices implemented in teaching translation for English majors in China's universities. "Instructional Design" is the link between "Theoretical Foundation" and "Pedagogic Procedures". At the level of "Instructional Design", the use of certain types of teaching activities as a consequence of its theoretical assumptions about translation and learning will be seen. "Pedagogic Procedures" is the level at which how the OCTA model realizes its "Theoretical Foundation" and "Instructional Design" in classroom behavior is described. It is worthy of note that, all in all, the interplay among these three aspects in the OCTA model can be seen as follows:"Instructional Design" is a consequence of "Theoretical Foundation",while "Pedagogic Procedures" is a realization and feedback of both "Theoretical Foundation" and "Instructional Design" in the actual pedagogic practice, namely, teaching translation for English majors in China's universities in the present dissertation.
     A survey shows that translation, to almost all the fresh English majors in China's universities, is only regarded as an effective way to help them learn English. All of them have very little translation knowledge. They have not received any formal translation training before they begin to have translation class as English majors. In order to make some (certainly not all) of these no-title passage translation "novices" into no-title passage translation "experts" as quickly and effectively as possible in such a very short time (54 weeks in all, but two class hours per week), it is believed in the present dissertation that the whole process for teaching translation for English majors in China's universities should by nature be regarded as one that students develop their no-title passage translation competence within the theoretical framework of the OCTA model, which can be divided into two closely related stages:1. Memorization of the knowledge related to no-title passage translation competence,developing.2. Application of the knowledge related.to no-title passage translation competence developing. The former is conducted in such a translation course type as Translation Introductory Lecture which is very workable at the primary learning stage, in which the objectivist paradigm is employed and knowledge related to no-title passage translation competence developing such as basic translation principles, translation professionalization, translation instruments, translation strategies, learning strategies of objectivism and constructivism, is transmitted to the students. The latter is conducted in such a translation course type as Translation Project Workshop which is very workable at the advanced learning stage. In such a translation classroom, the constructivist paradigm is employed and students are guided to experience the process of no-title passage translation competence developing through doing the real practice materials (such as the translation part of TEM8) in the learning-centered classroom.
     Following this, the present dissertation finds it possible for students to develop their no-title passage translation competence as quickly as they can based on the knowledge they have accumulated in the primary learning stage. In this sense, it may be possible for some (certainly not all) to become self-confident autonomous learners with the very sense of responsibility towards their future translation work after graduation.
     In response to the research questions, the major conclusions read as follows:
     1. What are the workable definition as well as the components of no-title passage translation competence?
     Conceptual studies in this doctoral dissertation reveals that (1) In a broad sense, the present dissertation adopts PACTE's TC model, that is, no-title passage translation competence is made up of such 6 sub-competences as bilingual sub-competence, extra-linguistic sub-competence, knowledge about translation sub-competence, instrumental sub-competence, strategic sub-competence and psycho-physiological components, among which strategic sub-competence is essential because it affects all the others and causes inter-relations among them by controlling the translation process (PACTE,2005:03). (2) In a narrow sense, the present dissertation adopts PACTE's TC model but takes only three sub-competences from it, i.e. the strategic, instrumental and knowledge about translation, because of the fact that any bilingual has knowledge of two languages and may have extra-linguistic knowledge, and that teaching time distribution is not suitable for the full development of all the 6 sub-competences in translation classroom.
     More importantly, the present dissertation holds that strategic sub-competence, the essential one, can be explicitly further divided into such five sub-sub-competences that are closely interrelated, multi-layered, convertible and dynamic as competence to determine the authorial intention and passage underlying theme, competence to construct a cognitive framework, competence to reveal the implied meaning of the original text, competence to conduct the diction in the target language, competence to make the target text coherent and cohesive. Of these five sub-sub-competences, the second occupies the most important position. This is proved by the results from the empirical study in Chapter 4. It should be pointed out that in the actual course of no-title passage translation competence developing, all the sub-competences and sub-sub-competences are developed hand in hand constantly.
     2. Theoretically, why is the OCTA model more efficient for English majors'no-title passage translation competence developing in China's universities?
     According to the present research, there are two main reasons as follows:
     Firstly, the OCTA model is a two-dimensional new model for translation teaching, which draws upon the rich nutrition from the two main pedagogic paradigms, i.e. the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm. It is worthy of note that in this new model, knowledge transmission, the key notion of the objectivist paradigm, to some extent, can solve the main problems that the constructivist paradigm faces, while learning in real-life or real-life-like situations, the key notion of the objectivist paradigm, to some extent, can solve the main problems that the objectivist paradigm faces. In this sense, within the framework of the OCTA model, both the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm can be enriched and complemented tentatively. As mentioned above, the objectivist paradigm is characterized by knowledge transmission, suitable for the novice students at the primary learning stage, while the constructivist paradigm is characterized by learning in real-life or real-life-like situations, suitable for the students at the advanced learning stage. Since any process of competence developing can be made up of two stages: the primary learning stage and the advanced learning stage, there is no exception for no-title passage translation competence developing.
     Secondly, the OCTA model proves to be a workable translation teaching approach in the current Chinese translation teaching context. (1) The objectivist paradigm still occupies the dominant position. Both teachers and students get accustomed to it. In addition, at the primary learning stage, what the students will meet with are predominantly well-structured questions. (2) Compared with the objectivist paradigm, the constructivist paradigm is much more workable for ill-structured questions. As to no-title passage translation competence developing, the usual prerequisites to the effective application of the constructivist paradigm are:(ⅰ) Teachers are participants of formal translation teaching training and have professional translation experiences. (ⅱ) Students have grasped enough knowledge related to no-title passage translation competence developing. (ⅲ) Both teachers and students should be competent enough to make use of the constructivist paradigm, which to some extent can be dealt with in advance at the primary learning stage. What is worth noting is that, as opposed to the objectivist paradigm, the constructivist paradigm does not work well without more teaching time and high quality teaching resources though it proves much better in teaching effect, which sounds a great challenge in the current Chinese translation teaching context. According to the present dissertation, a new approach to teaching translation for English majors in China's universities should be established on the basis of integrating the merits of the two main pedagogic paradigms mentioned above for a more efficient account for no-title passage translation competence developing.
     3. From an empirical perspective, to what degree is the OCTA model more efficient for English.majors' no-title passage translation competence developing?
     Heavily based on data analyses and accompanying discussions (see Chapter 5 for further information), such a conclusion is drawn in the present dissertation as follows:in the current Chinese translation teaching context, the OCTA model proves much more efficient than both the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm. To be more specific, at the end of their first year translation teaching program (Month 8 of Tuition), English majors taught in the OCTA model have their no-title passage translation competence improved more remarkably than those taught either in the objectivist paradigm or in the constructivist paradigm. Moreover, granting that all the sub-competences interact with each other in any translation and the improvement of any one may lead to the improvement of the others, the present dissertation infers that all the other sub-competences, i.e. bilingual sub-competence, extra-linguistic sub-competence and psycho-physiological components, excluded from this study, can be improved, too. It is believed in the present dissertation that the whole process for teaching translation for English majors in China's universities should by nature be regarded as one that students develop their no-title passage translation competence within the theoretical framework of the OCTA model.
     In conclusion, the rapid development of TC studies both at home and abroad provides a fresh impetus for China's translation teaching studies, and translation teaching studies in China begin to step into a new stage, with its focus shifting from related knowledge transmission and translation technique explanation to students'TC developing. In the present dissertation, the tentative exploration into the definition and components of no-title passage translation competence as well can be regarded as the enrichment and supplement to the existing research achievements of TC studies. And the tentative establishment of the new OCTA model, to some extent, can resolve the main problems that the two main pedagogic paradigms, i.e. the objectivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm, have confronted with. Evidently, the attempted integration of the two main existing teaching paradigms can be regarded as a proof of the validity of the complex approach covering simple methods. Furthermore, the OCTA model can be extended further to other translation teaching projects. It is believed that the present dissertation will initiate a dialogue towards innovation for teaching translation for English majors in China's universities.
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    1 The term "approach" in the framework of Richards & Rodgers (1986) is substituted with "theoretical foundation" in the OCTA model in order to reduce the possible terminological confusion.
    2本文将Richards & Rodgers (1986)在其教学方法(method)分析模式中所使用的approach(理论基础)一词改称为theoretical foundation,以避免与文中常用术语theoretic approach中的"approach"(模式)相混淆。
    1 Liao Qiaoyun. (2005). C-R-A Model:A Tripartite Account of Verbal Communication[M]. Chengdu:Sichuan University Press, p 10.
    2 Schaffner, C.& B. Adab (eds.) (2000). Developing Translation Competence. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, (?).
    3 Miao Ju. (2006). On the Development of Translation Competence through Translation Instruction[M]. Tianjin:Tianjin People's Publishing House, P.66.
    4 Kiraly, D. (2000). A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education:Empowerment from Theory to Practice[M]. Manchester:St. Jerome, pp.1-4.
    House, J. (1980). Translation in the foreign language classroom, in Applied Translation studies.(eds.), S. O. Poulsen & W. Wilss,7-17. Arhus:Wirtschaftsuniversitat Arhus, pp.7-8.
    6 Neubert, A.& G. Shreve. (1992). Translation as Text[M]. Kent, Ohio:Kent State University Press, p.19.
    7 There are two more Ph.D. dissertations on translation teaching-related topics produced at HKBU in Hong Kong, China: Mu Lei (2004) and Zhang Meifang (1999).
    9 The Proceedings of Conference on Translation Teaching (Liu Jingzhi, Lin Wusun and Jin Shenghua,2000) is the first collection of papers on translation teaching published in Hong Kong, China, covering a wide range of topics on the teaching and learning of translation, including translational curricular design, translation theory and its teaching, translation and interpretation practice, and so on.
    10 Liao Qiaoyun. (2005). C-R-A Model:A Tripartite Account of Verbal Communication[M]. Chengdu:Sichuan University Press, p10.
    11 Wang Xiangling. (2008). Developing Students Translation Competence:A Constructivist Project-based Approach. Ph.D. Thesis (written in English), Changsha, Hunan Normal University, IX.
    12 Liao Qiaoyun. (2005). C-R-A Model:A Tripartite Account of Verbal Communication[M]. Chengdu:Sichuan University Press, ⅲ.
    13 The well-known example is that of the Russian Pavlov (1849-1936) who demonstrated with dogs that a response (e.g. salivation) generated by one stimulus (e.g. food) could be produced by introducing a second stimulus (e.g. a bell) at the same time. This came to be known as S-R (Stimulus-Response) theory or classical conditioning.
    15 Ordinarily, to say that something is constructed is to say that it was not there simply to be found or discovered, but rather that it was built, brought into being by some person's intentional activity at a given point in time. And to say that it was socially constructed is to add that it was built by a society, by a group of people organized in a particular way, with particular values, interests and needs. (Boghossian,2006:16)
    16 Social constructivism provides a framework which encompasses the insights provided by humanistic perspective, and to which mainly committed as educationists, that of social interactionism. (Williams & Burden,1997:39)
    17 Cobb (1994) argues that the two approaches cannot be separated because both complement each other.
    18 The generally-accepted,term is "the transformational approach". For the convenience of expression, the present research uses the constructivist paradigm instead of "the transformational approach"
    19 The generally-accepted term is "the transmissionist approach". For the convenience of expression, the present research uses the objectivist paradigm instead of "the transmissionist approach".
    20 Lasnier establishes the difference between skills (a simple know how which includes declarative knowledge) and capabilities (a combination of skills, a reasonably complex know how which includes skills and declarative knowledge).
    Concerning the characteristics of declarative and operative (or procedural) knowledge, Pozo & Postigo (1993:49) basing their ideas on Wellington (1989) point out a third type of knowledge, explicative knowledge, which is related to know why and which identifies theoretical knowledge. Some scholars (Paris et al.1983,1984) also propose conditional knowledge (which consists of know when and why to use declarative and operative knowledge) which is of great importance for teaching.
    22 Orozco (2000) points out that there have only been two partial attempts at operationalizing TC:Lowe (1987) and Stansfield et al. (1992) (Orozco, quoted in Hurtado Albir,2007:169).
    23 TAPs (think-aloud protocols) involve participants thinking aloud as they are performing a set of specified tasks. Participants are asked to say whatever they are looking at, thinking, doing, and feeling, as they go about their task. This enables observers to see first-hand the process of task completion rather than only its final product. The theoretical framework for TAP experiments comes from Protocol Analysis—verbal reports as data by Ericsson and Simon (1993) who work with a model of human cognition as information processing.
    24 A1-T1 refers to the target text of Text one produced by he first participant of Group A, B15-T2 the target text of Text two by the fifteenth participant of Group B, while C30-T3 the target text of Text three by the last participant of Group C.
    25 Since the participants have larger cognitive space in their native language,they often rephrase Chinese segments to have a good comprehension of the source text.
    28 Students will more openly express their thoughts, feelings, reactions, opinions, information and ideas, when the trust level is high. When the trust level is low, students will be evasive, dishonest, and inconsiderate in their communications. Johnson & Johnson (1991:154)
    30 Hipps, J. A. (1993). Trustworthiness and Authenticity:Alternate Ways to Judge Authentic Assessments, Conference Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, Georgia
    31 At the present stage in our research, measuring instruments have been piloted with good results and has passed reliability and validity tests. Therefore, they are ready to be used in a research project like the one described in this article or in any other project based on the model proposed. (Orozco,2000:209)
    33 It is certain that the results of the first measurement wili never be "0", even though the subjects have not yet any experience of translation. They are "novice" subjects in translation, but they can produce translations of some kind, regardless of their quality, as Lorscher observed (1991:151). learning stage in mainland China's universities. The results of its translation part have considerable impact on translation teaching at the tertiary level in mainland China.

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